İşcilerin hemşirelik hizmetlerinden memnuniyeti ve önemine ilişkin ölçek geliştirme çalışması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
91 BOLÜM VI ÖZET İşyeri hemşirelik hizmetlerinde işçi memnuniyeti ve beklentileri, sunulan bakım kalitesinin önemli bir göstergesi olup işyeri hemşirelik hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesinde kullanılabilir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada, işçilerin işyeri hemşirelik hizmetlerinden duydukları memnuniyeti ve sunulan hizmetin önemini değerlendirmeye yönelik geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Metodolojik bir araştırma olarak planlanan bu çalışma Nisan 2001- Mart 2003 Mart yıllan arasında İzmir ili bölgesinde yer alan ve çalışma için gerekli onayı veren 7 işyerinde yürütülmüş olup 310 işçi çalışmaya katılmıştır. İşçilerin işyeri hemşirelik hizmetlerinden duydukları memnuniyet ve hizmetin önemi ölçeği iki yönlü olup toplam 38 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin madde analizinde kesme değeri 0.30 olarak belirlenmiş ve birinci madde bu değerin altında kaldığı için çıkarılmış, ölçeğin son şekli 38 maddeden oluşmuştur. Ölçeğin memnuniyet yönü için, her bir maddeye verilen yanıtlar, kesinlikle katılıyorum ( 5 puan ), katılıyorum (4 puan), orta derecede katılıyorum (3 puan) katılmıyorum (2 puan), kesinlikle katılmıyorum (1 puan) şeklinde derecelendirilmiştir. Ölçeğin hizmeti önemseme yönü ise, çok önemli (5 puan ), önemli (4 puan), orta derecede önemli (3 puan), önemsiz (2 puan), çok önemsiz (1 puan) olarak derecelendirilmiştir. Ölçeğin memnuniyet ve hizmetin önemi yönlerine yönelik güvenirlik analizinde iç tutarlılık katsayısı olan Cronbach Alpha değeri (0.9655;0.9513), Spearman Brown (0.8948;0.8309), Guttman Split-Half< 0.8936;0.8309) olup kabul edilebilir bir düzeydedir. Ölçeğin faktör yapı geçerliliğinde her iki bölümde 3 faktör elde edilmiş ve bu faktörler, " İşyeri Hemşiresinin Profesyonel Yönü", " Koruyucu Sağlık Hizmetleri " " İşyeri Hemşiresinin Bakım Verme Rolü" olarak isimlendirilmiştir
92 SUMMARY Satisfaction and expectations of employees are important indicators of the care provided in workplace nursing services and can be used in developing workplace nursing services. Therefore, the intent of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale aimed at evaluating the employee satisfaction with the workplace nursing services and the significance of services delivered. This study, which was planned as methodolojical, was carried out between the dates of April 2001 and March 2003, at 7 workplaces that were provided written consent required for the research and that were located in the district of City of Izmir, and totally 310 employees were enrolled. The scale called "employee satisfaction with the workplace nursing services and the significance of services delivered" is a two- way scale and contains 38 items. In the item analysis of the scale the cut-off value was determined as 0.30 and first item was excluded since it was under this value, thus the final outline of the scale consisted of 38 items. For the satisfaction responses given to each item were evaluated as follows; strongly agree (5 scores), agree (4 scores), fairly agree (3 scores), disagree (2 scores), strongly disagree (1 scores). Other aspect of the scale, considering the service important, was rated as follows; very important (5 scores), important (4 scores), fairly important (3 scores), unimportant (2 scores), not important at all (1 score). In the reliability analysis of the scale for satisfaction and importance of services, as internal consistency the Cronbach Alpha value was (0.9655; 0.9513), Spearman Brown was (0.8948; 0.8309) and Guttman Split-Half was (0.8936;0.8309) they were all at an acceptable level.93 In the factor construct validity, 3 factors were obtained in both sections and these factors were named as " Professional Aspect of Workplace Nurse", " Protective Health Services" and " Care Delivering Role of the Workplace Nurse".
92 SUMMARY Satisfaction and expectations of employees are important indicators of the care provided in workplace nursing services and can be used in developing workplace nursing services. Therefore, the intent of this study was to develop a valid and reliable scale aimed at evaluating the employee satisfaction with the workplace nursing services and the significance of services delivered. This study, which was planned as methodolojical, was carried out between the dates of April 2001 and March 2003, at 7 workplaces that were provided written consent required for the research and that were located in the district of City of Izmir, and totally 310 employees were enrolled. The scale called "employee satisfaction with the workplace nursing services and the significance of services delivered" is a two- way scale and contains 38 items. In the item analysis of the scale the cut-off value was determined as 0.30 and first item was excluded since it was under this value, thus the final outline of the scale consisted of 38 items. For the satisfaction responses given to each item were evaluated as follows; strongly agree (5 scores), agree (4 scores), fairly agree (3 scores), disagree (2 scores), strongly disagree (1 scores). Other aspect of the scale, considering the service important, was rated as follows; very important (5 scores), important (4 scores), fairly important (3 scores), unimportant (2 scores), not important at all (1 score). In the reliability analysis of the scale for satisfaction and importance of services, as internal consistency the Cronbach Alpha value was (0.9655; 0.9513), Spearman Brown was (0.8948; 0.8309) and Guttman Split-Half was (0.8936;0.8309) they were all at an acceptable level.93 In the factor construct validity, 3 factors were obtained in both sections and these factors were named as " Professional Aspect of Workplace Nurse", " Protective Health Services" and " Care Delivering Role of the Workplace Nurse".
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing