İplik özelliklerinin pamuklu bezayağı kumaşların bazı mekanik özelliklerine ektkileri üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İPLİK ÖZELLİKLERİNİN PAMUKLU BEZAYAĞI KUMAŞLARIN BAZI MEKANİK ÖZELLİKLERİNE ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA CAN, Yahya Doktora Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof Dr. Erhan KIRTAY Nisan 2004, 138 sayfa Tez çalışmasının amacı; % 100 pamuklu bezayağı kumaşların; kopma, yırtılma ve aşınma mukavemetleri üzerinde etkili olan, iplik özelliklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Tezin ilk bölümünde; kopma, yırtılma ve aşınma mukavemetlerine etki eden faktörler hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Daha sonra; benzer lif özelliklerindeki 10 harmanın her birisinden 5 farklı numara ve bükümde, karde iplikleri üretilmiştir, ipliklerin, numara, büküm, mukavemet, düzgünsüzlük ve tüylülükleri ölçülmüştür. Üretilen bu ipliklerden bezayağı kumaşlar dokunmuştur. Haşılı sökülmüş kumaşlarda, kopma, yırtılma ve aşınma mukavemetleri ölçülmüştür. Kumaşların belirtilen mekanik özellikleri ile, iplik numarası, bükümü, mukavemeti, düzgünsüzlüğü ve tüylülüğü arasındaki ilişkiler, serpme diyagramları ve regresyon analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlan, SPSS 11.5 For Windows ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre; kumaş kopma mukavemetine etki eden iplik özellikleri; numara, büküm, mukavemet, düzgünsüzlük ve tüylülüktür. İplik çapı, bükümü ve mukavemeti arttıkça, düzgünsüzlük ve tüylülük azaldıkça, kumaş kopma mukavemeti artmaktadır. Kumaş yırtılma mukavemetine etki eden iplik özellikleri; numara, büküm ve mukavemettir. İplik çapı, bükümü ve mukavemeti arttıkça, kumaş yırtılma mukavemeti artmaktadır. Kumaş aşınma mukavemetine etki eden iplik özellikleri ise; numara ve büküm olarak bulunmuştur. îplik çapı azaldıkça ve büküm arttıkça, kumaş aşınma mukavemeti artmaktadır.VI Bununla birlikte; incelenen mekanik özellikler içersinde, kopma mukavemeti iplik özelliklerinden en fazla etkilenen kumaş mekanik özelliği, aşınma mukavemeti ise, en az etkilenen kumaş mekanik özelliği olarak bulunmuştur.. Anahtar sözcükler: Mekanik özellikler, kumaş kopma mukavemeti, kumaş yırtılma mukavemeti, kumaş aşınma mukavemeti
vn ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ABOUT YARN CHARACTERISTIC'S EFFECT ON SOME MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COTTON PLAIN FABRICS CAN, Yahya PhD in Textile Eng. Supervisor: Prof Dr. Erhan KIRTAY April 2004, 138 pages The objective of my PhD thesis is to analyse the effect of yarn characteristics of %100 cotton plain fabrics on breaking strength, tearing resistance and abrasion resistance. In the first chapters of thesis, some information is given about factors that affect the breaking strength, tear resistance and abrasion resistance. In the following step, 5 different count and twist carded yarn has been produced from similar fibre characteristics from 10 blends. The count, twist, tenacity, evenness and hairiness of the yarn have been measured. Plain fabrics have been weaved by using this produced yarn. Breaking strength, tear resistance and abrasion resistance of the desized fabrics have been measured. The relationship between the mechanical characteristics of the fabric and the characteristics of the yarn have been analysed by scatter diagram and regression equations. The results of research were evaluated by SPSS 1 1.5 for Windows. According to the results; the yarn characteristics that have the effect on the breaking strength is yarn count, twist, tenacity, evenness and hairiness. As yam diameter, twist and tenacity increases and as yarn evenness, hairiness decreases, breaking strength of fabric increases. The yarn characteristics that have the effect on the tear resistance, is yarn count, twist and tenacity. As yarn diameter, twist and tenacity increases, tear resistance of fabric increases. The yarn characteristics that have the sffect on the abrasion resistance are yarn count and twist As yarnvm diameter decreases and yarn twist increases, abrasion resistance of fabric increases. m addition to this, if has been found from the inspected mechanical characteristics that, breaking strength of the fabric are the most affected yarn characteristics on the other hand abrasion resistance of the fabric is the least affected yarn characteristics. Keywords: Mechanical characteristics, breaking strength of fabric, tear resistance of fabric, abrasion resistance of fabric.
vn ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ABOUT YARN CHARACTERISTIC'S EFFECT ON SOME MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COTTON PLAIN FABRICS CAN, Yahya PhD in Textile Eng. Supervisor: Prof Dr. Erhan KIRTAY April 2004, 138 pages The objective of my PhD thesis is to analyse the effect of yarn characteristics of %100 cotton plain fabrics on breaking strength, tearing resistance and abrasion resistance. In the first chapters of thesis, some information is given about factors that affect the breaking strength, tear resistance and abrasion resistance. In the following step, 5 different count and twist carded yarn has been produced from similar fibre characteristics from 10 blends. The count, twist, tenacity, evenness and hairiness of the yarn have been measured. Plain fabrics have been weaved by using this produced yarn. Breaking strength, tear resistance and abrasion resistance of the desized fabrics have been measured. The relationship between the mechanical characteristics of the fabric and the characteristics of the yarn have been analysed by scatter diagram and regression equations. The results of research were evaluated by SPSS 1 1.5 for Windows. According to the results; the yarn characteristics that have the effect on the breaking strength is yarn count, twist, tenacity, evenness and hairiness. As yam diameter, twist and tenacity increases and as yarn evenness, hairiness decreases, breaking strength of fabric increases. The yarn characteristics that have the effect on the tear resistance, is yarn count, twist and tenacity. As yarn diameter, twist and tenacity increases, tear resistance of fabric increases. The yarn characteristics that have the sffect on the abrasion resistance are yarn count and twist As yarnvm diameter decreases and yarn twist increases, abrasion resistance of fabric increases. m addition to this, if has been found from the inspected mechanical characteristics that, breaking strength of the fabric are the most affected yarn characteristics on the other hand abrasion resistance of the fabric is the least affected yarn characteristics. Keywords: Mechanical characteristics, breaking strength of fabric, tear resistance of fabric, abrasion resistance of fabric.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Bezayağı dokuma, Plain weave