Bir geometrik yer probleminin modellenmesi ve SSP için paralel bir algoritma ve algoritmanın simülasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu tezde Geometrik Yer ve Graf teorisi ile ilgili çeşitli konular iki ayrı bölüm halinde incelendi. I. Bölümde, düzlemde sabit iki nokta alınarak bu iki noktaya eşit uzaklıktaki noktalar kümesinin, yani orta dikme doğrusunun bulunmasını ve çizilmesini sağlayacak bir sistemin kurulması amaçlandı. Bilgisayar uygulaması yapıldı. II. Bölümde, meşhur seyyar satıcı problemine yeni bir çözüm getirildi. Şimdiye kadar kullanılan B&B (Branch and- Bound) algoritmasının açığından kurtularak çok işlemcili D&C (Divide and Conquer) tabanlı bir algoritma tasarlandı. Bilgisayar uygulaması yapıldı
ABSTRACT In this thesis, several subjects about location problems and Graph theory are examined. In the first section, the aim was to devise a system that would enable one to find and plot the locus af all points equidistant from two fixed points on a plane. Computer application was done. In the second section, a new solution method was investigated for the famous travelling salesman problem. To avoid the deficiency of the commonly used Branch&Bound algorithm, a new multiprocessor and Divide&Conquer based algorithm was implemented. Computer application was done.
ABSTRACT In this thesis, several subjects about location problems and Graph theory are examined. In the first section, the aim was to devise a system that would enable one to find and plot the locus af all points equidistant from two fixed points on a plane. Computer application was done. In the second section, a new solution method was investigated for the famous travelling salesman problem. To avoid the deficiency of the commonly used Branch&Bound algorithm, a new multiprocessor and Divide&Conquer based algorithm was implemented. Computer application was done.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Algoritmalar, Algorithms, Grafik teorisi, Graph theory, SSP, SSP