Çok katmanlı cam seramiklerin kalınlığının renk geçiş ve translüsentlik üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada anterior bölgede daha fazla kullanılmakta olan çok katmanlı (multi-layer), lityum disilikat bazlı lamina restorasyonlardaki renk geçişleri, translüsite farklılıkları spektrofotometre yardımıyla in vitro olarak incelenmiştir. AutoCAD programı ile 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm, 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm ve 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm ebatlarında dikdörtgenler prizması şeklinde, kalınlığı ve genişliği kendi içinde her noktasında homojen olan prizmalar tasarlanmıştır. AutoCAD ile oluşturulan tasarımlar, 3D-Printer cihazına aktarılmıştır. 12 adet 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm ebatlarında prizmalar, 12 adet 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm ebatlarında prizmalar ve 12 adet 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm ebatlarında prizmalar dökülebilir mum reçine modelajlar oluşturulmuştur. 3 farklı grupla hazırlanan toplam 36 adet mum modelaj 3 adet manşete tutturulmuştur. Manşetin içi fosfat bağlı revetmanla doldurulmuştur. Ardından mum uçurmanın sağlanacağı ön ısıtma safhasına geçilmiştir. Revetmanla dolu manşet, manşet fırınına alınarak mum modelajın revetmanın içerisinden uzaklaşması sağlanmıştır. Döküm için hazırlanmış olan manşet porselen fırınının içine yerleştirilmiştir. Çok katmanlı lityum disilikat bazlı porselen, hazırlanan revetmana yüksek sıcaklık ve basınç altında tepilmiştir. Tepim işlemi sonrası hazırlanan örnekler oda sıcaklığında soğumaya bırakılmıştır. Revetmanın kırılmasıyla beraber oluşturulan restorasyon açığa çıkarılıp incelenmiş, hava kabarcığı veya mum artığı olmamasına dikkat edilmiştir. Lityum disilikat örnekler glazürlenerek spektrofotometre ile renk ölçümüne hazır hale getirilmiştir. Hazırlanan örnekler, spektrofotometre yardımıyla 'insizal' olarak adlandırılan açık renk kısmından ve 'kole' olarak adlandırılan koyu renk kısmından CIE L*a*b* renk sisteminde incelenmeye tabii tutulmuştur. Çıkan sonuçlara göre çok katmanlı lityum disilikat blokların, restorasyon kalınlığının 0.6-1 mm arasında değişim gösterdiği durumlarda kullanılması, gözle görülebilir renk uyumunu sağlar. Ancak restorasyon kalınlığının 0.6-1 mm'den fazla aralıkta değişim gösterdiği durumlarda çok katmanlı lityum disilikat blokların kullanılması gözle görülebilir renk uyumsuzluğuna neden olabilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Lityum Disilikat; Çok Katmanlı; Multilayer; Estetik; Renk; Geçiş; Lamina; Restorasyon
In this study, color transitions and translucency differences in multi-layer, lithium disilicate-based lamina restorations, which are used more in the anterior region, were investigated in vitro with the help of spectrophotometer. Prisms in the form of rectangular prisms with dimensions of 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm, 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm and 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm, homogeneous in thickness and width at every point, were designed with AutoCAD program. The designs created with AutoCAD were transferred to the 3D-Printer device. 12 prisms of 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions, 12 prisms of 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions and 12 prisms of 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions, castable wax resin models were created. A total of 36 wax models prepared with 3 different groups were attached to 3 cuffs. The inside of the cuff is filled with phosphate-bonded investment. Then, the pre-heating phase, in which wax blowing will be achieved, was started. The cuff filled with the investment was taken to the cuff furnace, allowing the wax modeling to move away from the investment. The cuff prepared for casting is placed inside the porcelain furnace. Multi-layered lithium disilicate-based porcelain was cast into the prepared investment under high temperature and pressure. The samples prepared after firing were left to cool at room temperature. The restoration created with the rupture of the investment was exposed and examined, paying attention to the absence of air bubbles or wax residue. Lithium disilicate samples were glazed and made ready for color measurement by spectrophotometer. The prepared samples were examined in the CIE L*a*b* color system with the help of spectrophotometer from the light color part called 'incisal' and the dark color part called 'chole'. According to the results, the use of multi-layered lithium disilicate blocks in cases where the restoration thickness varies between 0.6-1 mm provides visible color harmony. However, in cases where the restoration thickness varies more than 0.6-1 mm, the use of multi-layered lithium disilicate blocks may cause visible color mismatch. Keywords: Lithium Disilicate; Multilayer; Aesthetic; Colour; Transition; Laminate; Restoration
In this study, color transitions and translucency differences in multi-layer, lithium disilicate-based lamina restorations, which are used more in the anterior region, were investigated in vitro with the help of spectrophotometer. Prisms in the form of rectangular prisms with dimensions of 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm, 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm and 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm, homogeneous in thickness and width at every point, were designed with AutoCAD program. The designs created with AutoCAD were transferred to the 3D-Printer device. 12 prisms of 0.6 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions, 12 prisms of 0.8 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions and 12 prisms of 1 mm x 6 mm x 10 mm dimensions, castable wax resin models were created. A total of 36 wax models prepared with 3 different groups were attached to 3 cuffs. The inside of the cuff is filled with phosphate-bonded investment. Then, the pre-heating phase, in which wax blowing will be achieved, was started. The cuff filled with the investment was taken to the cuff furnace, allowing the wax modeling to move away from the investment. The cuff prepared for casting is placed inside the porcelain furnace. Multi-layered lithium disilicate-based porcelain was cast into the prepared investment under high temperature and pressure. The samples prepared after firing were left to cool at room temperature. The restoration created with the rupture of the investment was exposed and examined, paying attention to the absence of air bubbles or wax residue. Lithium disilicate samples were glazed and made ready for color measurement by spectrophotometer. The prepared samples were examined in the CIE L*a*b* color system with the help of spectrophotometer from the light color part called 'incisal' and the dark color part called 'chole'. According to the results, the use of multi-layered lithium disilicate blocks in cases where the restoration thickness varies between 0.6-1 mm provides visible color harmony. However, in cases where the restoration thickness varies more than 0.6-1 mm, the use of multi-layered lithium disilicate blocks may cause visible color mismatch. Keywords: Lithium Disilicate; Multilayer; Aesthetic; Colour; Transition; Laminate; Restoration
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry