Spil dağı florasının fotosentetik metabolizmasının anatomik ve fizyolojik olarak incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
57 6. ÖZET Dünyada aşırı nüfus artışı, tarım yapılacak alanların çevre kirliliği nedeniyle gittikçe sınırlanması insanlığı korkutan problem haline gelmiştir. Bu durum tabiat bilimcilerini doğal, olarak yetişen, yüksek uyum yeteneğine sahip, insan besini olmaya uygun bitkileri bulma arayışına sürüklemiştir. Bir dizi çalışmalar sonucunda., fotosentetik verimliliği farklı CAM,C,, C. tipi metabolizmaya sahip bitki grupları tesbit edilmiştir. Özellikle C, fotosentetik metabolizmaya sahip bitki türlerinin çeşitli stres koşullara uyum sağladığı ve ürünün bol olduğu görülmüştür. Yapısal olarak C, bitkileri,ışık solunum hızı, emm sistemi, fizyolojik ve anatomik özellikleri,Na iz element miktarının farklı olmasıyla C, bitkilerinden ayrılmaktadır. Araştırma materyali Nisan-19881 de Manisa-Spil dağından toplan mıştır. 95 tür üzerinde fizyolojik, 88 tür üzerindede anatomik çalışmalar yapılarak bitki türlerinin C, veya C. fotosentetik metabolizmaya sahipliği araştırılmıştır. Fizyolojik çalışmada, materyaller Öncelikle kurutularak »öğütül müş, 2 tekrarlı analizi yapılacak şekilde eşit parçalara ayrılmıştır. Öğütülen materyalden 5 gr alınmış,üzerine % 80 lik 30 mi etanol konulmuş ve 24. saat bekletildikten sonra süzülmüş tür. Etanol rotarievoparatör ile buharlaştırılmış, örnek saf su ile 30 mi' ye tamamlanmıştır (Süzüntü I). Süzüntü I den artan posa üzerine 30 mi saf su eklenmiş, 24 saat bekletildikten58 sonra süzülmüştür (Süzüntü II). Süzüntü II* den kalan posa üzerine 30 rai % 52 ' lik perklorik asit konularak 24 saat bekletilmiş ve süzülmüştür (Süzüntü III). Süzüntü I, Süzüntü II, Süzüntü III üzerine 3 er mi Anthron çözeltisi ilave edilmiş, 10 dk beklendikten sonra spektrofoto- metre ile 620 nra'de absorbsiyon değerleri okunarak süzüntü I 'de glukoz, süzüntü II' de fruktoz, süzüntü III 'de nişasta tayini yapılmıştır. Materyalde saptanan glukoz, fruktoz, nişasta miktarla- rıyla ilişkili olarak 95 türden, 8b tür 0^,2 tür C5,4 tür CU-C^ ara tip, 3 tür de CAM metabolizmaya sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Anatomik çalışmada, bitkilerin iletim elemanlarından geçecek şekilde elle enine kesitler alınmış »iletim demetinin etrafını kuşatan demet kını varlığı, demet kınında bulunan kloroplastla- rın pozisyonu ve sartur ile boyanıp boyanmaması ışık mikros kobunda incelenerek bitkilerin anatomik açıdan G-, veya 0, fotosentetik metabolizmaya sahip olduğu saptanmaya çalışılmış tır, incelenen 88 türde 26 türün C,,62 türün G, fotosentetik metabolizma gösterdiği tesbıt edilmiştir. Fizyolojik ve anatomik çalışma sonuçlarını karşılaştırdığımıa- da ancak 24 türün birbirini desteklemesi, çalışmamızın bizi kesin sonuca ulaştıramadığını açıkça göstermektedir. I şık solunum hızlarının, enzim sistemlerinin, Na element miktarının- da tayin edilmesiyle bitkinin fotosentetik metabolizması hakkında daha kesin yargıya varmak mümkün olacaktır.59 Çalışma sonuçlarımızın diğer verilerle desteklenmesiyle yüksek verim ve uyum yeteneğine sahip, gerek tarımda gerekse Myote-Knolooide kullanılabilecek yeni türlerin ortaya çıkma sına katkıda bulunacağı inancındayız
60 7. SUMMARY Extreme population raise and decrease of the fields suitable for agriculture due pollution togather becomes a big problem threating man. This situation leads scientists to a search of plants suitable for feeding and high capacity of growing in every condition. As a result of various studies, some plant groups having CAM,C,,C., type metabolism are- found which exhibit different photo synthetic effectivenes. Especially plants having C^ type photosynthetic metabolism adapts well to serious diffucult conditions and fruids plenty. G. plants: differ from C, plants by several ways: rate of photorespiratinn, enzyme s system, physiological and anatomical characteristics and amount of Na elements they have. Materials subject to search are taken from Spil Mountain of Manisa.It is examined that if plant kinds have C,or C. type photosynthetic metabolism by making physiological works on 95 species and anatomical works, on 88 species. For physiological works, shoot' s materials are dried, ground and separeted 2 equal parts for dual working. 5 gms are taicen from the ground sample, 30rnl of ethanol (% 80) is added and rested for 24 hrs, after that is filtrated. Ethanol of the filtrate is evaporated in the rotoevaporator and distilated water is added up to 30 ml( filtrate I). 30 ml of distilated water is added on the remained precipitate from first filtrate61 rested for 24 hrs and filtrated ( filtrate I I). 30ml of perchloric acid (% 52) i.s added to the remained precipitate of the filtrate the second, rested for 24 hrs and filtrated ( filtrate III). 3 ml of Anthron solution is added on the filtrates each, wait for 10 minutes and determinations of glucose on filtrates I, fructose, on filtrates II and' starch on filtrates. Ill are made at 620 nm wavelength on the spectrophotometer. By using the analysed amounts of glukcse, fructose and starch in the samples, 86 species are determined as having C, type metabolism, 2 species as C.,,4 species as C,-CA and 3 species as CAM from 95 species. In anatomic work, lateral cross-section of plants on the vascular elements is taken and the existance of bundle-sheat around the vascular elements, the position of the chloroplasts in the bundle-sheat and colour change of the cross section after aplication of sartur are examined in light microscope to determine, if they have C, or C^ type photosynthetic. metabolism. It is. found that 24 species exhibit C. type photosynthetic metabolism from 88 species and 62 species as C, type. When the compareness of the physiologic and anatomic works are made, it is seen only 24 species corralate, this means that this, research does not give any decisive results. We conclude it will be easier to reach, more decisive results about the photosynthetic metabolism of plants after determinations of rate of photorespiration and systems enzymes..62 We believe new generation of plants having high yield ;and high adaptation ability will raise as a result of these researches.
60 7. SUMMARY Extreme population raise and decrease of the fields suitable for agriculture due pollution togather becomes a big problem threating man. This situation leads scientists to a search of plants suitable for feeding and high capacity of growing in every condition. As a result of various studies, some plant groups having CAM,C,,C., type metabolism are- found which exhibit different photo synthetic effectivenes. Especially plants having C^ type photosynthetic metabolism adapts well to serious diffucult conditions and fruids plenty. G. plants: differ from C, plants by several ways: rate of photorespiratinn, enzyme s system, physiological and anatomical characteristics and amount of Na elements they have. Materials subject to search are taken from Spil Mountain of Manisa.It is examined that if plant kinds have C,or C. type photosynthetic metabolism by making physiological works on 95 species and anatomical works, on 88 species. For physiological works, shoot' s materials are dried, ground and separeted 2 equal parts for dual working. 5 gms are taicen from the ground sample, 30rnl of ethanol (% 80) is added and rested for 24 hrs, after that is filtrated. Ethanol of the filtrate is evaporated in the rotoevaporator and distilated water is added up to 30 ml( filtrate I). 30 ml of distilated water is added on the remained precipitate from first filtrate61 rested for 24 hrs and filtrated ( filtrate I I). 30ml of perchloric acid (% 52) i.s added to the remained precipitate of the filtrate the second, rested for 24 hrs and filtrated ( filtrate III). 3 ml of Anthron solution is added on the filtrates each, wait for 10 minutes and determinations of glucose on filtrates I, fructose, on filtrates II and' starch on filtrates. Ill are made at 620 nm wavelength on the spectrophotometer. By using the analysed amounts of glukcse, fructose and starch in the samples, 86 species are determined as having C, type metabolism, 2 species as C.,,4 species as C,-CA and 3 species as CAM from 95 species. In anatomic work, lateral cross-section of plants on the vascular elements is taken and the existance of bundle-sheat around the vascular elements, the position of the chloroplasts in the bundle-sheat and colour change of the cross section after aplication of sartur are examined in light microscope to determine, if they have C, or C^ type photosynthetic. metabolism. It is. found that 24 species exhibit C. type photosynthetic metabolism from 88 species and 62 species as C, type. When the compareness of the physiologic and anatomic works are made, it is seen only 24 species corralate, this means that this, research does not give any decisive results. We conclude it will be easier to reach, more decisive results about the photosynthetic metabolism of plants after determinations of rate of photorespiration and systems enzymes..62 We believe new generation of plants having high yield ;and high adaptation ability will raise as a result of these researches.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Botanik, Botany