Asasiye olmayan ikili sıvı karışımlarında deneysel ve teorik ses eğrilerinin karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Çalışmamızda, özellikle asosiye olmayan sıvıların gazlara akraba olduğu varsayılmıştır. Gazların davranışları moleküler kinetik teori ve bundan elde edilebilen bal denklemi ile açıklanabildiğine göre, bunların söz konusu sıvılar ve karışımları için de geçerli olup olmayacağı çalışmamızın temel amacı olmuştur. Bu amaca ulaşabilmek için önce bu çalışmanın (2-1) ve (2-2) kesimlerinde; esnek şekil değiştirebilen bir maddesel noktalar sisteminden ultrases dalgaları geçtiğinde, ortaya çıkan gerilimler ve yerdeğiştirmeler, ilgili literatür ışığında kısaca incelendi ve dalgaların yayılma hızı için bir bağıntı bulundu. Bu bağıntı yardımıyla; Van der Waals denkleminden, bazı sınır koşulları altında akışkanlarda geçerli olan bir teorik ses hızı bağıntısının üretilmesine elverişli olan bir ifade bulundu. (2-3) de Van der Waals denklemi özel olarak verildikten sonra (2-4) ve (2-5) kesimlerinde, ses hızının moleküler kinetik teorisi ile sözkonusu hal denklemi ayrıntılı biçimde tartışıldı ve (2-6) da da "doğrusal diyagramlar teoremi" verildi. 3. bölümde, "çarpışma faktörü", "serbest yol" ve "molar ses hacmi" teorileri incelendi ve ses hızının teorik hesabma uygun olan bağıntılar bulundu. Bunun yanında yarı deneysel "Natta-Baccareda bağıntısı" da ele alındı. 4. bölümde "gravimetrik yöntemle", ikili sıvı karışımlarının hazırlanması, bileşenlerin mol kesirlerinin bulunması anlatıldıktan sonra; (3-4), (3-9), (3-16) ve (3-17) ifadeleri yardımı ile ses hızlan hesaplandı. Denel ve teorik ses hızı değerleri çizelge (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) de verildi. Sonra bu değerlerle; v ses hızı, k de bileşenlerden birinin konsantrasyonu olmak üzere, v=F(k) "ses eğrileri" çizildi, şekü (3,4,5,6). Teorik ve denel ses eğrilerinin oldukça uyumlu olmalarından, "moleküler kinetik teori" ve "Van der Waals denklemi" nin, söz konusu sıvılar için de kullanılabileceği sonucuna varıldı. Eğrilerdeki sapmalardan da, yukanda sözü edilen ses hızı teorileri ile Van der Waals denkleminin düzeltilmesi gerektiği kanısma ulaşıldı. 41
SUMMARY In this study it has been mantioned that liquids which is especially not associated are relative to gases. Behaviors of gases can be explained with molecular kinetic theory and equation of state which is provided from one. And it is basic purpose of our study whether equation of state valid for liquids, that mentioned, and their mixtures too. In order to perform this aim firstly in section (2.1) and (2.2) when ultrasound waves passed from painted substance system which can be change its shape elastically, appeared tensions and replacings are inspected according to related literature and found an aquation for spreading velocity of waves. Thus an explanation has been found which is valid for fluids under some bound conditions. By using Van der Waals equation an exppression which is suitable for producing a theoretical sound velocity relation has been obtained. After Van der Waals equation had given as a summary in section (2.3), equation of state that mentioned discussed in details with molecular kinetic theory of sound velocity in section (2.4) and (2.5). In section (2.6) "the theory of lineer diagrams" has been given. In part 3, "collision factor", "free path" and "volume of molar sound" theories have been investigated, and some equations, which are suitable for theoritical calculation of sound velocity, have been found. In addition, semi experimental Natta-Beccerada equation has been examined. The preparation of binary liquid mixtures and the obtaining of mole fraction of components have been explained in part 4. From (3.4), (3-9), (3-16) and (3-17) equations ultrasound velocity has been calculated. The experimental and theoretical sound velocity values have been given in table (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) with these values v=f(k), where v; sound velocity, k; concentration of the one of these components, sound curves have been fitted (Figure 3, 4, 5, 6). Since theoretical and experimental sound velocity curves are in agreement with together it has been conclued that molecular kinetic theory and Van der Waals equation can be used for the liquids. As a result of deviations of the curves with sound velocity theories mentioned above Van der Waals equation should be improved as a progressive opinion. 42
SUMMARY In this study it has been mantioned that liquids which is especially not associated are relative to gases. Behaviors of gases can be explained with molecular kinetic theory and equation of state which is provided from one. And it is basic purpose of our study whether equation of state valid for liquids, that mentioned, and their mixtures too. In order to perform this aim firstly in section (2.1) and (2.2) when ultrasound waves passed from painted substance system which can be change its shape elastically, appeared tensions and replacings are inspected according to related literature and found an aquation for spreading velocity of waves. Thus an explanation has been found which is valid for fluids under some bound conditions. By using Van der Waals equation an exppression which is suitable for producing a theoretical sound velocity relation has been obtained. After Van der Waals equation had given as a summary in section (2.3), equation of state that mentioned discussed in details with molecular kinetic theory of sound velocity in section (2.4) and (2.5). In section (2.6) "the theory of lineer diagrams" has been given. In part 3, "collision factor", "free path" and "volume of molar sound" theories have been investigated, and some equations, which are suitable for theoritical calculation of sound velocity, have been found. In addition, semi experimental Natta-Beccerada equation has been examined. The preparation of binary liquid mixtures and the obtaining of mole fraction of components have been explained in part 4. From (3.4), (3-9), (3-16) and (3-17) equations ultrasound velocity has been calculated. The experimental and theoretical sound velocity values have been given in table (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) with these values v=f(k), where v; sound velocity, k; concentration of the one of these components, sound curves have been fitted (Figure 3, 4, 5, 6). Since theoretical and experimental sound velocity curves are in agreement with together it has been conclued that molecular kinetic theory and Van der Waals equation can be used for the liquids. As a result of deviations of the curves with sound velocity theories mentioned above Van der Waals equation should be improved as a progressive opinion. 42
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Ses dalgaları, Sound waves, Sıvı karışımlar, Liquid mixtures