The Complexes of tin (IV) chelating nitrogen donors
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmada, SnCl4 ve Me2SnCl2'nin cis-l,2-diaminosiklohegzan ile kompleksleri incelenmektedir. Bunun yanısıra SnCl4'ün, akseptor/donor molar oranlan 1:2 ve 1:4 nispette içeren etilendiamin kompleksleri elde edilmektedir. SnCl4.bipy kompleksi, verilen literatürlerden farklı bir solventte sentezlenmektedir. Giriş bölümünü oluşturan I. bölümde, antikanser aktivite gösteren diorganokalay kompleksleri, tarihsel bir bakış açısı ile izah edilmektedir. Kavranılmaktadır ki; antikanser aktivite gösteren cis-platin bileşiklerinin kullanımı, cis-platin analoglarının verdiği etkilere benzer olan cis-Sn komplekslerinin sentez ve aktivitesi bağlamındaki çalışmaları hızlandırmıştır. Verilmekte olan literatürlerin ışığı altında, ilişkin çalışmalar sunulmaktadır. II. bölümde, bu çalışmanın ana amaçlarını teşkil eden yeni kompleksler ve diğer komplekslerin sentezi detaylı olarak verilmektedir. Komplekslerin elementel analiz verileri, İR, H NMR spektroskopi, potansiyometrik ölçümler ve iletkenlik ölçümleri ile erime noktası aynı bölümde verilmektedir. Tartışmayı oluşturan III. Bölümde, II. Bölümde verilen veriler değerlendirilerek komplekslerin muhtemel yapıları irdelenmektedir. Deneysel kısımda verilen elementel analiz sonuçları ve İR verileri göstertmektedir ki, bipy ligandı stannik klorüre koordine olmaktadır. Etilendiaminin 1:2 ve 1:4 molar oranları ile stannik klorür edat davranışı sergilemektedirler ve iyonik yapılardır. Mikroanaliz, İR, H NMR, kütle spektroskopi verileri ile sonuçları kondüktometrik ölçümler ve potansiyometrik titrasyon verileri göstertmektedir ki, SnCl4'ün cis-l,2-diaminosiklohegzan kompleksi beklenen yapıya sahiptir ve iyonik değildir. Me2SnCl2'nin DACH kompleksi köprülü yapıya sahip olup, metanol çözeltisinde 1:2 iyonik yapıdadır. - 87 -
SUMMARY In this work, the complexes of S11CI4 and Me2SnCl2 with cis-l,2-diaminocyclohexane have been investigated. The adducts of etilendiamine containing 1:2 and 1:4 molar ratio complexes of SnCİ4 have been obtained. Also SnCİ4.bipy complex has been synthesized in a different solvent from the given literatures. In chapter I, which is the Introduction, diorganotin complexes showing anti-tumour activity have been described with a historical point of view. It has been comprehended that the use of cis-platin compounds showing anti-cancer activity accelerates the studies in the context of the synthesis and the activity of cis-Sn complexes which resemble cis-platin analogous giving the same effects. Thus, in the light of the literature which has been given, the related studies have been supplied. In chapter II, synthesis of new complexes and other complexes which are the main purposes of this work have been given in detail. Data of elemental analysis, IR, 'H NMR spectroscopy, potansiyometric measurements and conductivity measurements with melting point of these complexes have been given in the same chapter. In chapter III which is the Discussion section, the probable structure of the complexes were examined in the view of data given in chapter III. Results of elementel analysis, and IR data from the given experimental section show that bipy ligand have been coordinated to the stannic chloride. Etilendiamine which containing 1:2 and 1:4 molar ratio ligands with SnCİ4 exhibited the attitude of particle and they were ionic structures. Results of micronoanalysis, IR, 'H NMR, mass spectroscopies data with conductometric measurements and potentiometric titration data show that cis-l,2-diaminocyclohexane complex of SnCİ4 has expected structure and non-ionic, the adduct of DACH with Me2SnCİ2 is having bridged structure and 1 :2 ionic in methanole solution. - 86 -
SUMMARY In this work, the complexes of S11CI4 and Me2SnCl2 with cis-l,2-diaminocyclohexane have been investigated. The adducts of etilendiamine containing 1:2 and 1:4 molar ratio complexes of SnCİ4 have been obtained. Also SnCİ4.bipy complex has been synthesized in a different solvent from the given literatures. In chapter I, which is the Introduction, diorganotin complexes showing anti-tumour activity have been described with a historical point of view. It has been comprehended that the use of cis-platin compounds showing anti-cancer activity accelerates the studies in the context of the synthesis and the activity of cis-Sn complexes which resemble cis-platin analogous giving the same effects. Thus, in the light of the literature which has been given, the related studies have been supplied. In chapter II, synthesis of new complexes and other complexes which are the main purposes of this work have been given in detail. Data of elemental analysis, IR, 'H NMR spectroscopy, potansiyometric measurements and conductivity measurements with melting point of these complexes have been given in the same chapter. In chapter III which is the Discussion section, the probable structure of the complexes were examined in the view of data given in chapter III. Results of elementel analysis, and IR data from the given experimental section show that bipy ligand have been coordinated to the stannic chloride. Etilendiamine which containing 1:2 and 1:4 molar ratio ligands with SnCİ4 exhibited the attitude of particle and they were ionic structures. Results of micronoanalysis, IR, 'H NMR, mass spectroscopies data with conductometric measurements and potentiometric titration data show that cis-l,2-diaminocyclohexane complex of SnCİ4 has expected structure and non-ionic, the adduct of DACH with Me2SnCİ2 is having bridged structure and 1 :2 ionic in methanole solution. - 86 -
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Azot, Nitrogen, Kalay, Tin, Kimyasal bileşim, Chemical composition