Kent kültürü zenginliğinde etnik farklılıklar: Midyat örneği
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırmanın amacı, çokkültürlü bir yapıya sahip Midyat ilçesinde bulunan etnik gruplar ( Mıhalmiler, Kürtler, Süryaniler, Becırmaniler, Türkler, Yezidiler) arası sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel ilişki düzeylerini kentleşme süreci çerçevesinde belirlemektir. Bu nedenle, Midyat halkının başta yaş, cinsiyet, doğum yeri gibi demografik özellikleri, kentsel tutumlar, göç, katılım, kentsel yerleşim ve alan kullanımı gibi kentleşme süreci, evlilik, ziyaret, alt kimlikler ve çokkültürlülük gibi sosyal ilişkileri, gelir, refah anlayışı, ticari ilişki ve tercihler gibi ekonomik ilişkileri ile son olarak dil ve dinin çeşitli yönleriyle ele alındığı kültürel ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırma örneklemine Midyat'ın her mahallesinden, her etnik grubundan belirli sayıdaki bireyleri alınmıştır. Çalışma kapsamına giren 162 kişiden 70'i Mıhalmi, 68'i Kürt, 16'sı Süryani, 4'ü Becırman, 3'ü Türk ve l'i Yezidi etnik kimliğine sahiptir. Veriler araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ve 49 sorudan oluşan bir görüşme cetveli ve yapılan yüz-yüze görüşmeler ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda şu bulgulara ulaşılmıştır. 1- Büyük bir çoğunluğunun ilçede yaşamaktan memnun olduğu Midyat halkının yarısından fazlası ilçeden göç etmeyi düşünmemektedir. 2- Etnik milliyetçiliğin yaşanmadığı Midyat'ta, halkın büyük bir çoğunluğu ilçenin çokkültürlü yapısını "kültürel bir zenginlik" olarak değerlendirmektedir. 3- Dinin sosyal yaşamda Midyat halkı üzerinde sahip olduğu güçlü bir etki, rahatça görülebilmektedir ve etnik gruplar arası sosyal ilişki düzeyi normalin üzerindedir. 4- Ekonomik ilişkilerde etnisite olgusunun önemli görülmediği Midyat'ta, etnik gruplar arası ekonomik ilişki düzeyi yüksektir. 5- Midyat'ta yabancı dil ortalaması 2,8'dir. Türkçe, halklar arasında en yaygın şekilde bilinen dili oluşturmaktadır. 171
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the level of social, economical and cultural relations among the ethnic groups (Mihalmians, Kurds, Syriacs, Becirmanians, Turks, Yezidian) in Midyat which has a multicultural structure. For this reason, Midyat's people's demographic features (age, sex, place of birth, etc...), urbanization process (urban manners, immigration, participation, etc...), social relations (marriage, visit, sub-identity and multiculturalism, etc...), economical relations (income, welfare understanding, trade relations and chooses) and cultural relations (language and religion). A specific number of people from each ethnic group and each district of Midyat are taken into the research sample. Among 1 62 people within the research, 70 of them are Mihalmi, 68 of them are Kurdish, 16 of them are Syriac, 4 of them are Becirman, 3 of them are Turkish and 1 of them is Yezidian people. The data of this research which are developed by the researcher have been collected as a result of the interview schedule (consist of 49 questions) and face to face interviews. At the end of the research the following findings have been obtained. 1. Most of the Midyat people are content with living in the town and more than half of them do not think of immigrating from it. 2. In Midyat where there is no ethnic nationalism, most of the people evaluate the town's multicultural structure as "a cultural wealth" 3. The fact that religion has a powerful effect on Midyat people can easily be seen, and the level of social relations among ethnic groups is upon normal. 4. In Midyat, the economical relation level among ethnic groups is high and the fact of ethnicity is not important in this relations. 5. Foreign language average in Midyat is 2,8, and Turkish is the most known language among people. 172
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the level of social, economical and cultural relations among the ethnic groups (Mihalmians, Kurds, Syriacs, Becirmanians, Turks, Yezidian) in Midyat which has a multicultural structure. For this reason, Midyat's people's demographic features (age, sex, place of birth, etc...), urbanization process (urban manners, immigration, participation, etc...), social relations (marriage, visit, sub-identity and multiculturalism, etc...), economical relations (income, welfare understanding, trade relations and chooses) and cultural relations (language and religion). A specific number of people from each ethnic group and each district of Midyat are taken into the research sample. Among 1 62 people within the research, 70 of them are Mihalmi, 68 of them are Kurdish, 16 of them are Syriac, 4 of them are Becirman, 3 of them are Turkish and 1 of them is Yezidian people. The data of this research which are developed by the researcher have been collected as a result of the interview schedule (consist of 49 questions) and face to face interviews. At the end of the research the following findings have been obtained. 1. Most of the Midyat people are content with living in the town and more than half of them do not think of immigrating from it. 2. In Midyat where there is no ethnic nationalism, most of the people evaluate the town's multicultural structure as "a cultural wealth" 3. The fact that religion has a powerful effect on Midyat people can easily be seen, and the level of social relations among ethnic groups is upon normal. 4. In Midyat, the economical relation level among ethnic groups is high and the fact of ethnicity is not important in this relations. 5. Foreign language average in Midyat is 2,8, and Turkish is the most known language among people. 172
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyoloji, Sociology