Türk-Amerikan kültürel ilişkileri: 1945-1960 döneminde Türkiye'de yayınlanmış siyasi mizah dergilerinde Amerika ve Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerinin yansımaları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
TÜRKÇE ABSTRACT Bu tezin konusu, 1945-1960 dönemi içinde, yani Türk- Amerikan ilişkilerinin siyasî ve ekonomik alanlarda hızlı bir gelişme yaşadığı devrede, Türk toplumunun kültürel anlamda yaşadığı değişimlerin, Türkiye'de oluşmaya başlayan Amerika görüntüsü ve Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri çerçevesinde ortaya konulmasıdır. İncelenen dönem içinde yaşanan olayların sunumunda, popüler kültürün önemli araçlarından olan karikatürler kullanılmaktadır. Kamuoyunun düşüncelerini ve yaşadığı olayları daha gerçekçi ve görsel bir anlatımla yansıttığı varsayılan bu karikatürler, 1945- 1960 yıllan arasında Türkiye'de yayınlanan belli başlı mizah dergilerinden seçilmiştir. Bunlar; Akbaba. Mizah. Karikatür. Marko Paşa, ve Şaka adlı dergilerdir. Tezimizin ortaya koymayı hedeflediği ikinci bir konu ise günümüzde toplumsal ve kültürel alanda yaşadığımız çeşitli olaylara yorum ve perspektif getirebilmek için popüler kültür malzemelerinin kullanılabileceğini göstermektir. Dönemin ruhunu ("zeitgeist") içinde barındıran popüler kültür ürünleri göstergebilimsel açıdan okunabildiklerinde bilinen resmi tarihe ışık tutabilecek ilginç ve altemativ metinler oluşturabilirler. Böyle bir çalışma tarih referanslarımızı zenginleştirebileceği gibi tarihin diğer sosyal bilimlerle örtüştüğü alanlara da canlılık getirir. Bu nedenle popüler kültür ürünlerinin ait oldukları dönemi yansıtmakta özel bir önemi vardır
ABSTRACT This thesis aims at analyzing the cultural changes which took place within the Turkish society between the years 1945-1960, a time when Turkish-American relations in the political and economic arena were very dynamic and rigorous. This was also an era where the Turkish cultural life underwent dramatic changes. This research will attempt to assess such changes within the context of the Turkish- American relations and the effects of these relations on Turkish cultural life. The main source for analyzing the 1945-1960 time period is political cartoons, which are significant indicators of cultural paradigms: They both reflect and formulate the public agenda. These political cartoons have been selected from mainstreams humor magazines which have been published in Turkey between 1945-1960. Some of the titles are Akbaba. Mizah. Karikatür. Marko Pasa and Şaka. The thesis also aims at demonstrating the approach of using products of popular culture with an aim to provide perspective and comment to everyday events that shape the public agenda. Popular culture is a particularly poignant tool for offering such insight because it holds in itself the soul of the times, the "Zeitgeist". Henca, a semiotic reading of products of popular culture may provide alternative texts which may shed some light on official history. Such endeavor will surely enrich our understanding of history as well as bringing vigor to areas where history overlaps with other social sciences. Consequently, products of popular culture have asignificance of their own in reflecting the times and moods of the eras in which they were created. Hopefully, the political cartoons and other linear texts analyzed in this research will provide a sense of what the Turkish public was exposed to and partook of after the Second World World War, particularly in refrence to the Turkish-American relations. 162
ABSTRACT This thesis aims at analyzing the cultural changes which took place within the Turkish society between the years 1945-1960, a time when Turkish-American relations in the political and economic arena were very dynamic and rigorous. This was also an era where the Turkish cultural life underwent dramatic changes. This research will attempt to assess such changes within the context of the Turkish- American relations and the effects of these relations on Turkish cultural life. The main source for analyzing the 1945-1960 time period is political cartoons, which are significant indicators of cultural paradigms: They both reflect and formulate the public agenda. These political cartoons have been selected from mainstreams humor magazines which have been published in Turkey between 1945-1960. Some of the titles are Akbaba. Mizah. Karikatür. Marko Pasa and Şaka. The thesis also aims at demonstrating the approach of using products of popular culture with an aim to provide perspective and comment to everyday events that shape the public agenda. Popular culture is a particularly poignant tool for offering such insight because it holds in itself the soul of the times, the "Zeitgeist". Henca, a semiotic reading of products of popular culture may provide alternative texts which may shed some light on official history. Such endeavor will surely enrich our understanding of history as well as bringing vigor to areas where history overlaps with other social sciences. Consequently, products of popular culture have asignificance of their own in reflecting the times and moods of the eras in which they were created. Hopefully, the political cartoons and other linear texts analyzed in this research will provide a sense of what the Turkish public was exposed to and partook of after the Second World World War, particularly in refrence to the Turkish-American relations. 162
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı, American Culture and Literature, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, United States of America, Kültürel ilişkiler, Cultural relations, Mizah dergisi, Mizah journal, Popüler kültür, Popular culture, Siyasi karikatür, Political caricature, Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri, Turkish-American relations, Türkiye, Turkey