Polimerle modifiye edilmiş geri dönüşüm agrega içeren betonların özellikleri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde, stiren-bütadien kauçuk (SBK) lateks ile modifiye edilmiş betonlarda geri dönüşüm agrega (GDA) kullanının betonların fiziksel, mekanik ve durabilite özelliklerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca tez kapsamında hem beton atıklarının agrega olarak yeniden değerlendirilmesi, hem de polimer kullanımının üretilen betonların özelliklerini iyileştirebilme potansiyeli de incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Tez üç aşamalı olarak sürdürülmüştür. Birinci aşamada, hazırlanan harç örnekleri üç farklı kür koşuluna tabi tutulmuş, mekanik ve fiziksel deneyler yapılarak uygun SBK oranı ve kür yöntemi saptanmıştır. Tezin ikinci aşamasında birinci aşamada belirlenen SBK oranı ve en uygun kür yöntemi kullanılarak, kireçtaşı iri agrega yerine %100 oranında üç farklı (basınç dayanım seviyesi birbirinden farklı beton atıklarından elde edilmiş) GDA içeren su/çimento oranı 0.50 olan deneme betonları dökülmüştür. Üretilen deneme betonları üzerinde yapılan mekanik ve fiziksel deneyler sonucunda bu üç farklı GDA'dan hangisinin kullanılacağına karar verilmiştir. Tezin üçüncü aşamasında ise birinci ve ikinci aşamadan elde edilen sonuçlara bağlı olarak kireçtaşı iri agrega yerine %0, %35, %70 ve %100 oranlarında GDA kullanılarak 0.35, 0.50 ve 0.65 su/çimento oranlarında betonlar üretilmiştir. Üretilen betonlar üzerinde mekanik, geçirimlilik ve dayanıklılık deneyleri yapılmıştır. Tüm SBK içeren betonların genel olarak kontrol betonlarına kıyasla basınç dayanımı, elastisite modülü ve darbe direncinin daha düşük, yarmada çekme dayanımı ve ultrases hızı değerlerinin daha yüksek, su emme, toplam boşluk oranı, basınçlı su sızma derinliği, kılcal su emme değerleri, klor iyonu geçirimliliğinin daha düşük, donma-çözülme ve sülfat saldırısına karşı dirençlerinin daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir.
In this thesis, the effects of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) on the physical, mechanical and durability properties of concrete modified by styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) latex were investigated. In addition, both the re-use of the concrete wastes as aggregate and the potential improvement of the properties of the concrete by the polymer usage were also investigated. The thesis was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the prepared mortar samples were subjected to three different curing conditions. Mechanical and physical experiments were performed to determine the appropriate rate of SBR and curing method. In the second stage, the results obtained in the first stage were used to prepare four different concrete mixtures in which natural crushed coarse limestone aggregate was replaced with three different RCA's obtained from crushing of waste concrete having different strength levels. Regarding the mechanical and physical properties of RCA-bearing concrete mixtures the most appropriate RCA was selected to be used in the third stage of the investigation. In the third stage, concrete mixtures, in which 0, 35, 70 and 100 vol % of crushed coarse limestone was replaced with the selected coarse RCA, were produced. The water/cement ratio of the mixtures was taken as 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65. The mechanical, permeability and durability of the concrete mixtures were determined. Compared to the control concrete mixture, SBR containing-concretes showed lower compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, impact resistance, water absorption, porosity, water penetration depth under pressure, chloride ion penetration and sorptivity values, however, higher tensile strength, UPV values, freezing-thawing as well as sulfate resistance.
In this thesis, the effects of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) on the physical, mechanical and durability properties of concrete modified by styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) latex were investigated. In addition, both the re-use of the concrete wastes as aggregate and the potential improvement of the properties of the concrete by the polymer usage were also investigated. The thesis was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the prepared mortar samples were subjected to three different curing conditions. Mechanical and physical experiments were performed to determine the appropriate rate of SBR and curing method. In the second stage, the results obtained in the first stage were used to prepare four different concrete mixtures in which natural crushed coarse limestone aggregate was replaced with three different RCA's obtained from crushing of waste concrete having different strength levels. Regarding the mechanical and physical properties of RCA-bearing concrete mixtures the most appropriate RCA was selected to be used in the third stage of the investigation. In the third stage, concrete mixtures, in which 0, 35, 70 and 100 vol % of crushed coarse limestone was replaced with the selected coarse RCA, were produced. The water/cement ratio of the mixtures was taken as 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65. The mechanical, permeability and durability of the concrete mixtures were determined. Compared to the control concrete mixture, SBR containing-concretes showed lower compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, impact resistance, water absorption, porosity, water penetration depth under pressure, chloride ion penetration and sorptivity values, however, higher tensile strength, UPV values, freezing-thawing as well as sulfate resistance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Polimer Beton, Geri Dönüşüm Agrega, Durabilite Özellikleri, Polymer Concrete, Recycled Concrete Aggregate, Durability Properties