Bazı serin iklim tahıllarında ekim derinliğinin verim ve verim komponentlerine etkisi üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
24 6.ÖZET Deneme 1993-1994 yıllarında Ege_ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümû'nün Bornova'daki deneme tarlasında yapılmıştır. Deneme tarlada 12 varyantlı (3 ekim derinliği x 4 çeşit) ve dört tekerrürlü olarak Basit Faktöriyel Düzende, Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Desenine göre kurulmuş; Cumhuriyet, Eronga, Kaya ve Menemen çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Metrekareye 500 tohum düşecek şekilde hesaplama yapılmıştır. Ekim derinliği 3, 6 ve 9 cm.'dir. Açılan sıralara ekim elle yapılmış ve üzeri toprakla kapatılmıştır. Ayrıca tarla denemesinin paraleli olmak üzere Tesadüf Parselleri Deneme Desenine göre saksı denemesi kurulmuştur. Saksı denemesinde çıkıştan sonra saksıda çıkan bitki sayıları ve rizom uzunlukları belirlenmiştir. 1993-1994 yıllarında Bornova koşullarında yürütülen bu çalışmada; m2'de çıkış yapan bitki sayısı, bitki boyu, verim öğeleri (parselde başak sayısı, başakta başakcık sayısı, başakta dane sayısı, 1000 dane ağırlığı, parselde dane verimi) ve çim kökü- kardeşlenme boğumu arasındaki mesafe (rizom uzunluğu) saptanmıştır. Yapılan istatistiki analizler sonucu elde edilen bulgular aşağıda özetlenmiştir. Yapılan F testi sonucuna göre hem tarla denemesinde ve hem de saksı denemesinde ekim derinlikleri genotiplerin çıkışları üzerine etkili olmuştur. Tarla denemesinde en fazla çıkış 6 cm. derinlikte olmuştur. Saksı denemesinde ise 3 ve 6 cm. derinlikler aynı gruba girmiştir. Bitki boyunun birinci ölçümünde ekim derinliği bitki boyları üzerine etkili olmuştur. 6 ve 9 cm. derinliğe ekilen genotipler, 3 cm'ye ekilenlere göre daha uzundur. Kaya ve Cumhuriyet genotipleri diğerlerine göre daha uzundur. Bitki boyunun ikinci ve üçüncü ölçümünde ekim derinlikleri ve genotiplerin, bitki boyları üzerine etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur. Ekim derinlikleri kardeş sayıları üzerinde etkili olmuştur. Kardeş sayısı 3 ve 6 cm' de aynı ve 9 cm'ye göre daha fazladır. Genotipler arasında kardeş sayıları bakımından istatistiki olarak fark bulunamamıştır. Hem tarla ve hem de saksı denemesinde genotipler, rizom uzunlukları bakımından farklı değildir. Ekim derinliklerinin rizom uzunlukları üzerine etkili olduğu ve ekim derinliği arttıkça rizom uzunluğunun da arttığı saptanmıştır. Ekim derinlikleri ve genotiplerin başakta başakcık sayıları, başakta dane sayıları, bin dane ağırlıkları ve parselde dane verimi üzerine etkili olmadığı belirlenmiştir. 6 cm. ekim derinliğinde metrekaredeki başak sayısı, 3 ve 9 cm'ye göre daha fazla olmuştur. Menemen ve Cumhuriyet genotiplerinin ise metrekaredeki başak sayısı diğer genotiplerden daha fazladır
25 7. SUMMARY The experiment was earned out in Bornova in 1993-1994 using the fields of Ege University Agricultural Faculty Field Crops Department There were 12 treatments consisted of 3 sowing depth and 4 cultivars. The experimental design was simple factorial randomized complete block design with four replications. The cereal cultivars were Cumhuriyet, Eronga, Kaya and Menemen. About five hundred seeds were planted in a per meter square. The sowing depths were 3 cm, 6 cm and 9 cm. Planting was done by hand. At the same time, a similar experiment using completely randomized design was used in the greenhause. The pots were used in the greenhouse experiment. In this experiment, the number of plants after germination and rhizom lengths were determined. In the 1993-1994 growing season in Bornova condititions, the fallowing observations were done;the number of plants emerged per meter square, plant height, yield components (the number of spikes in a plot, the number of spikelets in a spike, the number of seed in a spike, thousand kernel weight, plot yield) and rhizom lenght. The analyses were done using the data above and fallowing results were obtained. Based on the F tests using the field and greenhouse trials, it was concluded that the sowing depths did affected the emergence of genotypes. The highest emergences were at 6 cm; 3 and 6 cm sowing depths in field and pots, respectively. The sowing depth affected the plant heights when the first measurement was done for it The genotypes sowed in 6 and 9 cm had higher plant height than the genotypes sowed in 3 cm. Especially, Kaya and Cumhuriyet were higher than the others. Qn the other hand, there were no effect of the sowing depths and genotypes on the plant height at the second and third measurements. Hie sowing depths have affected the number of tillers per plant The number of tillers/plant was higher in 3 and 6 cm than 9 cm sowing depth. There was no statistically difference among the genotypes in terms of the number of tillers. The genotypes did not differ in terms of hypocotyl length in both field and pot trials. However, the sowing depths have affected the hypocotyl lengths. When the sowing depth was increased, the hypocotyl lenght increased. The yield components such as the number of spikelets in a spike, number of kernel per spike, thousand kernel weight and plot yield were not affected by the sowing depths. The number of spikes in a meter squre in 6 cm sowing depth wag higher compored to 3 and 9 cm Menemen and Cumhuriyet had higher number of spikes in a meter square than the others.
25 7. SUMMARY The experiment was earned out in Bornova in 1993-1994 using the fields of Ege University Agricultural Faculty Field Crops Department There were 12 treatments consisted of 3 sowing depth and 4 cultivars. The experimental design was simple factorial randomized complete block design with four replications. The cereal cultivars were Cumhuriyet, Eronga, Kaya and Menemen. About five hundred seeds were planted in a per meter square. The sowing depths were 3 cm, 6 cm and 9 cm. Planting was done by hand. At the same time, a similar experiment using completely randomized design was used in the greenhause. The pots were used in the greenhouse experiment. In this experiment, the number of plants after germination and rhizom lengths were determined. In the 1993-1994 growing season in Bornova condititions, the fallowing observations were done;the number of plants emerged per meter square, plant height, yield components (the number of spikes in a plot, the number of spikelets in a spike, the number of seed in a spike, thousand kernel weight, plot yield) and rhizom lenght. The analyses were done using the data above and fallowing results were obtained. Based on the F tests using the field and greenhouse trials, it was concluded that the sowing depths did affected the emergence of genotypes. The highest emergences were at 6 cm; 3 and 6 cm sowing depths in field and pots, respectively. The sowing depth affected the plant heights when the first measurement was done for it The genotypes sowed in 6 and 9 cm had higher plant height than the genotypes sowed in 3 cm. Especially, Kaya and Cumhuriyet were higher than the others. Qn the other hand, there were no effect of the sowing depths and genotypes on the plant height at the second and third measurements. Hie sowing depths have affected the number of tillers per plant The number of tillers/plant was higher in 3 and 6 cm than 9 cm sowing depth. There was no statistically difference among the genotypes in terms of the number of tillers. The genotypes did not differ in terms of hypocotyl length in both field and pot trials. However, the sowing depths have affected the hypocotyl lengths. When the sowing depth was increased, the hypocotyl lenght increased. The yield components such as the number of spikelets in a spike, number of kernel per spike, thousand kernel weight and plot yield were not affected by the sowing depths. The number of spikes in a meter squre in 6 cm sowing depth wag higher compored to 3 and 9 cm Menemen and Cumhuriyet had higher number of spikes in a meter square than the others.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Arpa, Barley, Bitki boyu, Plant height, Buğday, Wheat, Tane verimi, Grain yield, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, İzmir-Bornova, İzmir-Bornova