Hemşireler kabinden kokpite
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Sağlığı yükseltmede, ekonomik, sosyopolitik ve çevresel faktörlerin belirlenerek, yapılması gereken değişikliklerin uygulamaya geçirilmesinde, politikaya duyulan ilgiyi cesaretlendirmek değerli ve geçerli bir hemşirelik aktivitesi olarak görülmektedir. Hemşireler, organizasyonel, lokal ve ulusal düzeyde anlamlı aktivitelerde bulunmalıdırlar. Tarihteki lider hemşirelerin politik çalışmaları sağlıklı çevre, ırksal eşitlik, daha iyi toplumsal ortam ve sağlığı geliştirme konusunda olmuştur. Geçmişten günümüze baktığımızda hemşireler düne göre çok daha pasiftirler. Toplumun bakış açısı hemşireliği "tutucu", "politikaya bulaşmayan" ve "kadın işi" gibi nitelikler ile sınırlı tuttuğundan hemşirelerin politik girişimleri geri kalmıştır. Hemşirelerin her alanda güç kazanmasının en iyi yolu, belirli amaçlara ulaşmak için birlikte hareket edebilmeleridir. Bu birliktelik profesyonel dernekler ve derneklerin birleşimiyle oluşan birlikler desteğiyle olacaktır. Politik bilinç ve uygulama becerileri hemşire eğitiminin başlangıcından itibaren müfredat programında vurgulanmalıdır. Politik katılım süreci hemşirelik öğrencilerine bilincin aşılanmasından hemşirelerin politik yaptırımlara katılmasına kadar süreı\Ülkemizde hala hemşirelikte politik güç elde edilememiştir. Türk Hemşireler Derneği yönetiminin bu konudaki gecikmenin giderilebilmesi için aktif olarak stratejiler saptamak üzere harekete geçmesi ve Türkiye'de yükksekokullardan mezun olan hemşirelerin örgütlenmeye olan ilgisi ve inancı ile kısa zamanda önemli adımlar atılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Encouraging the concern towards politics in implementing the needed changes by determining economic, sociopolitical, and environmental factors is seen as a valuable and valid nursing activity in enhancing the health. Nurses should perform meaningful activities on the organizational, local, and national basis. The political expertises of nurses in history have been on the topics of a healthy environment, racial equity, a better social environment, and promoting health. The best way that would facilitate nurses to gain power in all areas is their ability to act together in order to reach some specific goals. This cooperation will be acquired through the support of professional foundations and the resultant associations constituted by the merge of these foundations. In order to improve the political conscious and practice skills in nursing, these should be emphasized in the nursing curriculum programs from the beginning of nursing training. The process of political participation begins with instilling this conscious in nursing students and is maintained until nurses participate in political sanctions. The political power in nursing still could not be obtained in Turkey. This article has examined political attempts:; of nurses in history, society's perspective regarding women and the nursing occupation, the barriers generated by this perspective on the construction of power and policy, and the strategies that should be followed in constituting power and policy in the nursing education.
Encouraging the concern towards politics in implementing the needed changes by determining economic, sociopolitical, and environmental factors is seen as a valuable and valid nursing activity in enhancing the health. Nurses should perform meaningful activities on the organizational, local, and national basis. The political expertises of nurses in history have been on the topics of a healthy environment, racial equity, a better social environment, and promoting health. The best way that would facilitate nurses to gain power in all areas is their ability to act together in order to reach some specific goals. This cooperation will be acquired through the support of professional foundations and the resultant associations constituted by the merge of these foundations. In order to improve the political conscious and practice skills in nursing, these should be emphasized in the nursing curriculum programs from the beginning of nursing training. The process of political participation begins with instilling this conscious in nursing students and is maintained until nurses participate in political sanctions. The political power in nursing still could not be obtained in Turkey. This article has examined political attempts:; of nurses in history, society's perspective regarding women and the nursing occupation, the barriers generated by this perspective on the construction of power and policy, and the strategies that should be followed in constituting power and policy in the nursing education.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim, Özel
Zonguldak Sağlık Yüksekokulu Sağlık Eğitim Araştırma Derg.
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri