Türkiye-Güney Kore ilişkileri (1993-2002)
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Güney Kore ile Türkiye arasındaki siyasi temaslar Türkiye'nin 1949 yılında Kore Cumhuriyeti'ni bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanımasıyla başlamıştır. Türkiye'nin 1950'de Kore Savaşı'na katılması ve Türk askerlerinin Kore'de gösterdiği kahramanlık, Kore'nin Türk askerinin en çok şehit verdiği yabancı ülkelerden biri olması gibi nedenler, iki ülke arasında sonraki dönemi de etkileyen güçlü bir bağ kurulmasına neden olmuştur. 1957'de diplomatik ilişkilerin kurulmasından sonra karşılıklı resmi ziyaretler, işbirlikleri ve pek çok alanda yapılan anlaşmalar ile ikili ilişkiler güçlendirilmiştir. Sovyetler Birliği'nin dağılmasıyla birlikte Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesi, hem Türkiye'nin hem de Güney Kore'nin benimsediği politikaları değiştirmesine neden olmuştur. Türkiye, Doğu Asya ülkeleriyle işbirliğine yönelirken, Güney Kore ise uluslararası ilişkilerde çok boyutlu bir politika benimsemiştir. 1993-2002 yılları arasında iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler siyasi olarak resmi ziyaretlerle sınırlı kalmış, askeri alanda işbirlikleri ve anlaşmalarla ilişkiler pekiştirilmiştir. Türkiye ile Güney Kore arasındaki güvenlik üzerine kurulu ilişkiler 1990'lardan sonra ekonomi alanına kaydığı için ekonomide ikili ilişkiler daha da fazla çeşitlenmiştir. Başarılı ekonomi politikalarıyla giderek zenginleşen ve kendi ürünleri için pazar arayan Güney Kore ile ekonomide kendine model arayan ve benimsediği ihracata dayalı sanayileşme stratejisi ile dışa açılmaya çalışan Türkiye, ekonomi ve ticaret alanında işbirliği kurma noktasında bir araya gelmişlerdir. İki ülke halkları arasındaki dostluk bağının tekrar canlanmasında 1999 Marmara Depremi ve 2002 Dünya Kupası iki kırılma noktası olmuştur. İki ülkenin arasında geçmişten gelen bağlardan dolayı karşılıklı güven duygusunun oluşması ilişkilerin derinleşmesine ve çeşitlenmesinde önemli bir etken olmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Güney Kore, Dış Politika, Türkiye, İlişkiler, Kardeş Ülke
The beginning of the political interactions between Turkey and South Korea has dated back when Turkey recognised the Republic of Korea as an independent country in 1949. The strong ties between the two countries has been consolidated after Turkey joined the Korean War and fought for Korea valorously in 1950, and left the war with the highest casualty rate as a foreign country. After the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1957, bilateral relations were strengthened with mutual official visits, cooperations and agreements in many fields. The end of the Cold War after the collapse of the Soviet Union caused both Turkey and South Korea to change their policies. After the Cold War era, Turkey has started to improve its relations with East Asian countries, while South Korea has adopted a multidimensional policy in international relations. Between the years of 1993 and 2002, the relations between these two countries were limited to official visits, but the relations were strengthened with cooperations and agreements in military field. Since the military relations between Turkey and South Korea has shifted to the economic relations after the 1990s, bilateral relations of the countries in the field of economy has become more diversified. South Korea, growing increasingly rich with successful economic policies and seeking a dependable market for its products, and Turkey, seeking a model in economy and trying to open more with its export oriented industrialization strategy, have come together to establish cooperation in the field of economic and trade. The most impactful events in the revival of the bond of amity between Turkey and South Korea are 1999 Earthquake of Marmara and 2002 World Cup. With the ties from the past, the formation of mutual trust between the two countries, has been an important factor in the amity and diversification of relations. Key words: South Korea, Foreign Policy, Turkey, Relations, Brother Country.
The beginning of the political interactions between Turkey and South Korea has dated back when Turkey recognised the Republic of Korea as an independent country in 1949. The strong ties between the two countries has been consolidated after Turkey joined the Korean War and fought for Korea valorously in 1950, and left the war with the highest casualty rate as a foreign country. After the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1957, bilateral relations were strengthened with mutual official visits, cooperations and agreements in many fields. The end of the Cold War after the collapse of the Soviet Union caused both Turkey and South Korea to change their policies. After the Cold War era, Turkey has started to improve its relations with East Asian countries, while South Korea has adopted a multidimensional policy in international relations. Between the years of 1993 and 2002, the relations between these two countries were limited to official visits, but the relations were strengthened with cooperations and agreements in military field. Since the military relations between Turkey and South Korea has shifted to the economic relations after the 1990s, bilateral relations of the countries in the field of economy has become more diversified. South Korea, growing increasingly rich with successful economic policies and seeking a dependable market for its products, and Turkey, seeking a model in economy and trying to open more with its export oriented industrialization strategy, have come together to establish cooperation in the field of economic and trade. The most impactful events in the revival of the bond of amity between Turkey and South Korea are 1999 Earthquake of Marmara and 2002 World Cup. With the ties from the past, the formation of mutual trust between the two countries, has been an important factor in the amity and diversification of relations. Key words: South Korea, Foreign Policy, Turkey, Relations, Brother Country.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History, Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations