Bilgisayar destekli kulaklı pulluk aktif yüzey tasarımı
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
107 SUMMARY The aim of this study is to make the plough surface design, which is a time and effort consuming work, much faster and rationalized with the help of computer technologies. For this purpose, computer programmes have been developed. Two design programmes were written by grouping the plough surfaces in two; cylindrical and cylindroid-semi hel icoid-helicoid. The horizontal cross- sectional plough surface design method developed by Gorjatschkin was employed in the study. In order for the design work, AutoCAD Release 10 and the Auto lisp language were used. The working depth, working width, the cutting edge angle of the share ((D), the cutting angle of the share (û62), S distance and the share height are sufficient parameters for running the programmes of surface design of active plough with cylindrical shaped body. Three different views directing curve and the master curves are obtained for the designed plough. Working depth, width, the share cutting edge angle , the angles (pn, and <{),,,, the angles 62 and Ao2, the S distance and the share height parameters are required for the active plough design having cylindroid-semi helicoid and helicoid type bodies. With the help of the design programmes, the coordinate of the plough surfaces can be determined. These coordinates are then investigated in terms of BEZIER surfaces. Computer programmes written in QBASIC language were used for this purpose and it was possible to convert a certain number of design coordinates into a surface formed by a number of determined coordinates. While doing so, the curves of the nearest coordinates to the design surface were drawn. For example, if we try to form a BEZIER surface of a cylindrical-shaped plough body surface drawn by 8x5 design108 coordinates, we get a surface determined by 15x10 or more, such as 25x20, coordinates. Thus, it becomes possible to represent the surface in three-dimensions. By obtaining the BEZIER surface coordinates of plough surfaces, CNC milling machine can then be used for a model production. Certain scales of enlargement, transformation and rotation were made in order to use these data. Computer programmes in QBASIC language were developed for this purpose. It was then necessary to prepare and evaluate the data for making use of BOXFORD 190 VMC milling machine. In order to be able to use the milling machine, the BOXFORD company has specially developed the software of BOXFORD COLD-START. The milling machine operates with the GM codes. Finally, plastic and wooden models of the surfaces were produced by machine. Obtaining the models of plough very quickly, throughout the production process, would increase the appropriateness of the design. The errors made within the design process can easily be seen on models and overcome immediately.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Bilgisayar destekli tasarım, Computer aided design, Pulluk, Plough, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery