Kurgu yazarı olarak gazeteci veya gazeteci olarak kurgu yazarı: Değişen Amerika'da gerçek-kurgu ilişkisi (1865-1920)
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu doktora tezinde, 1865-1920 arasında kalan tarihi dönemde Amerikan gazeteciliğinin kat ettiği üç önemli aşaması, yükselmeye başlayan edebi gerçekçilik akımının önde gelen yazarlarının eserleriyle paralel olarak Yeni Tarihselci metodla incelenmiştir. Amerikan edebiyatının, Amerikan gazeteciliğle ele ele gittiği bir döneme, söylem ve ideoloji anlamında bakmak, bu döneme damgasını vuran ve gazetecilik kariyerleri olan William Dean Howells, Stephe Crane, Frank Norris ve Upton Sinclair gibi yazarların eserlerini temsili olarak, kültürel olarak incelemek anlamına gelmektedir. Bu yazarların kariyerlerine, Amerikan gazeteciliğinin bu önemli aşamaları Penny Press, Sarı gazetecilik ve Muckraking temsilcileri olarak başlamaları, seçilen Amerikan gerçekçiliği metinlerinin de sırasıyla bu gazetecilik anlayışını yansıtmasına özen gösterilmiştir. Gazetecilik ve edebiyat arasındaki ilişki aslında, gerçek ve kurgu tartışmasını da beraberinde getirmiştir.Tezin birinci bölümü olan Giriş bölümde, edebi eserleri tek yönlü inceleyen yaklaşımlardan uzak durarak, farklı bakış açılarından ele alan bir kuram olan yeni tarihselcilik ve ilgili kuramsal alt yapı ele alınmaktadır. 1830'larla başlayan ve 1890'lara kadar varlığını ve etkisini sürdüren Penny Press anlayışının, uzun süren bir gazetecilik deneyiminin Howells'ın edebi gerçekçilik alanında yazdığı eserlerde ne ölçüde yansıtıldığı ikinci bölümü oluşturmaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde, Stephen Crane'nin bir gazeteci olarak New York'un kenar mahallelerindeki hayatı birinci elden tecrübe ederek yazdığı romanlarında ?gerçeğin? en açık şekilde ifade edildiği iddiları çerçevesinde işlenmiştir. Frank Norris ve Upton Sinclair'in kariyerlerine yine gazeteci olarak başlayıp, daha sonra dikkatlerini dönemin ekonomik olaylarına kaydırmalarıyla yazdıkları romanların ?gerçeğin? yeniden yaratılması fikri bağlamında incelenmesi de dördüncü bölümde yer almaktadır.Sonuç olarak, Amerikan edebi gerçekçiliğinin, geleneksel yaklaşımlarla ele almak yerine, dönemin seçilen edebi eserleri, kendi kültürel bağlamlarında, Yeni Tarihselci kuramla incelenmesi, dönemin sosyal, politik ve ekonomik söylemlerinin ortaya çıkarılmasında akademik anlamda önemlidir. Çünkü bu romanların bahsedilen tarihi süreç ve Amerikan yaşamından adeta birer belgesel şeklinde verdikleri kesitlerle bugün sadece bir tür alternatif ?tarih? işlevi görmediklerine aynı zamanda kurgunun tarihi şekillendirmesine örnek teşkil edecek metinler olduklarına dikkat çekmektedir
In this dissertation, in a historical period between 1865 and 1920, three important stages of American journalism and American realism rising were investigated through the method of the New Historicism. Looking at American journalism and literature that acted in a parallel way with respect to ideology and discourse means looking into the cultural background in which texts were produced by the writers of the period such as William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Upton Sinclair. What makes these writers the representative examples of the period is that they had a journalism career overlapping with those three journalism stages respectively: Penny Press, Yellow Journalism and Muckraking. The relation between journalism and literature helped us to put the discussion into the fact-fiction base.In the first chapter, The New Historicism became the issue and the theoretical background was given. This critical approach differs from the traditional ones which set standards to texts to make them canonical. Chapter two mainly concerns the Penny Press lasting from 1930s to 1890s and the representative name William Dean Howells and his works dealing with journalists as the protagonists. The next chapter put an emphasis on Stephen Crane whose professional career started as sensational journalist of The Yellow Journalism. We tried to trace the evidence of how this perception of the ?real? was reflected in his works, especially about the life in the slums of New York. The Muckraking which is also known as the investigative journalism was the subject of the chapter four. Frank Norris and Upton Sinclair as the writers of two influential novels about the world of finance and industry to redefine the ?real? were read accordingly.As a result, instead of taking American journalism and literary realism as a one dimensional matter, we tried to uncover some of the discourses of that historical period by evaluating these writers, their career and works. We also emphasized the alternative histories or American documentaries that the novels represent between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century with the help of the New Historicism.
In this dissertation, in a historical period between 1865 and 1920, three important stages of American journalism and American realism rising were investigated through the method of the New Historicism. Looking at American journalism and literature that acted in a parallel way with respect to ideology and discourse means looking into the cultural background in which texts were produced by the writers of the period such as William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Upton Sinclair. What makes these writers the representative examples of the period is that they had a journalism career overlapping with those three journalism stages respectively: Penny Press, Yellow Journalism and Muckraking. The relation between journalism and literature helped us to put the discussion into the fact-fiction base.In the first chapter, The New Historicism became the issue and the theoretical background was given. This critical approach differs from the traditional ones which set standards to texts to make them canonical. Chapter two mainly concerns the Penny Press lasting from 1930s to 1890s and the representative name William Dean Howells and his works dealing with journalists as the protagonists. The next chapter put an emphasis on Stephen Crane whose professional career started as sensational journalist of The Yellow Journalism. We tried to trace the evidence of how this perception of the ?real? was reflected in his works, especially about the life in the slums of New York. The Muckraking which is also known as the investigative journalism was the subject of the chapter four. Frank Norris and Upton Sinclair as the writers of two influential novels about the world of finance and industry to redefine the ?real? were read accordingly.As a result, instead of taking American journalism and literary realism as a one dimensional matter, we tried to uncover some of the discourses of that historical period by evaluating these writers, their career and works. We also emphasized the alternative histories or American documentaries that the novels represent between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century with the help of the New Historicism.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı, American Culture and Literature, Amerikan edebiyatı, American literature, Amerikan kültürü, American culture, Amerikan romanı, American novel, Gazetecilik, Journalism, Realizm, Realism, Yeni tarihselcilik, New historicist