Ateşli silahlarla oluşturulmuş toraks yaralanmaları
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Bu çalışma İ991-1998 yıllan arasında toraks travması nedeniyle Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp Damar ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalları'na acil olarak yatırdan 286 hasta çırasından ateşli silahlar, ile oluşturulmuş 29 yaralanma olgusunu kapsamaktadır. İncelenen olguların erkek/kadın oranı 3.1 olup yaş aralığı ve ortalaması sırasıyla 19-64 ve 36.4 olarak bulundu. Yaralanmaların 11'i av tüfeği (%37) ile oluşturulmuştu. Yandaş yaralanmalar ardsındaimajor vasküler yaralanmalar (%66) ilk sırada yer almakta iken, olguların dokuzuna (%31) torakotomi, birine (%3) median sternotomi ile müdahale edildi. Bu müdahalelerden altısı (%60) acil koşullarda gerçekleştirildi. Ortalama yatış süresi 13.6gündü. Morbidite %57 oranında izlenirken, mortalite iki olgu ile %7 oranında saptandı. Diğer yaralanma tüneri ile kıyaslandığında, bfi yaralanmaların morbidite ve yatış süresine etkisi istatistiksel olarakanlamhbtıhıııdu (sırasıyla p<0.001 vep<£Ö.O5).
The trial comprises 29 cases of thoracic gunshot wounds among 286 thoracic trauma patients urgently hospitalized at the Department ofTlwracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Ege University Medical Faculty, between 1991-i998Tlie male/female ratio was 3.1, age range and the mean age were 19-64 and 36.4, respectively. Eleven (37%) of the cases were injured by shotguns. Among the associated lesions, major vascular injuries were encountered mostfrequently. Thoracoiomy was required in nine (31%), and median sternotomy in one of the cases. Six patients (60%h'were operated under emergent conditions. The mean hospital stay was 13.6 days. Morbidity rate was 57%, representing 16 patients and mortality was seen in two patients. The effect of gunshot wounds to the morbidity and to the length of stay was determined to be statistically significant (p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively).
The trial comprises 29 cases of thoracic gunshot wounds among 286 thoracic trauma patients urgently hospitalized at the Department ofTlwracic and Cardiovascular Surgery of Ege University Medical Faculty, between 1991-i998Tlie male/female ratio was 3.1, age range and the mean age were 19-64 and 36.4, respectively. Eleven (37%) of the cases were injured by shotguns. Among the associated lesions, major vascular injuries were encountered mostfrequently. Thoracoiomy was required in nine (31%), and median sternotomy in one of the cases. Six patients (60%h'were operated under emergent conditions. The mean hospital stay was 13.6 days. Morbidity rate was 57%, representing 16 patients and mortality was seen in two patients. The effect of gunshot wounds to the morbidity and to the length of stay was determined to be statistically significant (p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively).
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