Böbrek nakli hastasında dizde osteonekroza eşlik eden bilateral septik artrit: Olgu sunumu
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Septik artrit organ nakli hastalarında oldukça nadir olup, genel populasyondan farklı olarak sıklıkla gram negatif ve/veya atipik ajanlar enfeksiyondan sorumludur. Osteonekroz böbrek nakli hastalarında iskelet sistemini etkileyen en sık komplikasyonlardan biridir. Organ nakli hastalarında, kortikosteroid tedavisi başta olmak üzere immünsüpresif ilaçlar, gecikmiş greft fonksiyonu, genetik özellikler, transplant öncesi diyaliz süresi ve böbrek yetmezliğinin nedeni osteonekroz için suçlanan risk faktörlerindendir. Biz bu yazıda, bilateral diz osteonekrozuna eşlik eden Escherichia coli'ye bağlı septik artritli bir böbrek nakilli hastayı sunuyoruz.
Septic arthritis is rarely seen in transplant patients and differs from the general population with regards to gram negative and/or atypical agents being the prominent causes. In renal transplant patients, osteonecrosis is one of the major musculo-skeletal complications. In transplant patients, immunosupressive drugs, delayed graft function, genetics, HD duration before transplantation, cause of renal failure are among the risk factors for ostenecrosis. In this case report, we present a renal transplant patient with bilateral knee osteonecrosis and septic arthritis due to Escherichia coli.
Septic arthritis is rarely seen in transplant patients and differs from the general population with regards to gram negative and/or atypical agents being the prominent causes. In renal transplant patients, osteonecrosis is one of the major musculo-skeletal complications. In transplant patients, immunosupressive drugs, delayed graft function, genetics, HD duration before transplantation, cause of renal failure are among the risk factors for ostenecrosis. In this case report, we present a renal transplant patient with bilateral knee osteonecrosis and septic arthritis due to Escherichia coli.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
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