Kamu finansman aracı olarak iç borçlanma ve Türkiye'de kamu borçları yönetimi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Devlet kamu hizmetlerini yerine getirebilmek için kamu gelirlerine ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Kamu gelirlerinin en önemli kaynağı vergiler olmasına rağmen, borçlanma yoluyla sağlanan gelirlerin payı giderek artmaktadır. Borçlanmanın kaynağı ise iç piyasalar ya da yabancı kaynaklar olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı 1980-2002 döneminde kamu iç borçlanma araçlarının yapısal gelişimini incelemek ve etkin bir borç yönetimini önemi ortaya koymaktır. Elde ettiğimiz temel bulgular şöyledir: Günümüzde iç borçlar Türkiye'nin en önemli sorunu haline gelmiştir. Bunun en önemli nedeni kamunun borçlanma gereğindeki artışa bağlı olarak iç borçlanmaya ölçüsüz bir biçimde başvurulmuştur. Bu dönemde iç borç araçlarının içerisinde dalgalı borçların (kısa süreli borçlar) oram hızla yükselirken, konsolide borçların oram hızla azalmıştır. Yoğun iç borçlanmanın yaşandığı yıllarla seçim yıllan arasında yakın bir ilişki vardır. Bu yıllarda borç stoku, yükselen faiz oranlarına ve kısalan vadelere rağmen artmıştır. Son dönemlerde yaşanan krizler etkin ve sağlıklı bir borç yönetiminin önemini ortaya çıkartmıştır. Borç yönetim politikaları her ne kadar krizlerin ana nedeni olmasa da, borç portföyünün vade yapısı, faiz oranı ve para cinsi kompozisyonun yanı sıra koşullu yükümlülükler de krizlerin derinleşmesinde önemli roller oynamaktadır. Borçların risk gözetilmeden yönetilmeye çalışılması ülkeleri ekonomik ve finansal şoklara açık hale getirmektedir
ABSTRACT The government needs public revenues in order to perform public services, Although taxes are the most important source of public revenues, revenues acquired by borrowing increases. The source of this borrowing is either domestic market or foreign sources. The purpose of the study is to analyze developments in the structure of public domestic borrowing instruments during the period of 1980-2002 and show the importance of the efficient debt management. The main findings of study are as follows: Today domestic borrowing becomes the most important problem in Turkey. Domestic borrowing has been used immoderately due to increases in public's borrowing requirements. As the ratio of short-term debts within the instruments increases over time, the ratio of long-term debts have been decreased. There has been found a close relationship between resorting to domestic borrowing intensely and election years. In these years, debt stock has been increased in spite of rising interest rates and shrinking terms. Several debt market crisis have highligted the importance of efficient and sound debt management. Although government debt management policies may not have been the sole or even the main cause of these crises, the maturity structure, and interest rate and currency composition of the government's debt portfolio, together with substantial obligations in respect of contingent liabilities have often contributed to the severity of the crisis. Risky debt management practices increases the vulnerability of the economy to economic and financial shocks.
ABSTRACT The government needs public revenues in order to perform public services, Although taxes are the most important source of public revenues, revenues acquired by borrowing increases. The source of this borrowing is either domestic market or foreign sources. The purpose of the study is to analyze developments in the structure of public domestic borrowing instruments during the period of 1980-2002 and show the importance of the efficient debt management. The main findings of study are as follows: Today domestic borrowing becomes the most important problem in Turkey. Domestic borrowing has been used immoderately due to increases in public's borrowing requirements. As the ratio of short-term debts within the instruments increases over time, the ratio of long-term debts have been decreased. There has been found a close relationship between resorting to domestic borrowing intensely and election years. In these years, debt stock has been increased in spite of rising interest rates and shrinking terms. Several debt market crisis have highligted the importance of efficient and sound debt management. Although government debt management policies may not have been the sole or even the main cause of these crises, the maturity structure, and interest rate and currency composition of the government's debt portfolio, together with substantial obligations in respect of contingent liabilities have often contributed to the severity of the crisis. Risky debt management practices increases the vulnerability of the economy to economic and financial shocks.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekonomi, Economics, Borçlanma, Borrowing, Borçlanma yönetimi, Debt management, Kamu borçları, Public debts, İç borçlanma, Domestic borrowing