15 Yaş üzeri kadın ve erkeklerde algılanan sağlık durumunun değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu araştırma Denizli ili Çivril ilçesinde yaşayan 15 yaş ve üzeri kadın ve erkeklerde algılanan sağlık durumunu değerlendirmek ve bunu etkileyen etmenleri incelemek amacıyla kesitsel ve tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmış bir alan çalışmasıdır. Araştırma Çivril ilçesinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın evrenini 3759 konutta yaşayan 15 yaş ve üzeri 10005 kişi oluşturmuştur. Örnekleme 370 kişi seçilmiştir. Her mahalleye ulaşmanın mümkün olmayacağı düşünülerek basit tesadüfi örneklem tekniği ile üç mahalle seçilmiştir. Kişiler tabakalı örneklem tekniği ile yaş gruplarına göre sınıflandırılarak üç mahalleden seçilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket formu düzenlenmiştir. Anketin ilk bölümü kişilere ilişkin tanıtıcı bilgilerin toplanması için toplam 17 sorudan oluşmaktadır. İkinci bölümde algılanan sağlıkla ilgili tek bir soruya yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde kişilerin sağlık yakınmaları ve hastalık durumlarına ilişkin bilgi toplamak için toplam 9 soruya yer verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde ise kişilerin bedensel ve sosyal yeti yitimlerini değerlendirebilmek için DSÖ tarafından geliştirilen Geçici Yeti Yitimi Ölçeği (Brief Disability Questionnaire) kullanılmıştır. Toplam 9 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Toplanılan verilerin değerlendirilmesi, sosyo-demografik verileri, algılanan sağlık durumu ve değişkenlerle ilişkisi SPSS bilgisayar paket programından yararlanılarak ki-kare, varyans analizi, lojistik regresyon analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Kişilerin %53.5'i kadın, %25.7'si 25-34 yaş grubundan, %70.3'ü evli bulunmuştur. Kişilerin %11.4'ü okur yazar değil iken %7.8'i okur yazardır. Kişilerin %19.2'si memur, % 14.3'ü esnaf iken % 1.9'u işsiz bulunmuştur. Kişilerin %7.8'inin 5 ve üzeri çocuğu olduğu ve %61.1'inin 11 yıl ve üstünde sürelerde Çivril de yaşadığı saptanmıştır. Kişilerin %60.5'inin oturduğu ev kendisine ait, %17.8'i ise gecekonduda yaşamaktadır. Kişilerin %51.9'unun aylık kazancı 99 milyon ve altında, % 10353.2'sinin ise gelirinin giderinden az olduğu bulunmuştur. Kişilerin %20.5'inin sağlık güvencesi yok, %15.4'ü sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanmamakta, %50.1'i de verilen sağlık hizmetlerinden memnun değildir. Kişilerin %54.1'i sağlığını iyi algılamakta, %45.9'u da sağlığını kötü algılamaktadır. Kişilerin araştırma anında %38.4'ünde sağlık yakınmasının olduğu, %34.1'inin de sağlık yakınması anında hiç bir uygulama yapmadığı saptanmıştır. Kişilerin %41.9'unun kronik hastalığı olduğu, %54.9'unun son dört hafta içerisinde ilaç kullandığı ve %7.0'sinin de son dört hafta içerisinde yatarak tedavi gördüğü saptanmıştır. Kişilerin %10.3'ün de ağır derecede yeti yitimi vardır. Ayrıca kişilerin sosyo demografik verilerinin algılanan sağlık durumuna etkisi incelenmiştir. Kişilerin cinsiyet durumları algılanan sağlık durumunu etkilemektedir. Kadınların algılanan sağlık durumlarının erkeklere göre daha olumsuz olduğu saptanmıştır. Kişilerin yaşı arttıkça algılanan sağlık durumu olumsuzlaşmaktadır. Kişilerin eğitim durumları ile algılanan sağlık durumu arasında ilişki incelenmiş, okur yazar olmayan ve okur yazar olan kişilerin algılanan sağlık durumlarının diğer eğitim gruplarından daha olumsuz olduğu saptanmıştır. Ancak eğitim durumunun artması algılanan sağlık durumunu etkilememiştir. Gelir durumu iyi olan kişilerin algılanan sağlık durumu da iyidir. Çocuk sayısının artması algılanan sağlığı olumsuz etkilemiştir. Kişilerin sağlık güvence durumları ile algılanan sağlık durumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır. Kişilerin sağlık yakınmaları ve hastalık durumları da algılanan sağlığı etkilemektedir. Araştırma anında sağlık yakınması olan, son on beş gün içerisinde 5 ve daha fazla sağlık yakınması bildiren, kronik hastalığı olan, son dört hafta içerisinde ilaç kullanan, Geçici Yeti Yitimi ve son dört hafta içerisinde sağlık sorunu nedeniyle evde gün geçiren kişilerin algılanan sağlık durumlarının olumsuz olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları göz önüne alınarak toplumun sağlık düzeyini yükseltebilmek için sağlık hizmetlerinin daha etkin bir şekilde planlanması, önceliklerin belirlenmesi, topluma yönelik eğitim programlarının hazırlanması, halka 104sağlıkla ilgili bilgilerin verilmesi, evde bakım hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi,kitle iletişim araçları ile sağlık eğitimi verilmesi gibi öneriler getirilmiştir. 105
SUMMARY This research was accomplished as a cross-sectional and definitive field study. It was done in order to evaluate the perceived health status and to examine their effective factors of women and men at 1 5 years of age and over, who reside within the county of Çivril, Denizli, The research was conducted within the county of Çivril. The extent of the research consisted of 10.005 individuals at 15 years of age and over who lived in 3759 houses. 370 individuals were selected for sampling. Since it was thought to reach each district was impossible, three wards were selected through simple randomized sampling technique. Individuals were selected from three wards as being classified according to age groups by stratified sampling technique. A survey form ( questionnaire) was used in the research as a data collecting tool. In order to collect introductory data related to individuals, first part of the survey form consisted of 1 7 questions totally. In the second part only one question pertaining to perceived health status took place. 9 questions were included in the third part in order to collect data related to individuals health complaints and morbidity. In the fourth part, for assessment of individuals physical and social disabilities, a Brief Disability Questionnarie developed by DSÖ which consisted of 9 questions was used. In the evaluation of data collected, socio-demographic inputs, perceived health status and relationship with variables were accomplished by utilization of SPSS computer program. Q-square (ki-kare) variance analysis and logistic regression analysis were also used. As a result of assessment of data collected the following conclusions were obtained. It was found that 53.5 % of the population were female, 25.7 % were within the 25-34 age group and 70.3 % were married. While 1 1.4 of the population were not able to read & write, 7.8 % were able. % 19.2 of the individuals were government employees, 14.3 % were tradesmen, 1.9 % were found to be 106unemployed. It was determined that 7.8 % of the population have had 5 or more children and 61.1 % of them lived in county of Çivril for periods of 11 years or more. While 60.5 % of the individuals owned the houses they lived in, 17.8 % were trying to survive in squatter houses. It was discovered that 51.9 % of the population monthly income was 99 million TL or less, 53.2 % were earning less then their expenses. 20.5 % of the individual did not have health insurance (social security), 15.4 % were not using medical services, and 50.11% were not happy with the medical services provided. While 54.1 % of the individuals perceive their health well, other 45.9 % perceived badly. It was discovered during the research that 38.4 % of the population were complaining about their health, 34. 1 % them did not take any medical action during health complaint. It was determined that 41.9 % of the individuals had chronic disease, 54.9 % of them used medication within the last four weeks, and 7.0 % of them had treatment as inpatients within the last four weeks. 10.3 % of the individual had severe loss of ability. In addition, effects of socio-demographic data of the individuals to perceived health status were also studied. Sexual status of individuals were effecting perceived health status. It was determined that females perceived health status were unfavorable then males. The more individual's age was increased, the perceived health status worsened. The relationship between population education levels and perceived health status were investigated and it was determined that perceived health status of the individuals who are not able to read & write and merely can read & write were worse then other education groups. Whereas increase in education did not effect the perceived health status. Individuals had good income had also good perceived health status as well. The increase in number of children also effected perceived health status unfavorably. There was no significant relationship between individuals status of social security and perceived health status. 107Individuals health complaints and their status of morbidity were effecting the perceived health status. It was determined that individuals who had complaints about health during research, who had 5 or more complaints within the last 15 days, who had chronic disease, who took medication within the last four weeks, whp had brief disability, and who spent last four weeks at home due to health problems, had unfavorable perceived health status. In order to promote the health level of the population through taking the results of the research under consideration, the following suggestions put forward ; more effectively planning of health care services, identification of priorities, preparation of training programs aimed at public, disseminate data related to health care to the public, development of home care services, etc. 108
SUMMARY This research was accomplished as a cross-sectional and definitive field study. It was done in order to evaluate the perceived health status and to examine their effective factors of women and men at 1 5 years of age and over, who reside within the county of Çivril, Denizli, The research was conducted within the county of Çivril. The extent of the research consisted of 10.005 individuals at 15 years of age and over who lived in 3759 houses. 370 individuals were selected for sampling. Since it was thought to reach each district was impossible, three wards were selected through simple randomized sampling technique. Individuals were selected from three wards as being classified according to age groups by stratified sampling technique. A survey form ( questionnaire) was used in the research as a data collecting tool. In order to collect introductory data related to individuals, first part of the survey form consisted of 1 7 questions totally. In the second part only one question pertaining to perceived health status took place. 9 questions were included in the third part in order to collect data related to individuals health complaints and morbidity. In the fourth part, for assessment of individuals physical and social disabilities, a Brief Disability Questionnarie developed by DSÖ which consisted of 9 questions was used. In the evaluation of data collected, socio-demographic inputs, perceived health status and relationship with variables were accomplished by utilization of SPSS computer program. Q-square (ki-kare) variance analysis and logistic regression analysis were also used. As a result of assessment of data collected the following conclusions were obtained. It was found that 53.5 % of the population were female, 25.7 % were within the 25-34 age group and 70.3 % were married. While 1 1.4 of the population were not able to read & write, 7.8 % were able. % 19.2 of the individuals were government employees, 14.3 % were tradesmen, 1.9 % were found to be 106unemployed. It was determined that 7.8 % of the population have had 5 or more children and 61.1 % of them lived in county of Çivril for periods of 11 years or more. While 60.5 % of the individuals owned the houses they lived in, 17.8 % were trying to survive in squatter houses. It was discovered that 51.9 % of the population monthly income was 99 million TL or less, 53.2 % were earning less then their expenses. 20.5 % of the individual did not have health insurance (social security), 15.4 % were not using medical services, and 50.11% were not happy with the medical services provided. While 54.1 % of the individuals perceive their health well, other 45.9 % perceived badly. It was discovered during the research that 38.4 % of the population were complaining about their health, 34. 1 % them did not take any medical action during health complaint. It was determined that 41.9 % of the individuals had chronic disease, 54.9 % of them used medication within the last four weeks, and 7.0 % of them had treatment as inpatients within the last four weeks. 10.3 % of the individual had severe loss of ability. In addition, effects of socio-demographic data of the individuals to perceived health status were also studied. Sexual status of individuals were effecting perceived health status. It was determined that females perceived health status were unfavorable then males. The more individual's age was increased, the perceived health status worsened. The relationship between population education levels and perceived health status were investigated and it was determined that perceived health status of the individuals who are not able to read & write and merely can read & write were worse then other education groups. Whereas increase in education did not effect the perceived health status. Individuals had good income had also good perceived health status as well. The increase in number of children also effected perceived health status unfavorably. There was no significant relationship between individuals status of social security and perceived health status. 107Individuals health complaints and their status of morbidity were effecting the perceived health status. It was determined that individuals who had complaints about health during research, who had 5 or more complaints within the last 15 days, who had chronic disease, who took medication within the last four weeks, whp had brief disability, and who spent last four weeks at home due to health problems, had unfavorable perceived health status. In order to promote the health level of the population through taking the results of the research under consideration, the following suggestions put forward ; more effectively planning of health care services, identification of priorities, preparation of training programs aimed at public, disseminate data related to health care to the public, development of home care services, etc. 108
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing, Sağlık, Health