Muğla ili Göktepe köyünde çocuklarda ve köpeklerde visseral leishmaniasis'in araştırılması
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Ülkemizin de içinde bulunduğu subtropik kuşakta insan ve hayvan sağlığı yönünden önemli bir problem olan leishmaniasis, Türkiye'de visseral (VL), kutanöz (CL) ve kopek leishmaniasisi (CanVL) olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır, Hastalığın bir bölgede endemik veya sporadik olgularla devam etmesinde en önemli kaynağı VL'li köpekler oluşturmaktadır. Türkiye'de gerek insan gerekse köpeklerdeki hastalığın prevalansı hakkmda yeterli veri bulunmamakta, bu konudaki çalışmalar devam etmektedir. Muğla ili Göktepe köyünden 9 yaşında bir çocuğun VL tanısı almasından sonra ölmesi üzerine aynı köyde ve taşımalı eğitimle çevre köylerden okula gelen öğrencilerde hastalığın bölgedeki durumunu ortaya koymak amacıyla bir araştırma yapılması uygun görülmüştür. Bu amaçla 21-23 Mayis 2000 tarihleri arasında Göktepe ve çevre köylerdeki 1-15 yaşları arasındaki 275 çocuğun fizik muayeneleri yapılmış ve kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Ayrıca Göktepe köyündeki 52 sahipli köpekden de kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Serumlar IFAT, Whole-ELISA ve rK39-ELISA testleri ile Leishmania antikorları açısından araştırılmıştır. Çocuklardan alınan örneklerde pozitif cevap bulunamazken köpeklerin 2 (%3,8) tanesi seropozitif olarak tespit edilmiştir. Alınan sonuçların ülkemizin sporadik VL olgularının görüldüğü diğer bölgeleri ile uyumlu olduğu düşünülmektedir.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonotic disease due to Leishmania infantum in the Mediterranean region including Turkey. Dogs are the main reservoir in this region. Human VL occurs sporadically or endemically along the Agean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey. The epidemiology of VL has been studied in several regions of Turkey. The present study was performed in a village belonging to the City of Muğla located in thesouthwest of Turkey, because a patient there had died from VL. In this village and surrounding villages, 275 children between 1 and 15 years old were examined clinically and blood samples were taken. Permission for this study had been obtained from the Ministry of Health. In addition, blood samples were collected from 52 dogs that had owners. Three serological tests were used on all of serum samples. The seropositivity rate was 3.S% (2/52) in the dogs, but there was -no seropositivity (0/275) in the children. In conclusion, the rates in these dogs confirmed our previous results for canine leishmaniasis obtained from different regions of Turkey. Further studies using the leishmanin skin test are needed to determine the rate of contact with Leishmania parasite by people in endemic or sporadic areas.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonotic disease due to Leishmania infantum in the Mediterranean region including Turkey. Dogs are the main reservoir in this region. Human VL occurs sporadically or endemically along the Agean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey. The epidemiology of VL has been studied in several regions of Turkey. The present study was performed in a village belonging to the City of Muğla located in thesouthwest of Turkey, because a patient there had died from VL. In this village and surrounding villages, 275 children between 1 and 15 years old were examined clinically and blood samples were taken. Permission for this study had been obtained from the Ministry of Health. In addition, blood samples were collected from 52 dogs that had owners. Three serological tests were used on all of serum samples. The seropositivity rate was 3.S% (2/52) in the dogs, but there was -no seropositivity (0/275) in the children. In conclusion, the rates in these dogs confirmed our previous results for canine leishmaniasis obtained from different regions of Turkey. Further studies using the leishmanin skin test are needed to determine the rate of contact with Leishmania parasite by people in endemic or sporadic areas.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri