Aeromonas hydrophila'nın gıdalarda rastlanma sıklığı ve besiyeri-gıda sistemlerinde üremesine çeşitli antimikrobiyal faktörlerin etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
218 ÖZET Bu çalışmada, çeşitli gıda ve su örneklerinde A. Hydrophila' nın rastlanma sıklığı incelenmiş ve toplam 15Ö örnekten 61 'inin {% 40.7) (14 su, 20 kıyma, 9 kabuklu çiğ midye, 18 meze tipi soğuk yiyecek) A.hydrophi la içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca sıcaklık, tuz, pH, sodyum benzoat, potasyum sorbat, sodyum nitrit, sodyum nitrat, anetol, mentol, timol ve ojenol'Un A. hydrophila'ya etkileri de araştırılmıştır. Organizmanın 4 'C'de besiyerinde üreye- bildigi 42°C'de ise canlılığını sürdüremediği belirlenirken, organizmanın üremesinin düşük sıcaklık (4 °C) derecesinde tuz, asit, kimyasal koruyucular ve baharat etken maddeleri ilavesiyle kontrol altına alınabileceği gözlen miştir. Besiyerinin yanısıra kıymaya inokule edilen A. hydrophila'nın 4 "C'de canlılığını koruyabildiği, -10°C ve -25"C'lerde inokulum dozuna bağlı olarak sırası ile 10. ve 3. günlerde besiyerinde canlı hücre izole edilemediği halde çiğ kıymaya inokulasyonda -10° C'de 4 hafta ve -25°C'de 17 hafta sürdürülen denemelerin sonunda A. 2 hvdrophila'nın 10 /g seviyelerinde bulunduğu belirlen miştir. Steril kaynak suyuna inokule edilen Aeromonas hydrophila' nın ise 4"C'de inokulum seviyesine bağlı olarak 5. ve 11. haftalarda öldüğü ancak 25"C'de tutulan kaynak suyunda 25 hafta boyunca hücre sayısında herhangi bir azalma olmaksızın canlılığını sürdürdüğü gözlenmiştir
219 SUMMARY The incidence of A.hydrophila in a total of 150 food and water samples was investigated and it was found that 61 samples (40.7 %) including 14 water, 20 minced meat, 9 shelled raw mussel and 18 delicatessen food contained this bacteria. The effects of temperture, salt, pH, sodium benzoate» potassium sorbate, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, anethole, menthol, thymol and eugenol on the growth of A.hydrophila Were also investigated. It was found that the test organism could not survive at 42 *C where as it multiplied at refrigerator tempature (4"C) and could be controlled by means of other antimicrobial agents such as salt, acids, chemical preservatives and spice compounds at low temperatures. Although A.hydrophi la could survive at 4"C, no viable cells were isolated at temperatures of - 10 "C and -25 "C in laboratory medium after the incubation of 10 and 3 days, respectively. However A.hydrophila was recovered from artificially contaminated minced meat stored 4 and 17 weeks at -10°C and -25°C, respectively in 2 a level of 10 cells per gram. It was found that the test organism survived in sterile spring water at 25"C throughout the 25 weeks of experiment without any decrease in cell number. However depending on inocula level the organism died out at 4"C in 5 or 11 weeks.
219 SUMMARY The incidence of A.hydrophila in a total of 150 food and water samples was investigated and it was found that 61 samples (40.7 %) including 14 water, 20 minced meat, 9 shelled raw mussel and 18 delicatessen food contained this bacteria. The effects of temperture, salt, pH, sodium benzoate» potassium sorbate, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, anethole, menthol, thymol and eugenol on the growth of A.hydrophila Were also investigated. It was found that the test organism could not survive at 42 *C where as it multiplied at refrigerator tempature (4"C) and could be controlled by means of other antimicrobial agents such as salt, acids, chemical preservatives and spice compounds at low temperatures. Although A.hydrophi la could survive at 4"C, no viable cells were isolated at temperatures of - 10 "C and -25 "C in laboratory medium after the incubation of 10 and 3 days, respectively. However A.hydrophila was recovered from artificially contaminated minced meat stored 4 and 17 weeks at -10°C and -25°C, respectively in 2 a level of 10 cells per gram. It was found that the test organism survived in sterile spring water at 25"C throughout the 25 weeks of experiment without any decrease in cell number. However depending on inocula level the organism died out at 4"C in 5 or 11 weeks.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas hydrophila, Gıda zehirlenmesi, Food poisoning, Mikroorganizmalar, Microorganisms