Bazı ıslatılmış sebze tohumlarının ekim tekniği üzerine bir araştırma
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
VIII ABSTRACT Klasik kuru tohum ekim yöntemine alternatif olarak geliştirilen jelle ekim yönteminde, erkencilik ve yüksek tarla filiz çıkış derecesi sağlanabilmektedir. Fakat, jel ve tohum-jel karışımı hazırlanmasında uygulama zorluğu ve ekonomik yönden birtakım sakıncalar olabilir. Bundan kaçınmak ve jelle ekimde olduğu gibi tohumlardan, erken, yüksek tarla filiz çıkış dereceli ve bunlarla birlikte eş zamanlı bir çıkış sağlanması için, su aldırılarak suda şişirilmiş ve böylece çimlenmeye ümitlenmiş tohum ekim yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yukarıda belirtilen amaçlara uygun ekim yapabilecek bir hidro- pnomatik ekici düzen geliştirilmiştir. Islatılmış biber ve domates tohumlarıyla laboratuarda, yapışkan bant üzerine ekim denemeleri yapılmıştır. Denemelerde emme ve üfleme basıncı değerleri, su-tohum konsantrasyon oram, ilerleme hızı, dane atım frekansı, eğimden etkilenme derecesi, ve sıra üzeri tohum dağılım düzgünlüğü değerleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Denemeler sonucunda; geliştirilen hidro-pnomatik ekici düzenin; biber tohumlarında 60 mbar emme ~ 40 mbar üfleme, domates tohumlarında 60 mbar emme ~ 60 mbar üfleme basıncında, %34 T.F.Ç.D. ve 150 cm sura arası mesafe için Z=9 cm sıra üzeri ekim mesafesi, 1750 ml su ~ 200 g. tohum konsantrasyon oranı, düzde (%0 eğim derecesi) ve 1.0 m/s. ilerleme hızında başarılı bulunmuştur
IX ABSTRACT Fluid drilling as an alternative to conventional drilling provides high emergence and early-rising.. On the other hand there are some difficulties associated with fluid drilling. Those difficulties are mainly related to the preparation of gel and seed mixture and some economical problems. To avoid these problems, a drilling technique that uses the seeds soaked in water and provides high field and simultaneous emergence just like fluid drilling was developed. In this study, the seeder developed was a hydro-pneumatic one in order to meet the requirements mentioned above. Some experiments were carried out in the laboratory to determine the appropriateness of the seeder. For the experiments, a sticky belt that allows the simulation of field conditions was used in the laboratory. During the experiments, vacuum and blowing pressures, seed- water concentration, working speed and the frequency of seed release, and the inclination effects were determined. The results obtained from the study indicated that at 60 mbar vacuum and 40 mbar blowing pressures for pepper and 60 mbar vacuum and blowing pressures are the suitable pressure levels. At 34% emergence level and 9 cm seed spacing, the concentration of 1750 ml water and 200 gr. seed and 1.0 m/s working speed and no inclination were found to be optimum conditions for a successful drilling.
IX ABSTRACT Fluid drilling as an alternative to conventional drilling provides high emergence and early-rising.. On the other hand there are some difficulties associated with fluid drilling. Those difficulties are mainly related to the preparation of gel and seed mixture and some economical problems. To avoid these problems, a drilling technique that uses the seeds soaked in water and provides high field and simultaneous emergence just like fluid drilling was developed. In this study, the seeder developed was a hydro-pneumatic one in order to meet the requirements mentioned above. Some experiments were carried out in the laboratory to determine the appropriateness of the seeder. For the experiments, a sticky belt that allows the simulation of field conditions was used in the laboratory. During the experiments, vacuum and blowing pressures, seed- water concentration, working speed and the frequency of seed release, and the inclination effects were determined. The results obtained from the study indicated that at 60 mbar vacuum and 40 mbar blowing pressures for pepper and 60 mbar vacuum and blowing pressures are the suitable pressure levels. At 34% emergence level and 9 cm seed spacing, the concentration of 1750 ml water and 200 gr. seed and 1.0 m/s working speed and no inclination were found to be optimum conditions for a successful drilling.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ekim yöntemleri, Sowing method, Tohumlar, Seeds