Akvaryum bitkilerinin yetiştiriciliği ve bazı besin tuzlarının önemi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmada tropikal bölgelerden ithal edilen akvaryum bitkilerinin bölge miz koşullarında yetiştirilmesinin mümkün olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca balık havuzu atıklarında bulunan nutrient tuzlar tespit edilmiş ve bu tuzların bitki büyümesine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma periyodu boyunca suda sıcaklık (°C), pH ve oksijen (mg/lt.) tayinlerinin yanısıra nitrat, nitrit, amonyum ve fosfat analizleri de yapılmıştır. Böylelikle hem substatın hemde suyun durumu hakmda fikir edinil miştir. Çalışmada iki beton havuz kullanılmıştır. Substrat materyali olarak havuz lardan birine sadece ince kum diğerine ise balık havuzu atıkları ile zenginleştirilmiş ince kum konulmuştur. Balık havuzu atıkları, balık dışkılarına ek olarak ağaçlardan düşen yapraklan ve suda bulunan alglerin oluşturduğu detritüsü de içermektedir. Akvaryum bitkilerinin seçiminde akvaryumcularda sık rastlanan türler olmasma dikkat edilmiştir. Vallisneria gigantea, Vaîlisneria spiralis, Ludwigia re- pens, Bacopa amplexicaulis, Cobomba carollina ve Elodea nutalli olmak üzere altı tür bitki kullanıldı. Bitkiler her iki havuza da 5'er adetlik gruplar halinde ekilmiştir. Balık havuzu atıkları ile yapılan bu gübrelemenin bu türlerin büyümeleri üzerine olan etkisi izlenmiştir. Bitkiler için en faydalı doğal nutrientin balıklar tarafından üretildiği teorisi doğrultusunda yapılan bu denemenin sonunda tüm bitkilerin Mayıs ve Haziran 1992'yi içeren iki aylık periyod öncesinde tespit edilen adet, total boy ve total ağırlık ölçümleri ile hasat sonrası tespit edilen ölçümleri karşılaştınimıştır. Sonu olarak altı tür bitki içinde gübresiz ortamla kıyaslandığında gübreli ortamdaki büyümenin belir- ginbir farklılık gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Bu sonuca bağlı olarak balık havuzu atıklarının akvaryum bitkileride büyümeyi hızlandırdığım kanıtlanmıştır. 72
SUMMARY In this study the possibility of the aquarium plants, imported from tropical countriel topropogate in fools at our regional conditions in investigated. In addition to prove the nutrient salts included by the fish pool wastes, the effects of this salts on growth of plant was researched. Along the research period, nitrit, amonium and phospat analysis done with temperature (°C), pH and oksigen (ppm.) designations. By the way it is knowladgeble about eighter substrat ore water conditions. Two concrete pool were used as substrate material, only slight sand was settled to one of the pool and to the other one slight sand enriched with fish pool wastes were settled. In the addition the fish stools fish pool waters include the falling leaves of the trees and the decay of the alges in water. It was taken in care to select the plants from the species which were frequently sold in aquatists. 6 species as Val- lisneria gigantea, Vallisneria spiralis, Ludwigia repens, Bacopa amplexicauiis, Co- bomba carollina and Elodea nutalli were used. Plants were set up in ecah pool as five in one group. The effect of fertilization by fish pool wastes were dedected in these experiments. Starting from the theory that the most useful natural nutrient was produced by the fishes, the number, the total weight and the length of the species were deter- mind before the twice month periof of May and June 1992 and after the harvest growth of these species were determined. Then this values were compared as a result of this study an appearent difference in the growth of six species in fertilized than unfortilizide enviroment were determined. The effect of fish pool wastes on the growth of aquarium plants were proved by the results of the experiments. 73
SUMMARY In this study the possibility of the aquarium plants, imported from tropical countriel topropogate in fools at our regional conditions in investigated. In addition to prove the nutrient salts included by the fish pool wastes, the effects of this salts on growth of plant was researched. Along the research period, nitrit, amonium and phospat analysis done with temperature (°C), pH and oksigen (ppm.) designations. By the way it is knowladgeble about eighter substrat ore water conditions. Two concrete pool were used as substrate material, only slight sand was settled to one of the pool and to the other one slight sand enriched with fish pool wastes were settled. In the addition the fish stools fish pool waters include the falling leaves of the trees and the decay of the alges in water. It was taken in care to select the plants from the species which were frequently sold in aquatists. 6 species as Val- lisneria gigantea, Vallisneria spiralis, Ludwigia repens, Bacopa amplexicauiis, Co- bomba carollina and Elodea nutalli were used. Plants were set up in ecah pool as five in one group. The effect of fertilization by fish pool wastes were dedected in these experiments. Starting from the theory that the most useful natural nutrient was produced by the fishes, the number, the total weight and the length of the species were deter- mind before the twice month periof of May and June 1992 and after the harvest growth of these species were determined. Then this values were compared as a result of this study an appearent difference in the growth of six species in fertilized than unfortilizide enviroment were determined. The effect of fish pool wastes on the growth of aquarium plants were proved by the results of the experiments. 73
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Akvaryum bitkileri, Aquarium plants, Besleyici maddeler, Nutrients, Bitki büyüme, Plant growth, Su ürünleri, Aquatic products