Kontamine kuru incirlerden iki farklı teknikle elde edilen incir pekmezlerine aflatoksin geçiş düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET KONTAMİNE KURU İNCİRLERDEN İKİ FARKLI TEKNİKLE ELDE EDİLEN İNCİR PEKMEZLERİNE AFLATOKSİN GEÇİŞ DÜZEYLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ BAHAR, M. Banu Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Doç. Dr. Tomris ALTUG Ağustos 1996, 77 sayfa Bu çalışmada; aflatoksinle kontamine kuru incirlerden farklı iki teknikle pekmez elde edilerek, pekmeze geçen aflatoksin düzeyleri yüksek basınç sıvı kromatografisi tekniği kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. İncir pekmezi eldesinde, Kuru üzüm pekmezi standardında tanımlanan yöntem uygulanmıştır. Bu teknikde; ekstraksiyön, ağartma ajanı (pekmez toprağı) ve pastörizasyon aşamalarının herbirinin incirden pekmeze aflatoksin geçiş düzeyine etkileri de araştırılmıştır. Bu aşamaların aflatoksinlerin pekmeze geçişlerini farklı oranlarda azalttıkları belirlenmiştir. II. teknikle pekmez eldesinde ise; enzim ve jelatin uygulaması sonucu elde edilen şıranın, konsantre edilmesi ile oluşan pekmezdeki toksin miktarı incelenmiştir. Analizler sonunda toplam aflatoksin düzeylerinde I. teknikle elde edilen bütün incir pekmezlerinde başlangıçtaki incirlere göre toplam aflatoksin düzeylerinde ortalama %69; parçalanmış incir pekmezlerinde ise ortalama; %61 oranında azalmalar olduğu gözlenmiştir. II. teknikle elde edilen bütün incir pekmezlerinin toplam aflatoksin düzeyinde ise %38 azalma görülürken, parçalanmış incir pekmezlerinde %92 oranında azalma olduğu saptanmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: aflatoksin, kuru incir, incir pekmezi, incir pekmezinde aflatoksin
V ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION of AFLATOXIN LEVELS in FIG MOLASSES PRODUCED by TWO DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES FROM DRIED FIGS CONTAMINATED WITH AFLATOXIN BAHAR, M. Banu Msc in Food Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomris ALTU? August 1996, 77 pages In this study, fig molasses were produced by two different techniques from dried figs contaminated with aflatoxin and aflatoxins passing through the molasses were determined by using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique. The first technique used in production of fig molasses was applied according to the method suggested in Turkish standard for production of grape molasses. The effects of pasteurization, bleaching agent (soil) and extraction stages on aflatoxin levels passing thruogh molasses from contaminated figs were also investigated. It was detected that these stages were effective in decreasing the passage of aflatoxins to molasses at different ratios. In the second tecnique, the aflatoxin levels in fig molasses produced by concentration of fig juice obtained as a result of enzyme and gelatine treatment were examined. A decrease in total aflatoxin levels in fig molassesas produced by the first technique using whole and shredded dried figs are detected average of 69% and 61%,respectively. Total aflatoxin levels in fig molasses produced by the second technique using whole and shredded figs were also decreased at levels of 38% and 92%, respectively. Key words: aflatoxin, dried figs, fig molasses, aflatoxin in fig molasses
V ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION of AFLATOXIN LEVELS in FIG MOLASSES PRODUCED by TWO DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES FROM DRIED FIGS CONTAMINATED WITH AFLATOXIN BAHAR, M. Banu Msc in Food Eng. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomris ALTU? August 1996, 77 pages In this study, fig molasses were produced by two different techniques from dried figs contaminated with aflatoxin and aflatoxins passing through the molasses were determined by using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique. The first technique used in production of fig molasses was applied according to the method suggested in Turkish standard for production of grape molasses. The effects of pasteurization, bleaching agent (soil) and extraction stages on aflatoxin levels passing thruogh molasses from contaminated figs were also investigated. It was detected that these stages were effective in decreasing the passage of aflatoxins to molasses at different ratios. In the second tecnique, the aflatoxin levels in fig molasses produced by concentration of fig juice obtained as a result of enzyme and gelatine treatment were examined. A decrease in total aflatoxin levels in fig molassesas produced by the first technique using whole and shredded dried figs are detected average of 69% and 61%,respectively. Total aflatoxin levels in fig molasses produced by the second technique using whole and shredded figs were also decreased at levels of 38% and 92%, respectively. Key words: aflatoxin, dried figs, fig molasses, aflatoxin in fig molasses
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Aflatoksinler, Aflatoxins, Kuru meyve, Dry fruit, İncir, Fig, İncir pekmezi, Fig pectin