Mısır fitopatojeni olan bazı Fusarium türlerine karşı antagonistik biyokontrol ajanlarının izolasyonu ve etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Mısır dünyanın önemli tahıllarından biridir. Bununla birlikte, son yıllarda mısırda hastalık türleri arasından kök ve sap çürüklüğünün etmeni Fusarium türlerinin oluşturduğu ürün miktarı, verimi ve kalitesinde azalmalar ön plana çıkmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında, mısır fitopatojeni olan bazı Fusarium türlerine karşı potansiyel antagonistik biyokontrol ajanları olan mikroorganizmaların izolasyonu ve etkinliklerinin in vivo olarak belirlenmesi araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda hastalık etmeni bulaşmış mısır tohumlarından izolasyon yapılmış ve 2 adet fitopatojen fungus elde edilmiştir. Sağlıklı mısırlar ve hastalık görülmeyen toprak örneğinden yapılan izolasyonlarda 12 adet bakteri izolatı elde edilmiştir. Polifazik tanımlama yapılan izolatlar sonrasında in vitro ikili kültür testleri, biyouyumluluk, mısır tohumu çimlenme, tohum canlılığı, bitki büyüme potansiyelleri üzerine etkisi ve in planta testler ile potansiyel antagonistik etkilerinin yanı sıra bitki büyümesini destekleyici etkileri de değerlendirilmiştir. Tekli mikroorganizmaların uygulanmasının yanı sıra 3 bakteri türü içeren konsorsiyumlar da in vivo olarak denenmiştir. Bu deneyler sonucunda, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Raoultella sp., Pseudomonas kilonensis ve Bacillus amyloliquefaciens olarak tanımlanan 4 adet bakteri ve antagonistik özelliği bilinen 1 adet fungus türü, fitopatojen olan Fusarium türüne karşı potansiyel biyokontrol ajanı olarak değerlendirilmiştir
Corn is one of the world's important grains. However, in recent years, among the disease types in maize, reductions in the amount, yield and quality of the product caused by Fusarium species, which are the causative agents of root and stem rot, have come to the fore. In this thesis, the isolation and in vivo determination of microorganisms, which are potential antagonistic biocontrol agents against some Fusarium species, which are maize phytopathogens, were investigated. In this context, isolation was made from infected corn seeds and 2 phytopathogenic fungi were obtained. 12 bacterial isolates were obtained from the isolations made from healthy corn and disease-free soil samples. After isolates with polyphasic identification, in vitro dual culture tests, biocompatibility, effects on corn seed germination, seed viability, plant growth potentials and potential antagonistic effects as well as plant growth promoting effects were evaluated with in planta tests.In addition to the application of single microorganisms, consortia containing 3 bacterial species were also tested in vivo. As a result of these experiments, 4 bacteria identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Raoultella sp., Pseudomonas kilonensis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and 1 fungus with known antagonistic properties were evaluated as potential biocontrol agents against the phytopathogen Fusarium species.
Corn is one of the world's important grains. However, in recent years, among the disease types in maize, reductions in the amount, yield and quality of the product caused by Fusarium species, which are the causative agents of root and stem rot, have come to the fore. In this thesis, the isolation and in vivo determination of microorganisms, which are potential antagonistic biocontrol agents against some Fusarium species, which are maize phytopathogens, were investigated. In this context, isolation was made from infected corn seeds and 2 phytopathogenic fungi were obtained. 12 bacterial isolates were obtained from the isolations made from healthy corn and disease-free soil samples. After isolates with polyphasic identification, in vitro dual culture tests, biocompatibility, effects on corn seed germination, seed viability, plant growth potentials and potential antagonistic effects as well as plant growth promoting effects were evaluated with in planta tests.In addition to the application of single microorganisms, consortia containing 3 bacterial species were also tested in vivo. As a result of these experiments, 4 bacteria identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Raoultella sp., Pseudomonas kilonensis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and 1 fungus with known antagonistic properties were evaluated as potential biocontrol agents against the phytopathogen Fusarium species.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology, Antagonistik etki, Antagonistic effect, Fusarium, Fusarium