UNOS 2 statüsündeki son dönem kalp yetersizliği hastalarında kalp naklinin mortaliteye etkisi
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Amaç: Medikal ve cihazlı destek tedavilerindeki son gelişmelere rağmen UNOS 2 (United Network for Organ Sharing) statüsündeki son dönem kalp yetersizliği hastalarında tedavi stratejileri halen tartışmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, UNOS 2 son dönem kalp yetersizliği olan ve kalp nakli bekleme listesine alınan hastaların bekleme sürecindeki klinik durumları ve prognozları incelendi. Çalışma planı: Çalışmada UNOS 2 statüsünde olan ve kalp nakli programına alınan 78 hasta (62 erkek, 16 kadın; ort. yaş 43±12) incelendi. Nakil programına alındıktan sonra hastaların kalp yetersizliği nedeniyle hastaneye yatış sıklığı, bir üst UNOS sınıfına ilerleme, nakil yapılıp yapılmadığı ve mortalite oranları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların listede bekleme süresi ortalama 17±10 ay idi. Kalp yetersizliği nedeniyle hastaneye yatış sıklığı 4±2/yıl bulundu. Yedi hastaya (%9) devamlı ventrikül taşikardisi nedeniyle kardioverter defibrilatör takıldı. Dokuz hastada (%11.5) UNOS 1B’ye ilerleme görüldü. On sekiz hastaya (%23.1) listede altı aylık bekleme süresinden sonra ortotopik kalp nakli uygulandı. Kalp nakli uygulanan hastalarda mortalite oranı %22.2 (4 hasta), bekleme listesinde olan hastalarda ise %25 (15 hasta) bulundu (p=0.03). Nakil listesindeyken kaybedilen hastaların 11’inde (%73.3) neden ani ölüm idi. Nakil uygulanan hastalarla izlemdeki hastalar sonlanım noktası olarak mortalite ve UNOS 1B’ye ilerleme açısından karşılaştırıldığında, nakil yapılmayan grupta oran anlamlı derecede daha yüksek idi (24 hasta, %40 ve 4 hasta, %22.2; p=0.01). Sonuç: UNOS 2 statüsündeki hastalarda ilerideki klinik kötüleşmelerin, sık kalp yetersizliği ataklarının ve kardiyak ölümlerin önlenmesi açısından kalp nakli uygun bir tedavi seçeneğidir.
Objectives: Despite recent developments in medical treatments and assist device applications, management strategies for end-stage heart failure patients with UNOS status 2 (United Network for Organ Sharing) are still controversial. We evaluated the clinical condition and prognosis of end-stage heart failure patients with UNOS status 2, who were placed on the waiting list for heart transplantation. Study design: The study included 78 patients (62 men, 16 women; mean age 43±12 years) with UNOS status 2. The patients were assessed in terms of frequency of hospitalization during waiting for transplantation, shift to a higher level of UNOS status, transplantations performed, and mortality. Results: The mean duration of waiting on the list was 17±10 months. The frequency of hospitalization due to heart failure was 4±2/year. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator was used in seven patients (9%) for persistent ventricular tachycardia. Nine patients (11.5%) shifted to UNOS status 1B. Eighteen patients (23.1%) underwent orthotopic heart transplantation following six months of waiting on the list. Mortality rates were 25% (n=15) and 22.2% (n=4) for patients on the waiting list and for transplant patients at the end of the first year of transplantation, respectively (p=0.03). The main cause of mortality was sudden cardiac death (73.3%, n=11) for patients on the transplantation list. There was a significant difference in terms of combined end-point of mortality and shift to UNOS status 1B between transplanted (n=24, 40%) and untransplanted (n=4, 22.2%) patients (p=0.01). Conclusion: Heart transplantation is an appropriate alternative for preventing impending clinical deterioration, frequent attacks of heart failure, and cardiac deaths in patients with UNOS status 2.
Objectives: Despite recent developments in medical treatments and assist device applications, management strategies for end-stage heart failure patients with UNOS status 2 (United Network for Organ Sharing) are still controversial. We evaluated the clinical condition and prognosis of end-stage heart failure patients with UNOS status 2, who were placed on the waiting list for heart transplantation. Study design: The study included 78 patients (62 men, 16 women; mean age 43±12 years) with UNOS status 2. The patients were assessed in terms of frequency of hospitalization during waiting for transplantation, shift to a higher level of UNOS status, transplantations performed, and mortality. Results: The mean duration of waiting on the list was 17±10 months. The frequency of hospitalization due to heart failure was 4±2/year. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator was used in seven patients (9%) for persistent ventricular tachycardia. Nine patients (11.5%) shifted to UNOS status 1B. Eighteen patients (23.1%) underwent orthotopic heart transplantation following six months of waiting on the list. Mortality rates were 25% (n=15) and 22.2% (n=4) for patients on the waiting list and for transplant patients at the end of the first year of transplantation, respectively (p=0.03). The main cause of mortality was sudden cardiac death (73.3%, n=11) for patients on the transplantation list. There was a significant difference in terms of combined end-point of mortality and shift to UNOS status 1B between transplanted (n=24, 40%) and untransplanted (n=4, 22.2%) patients (p=0.01). Conclusion: Heart transplantation is an appropriate alternative for preventing impending clinical deterioration, frequent attacks of heart failure, and cardiac deaths in patients with UNOS status 2.
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Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
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