Trol araştırmalarında kullanılan farklı iki örtü torba yönteminin seçiciliğe etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışmada, Trol seçicilik araştırmalarında, yaygın olarak kullanılan örtü torba yönteminde örtünün torba gözleri üzerine yaptığı maskeleme etkisinin belirlenmesine çalışılmıştır. Toplam 29 adet trol operasyonunun İS adedi standart örtü torba yöntemiyle, 1 1 adedi ise geliştirilmiş çemberli örtü torba yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Seçicilik üzerine farklı örtü torba yöntemlerinin etkisi yanında, ayrıca trol çekim sürelerininde etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu etkinin belirlenmesi içinde 60 ve 30 dakika süren trol operasyonları yapılmış çekim sürelerinin seçicilik üzerine ne şekilde etkide bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yavru balıkların (Yakalanma boyutunun altındaki) kaçışına izin verecek seçicilik parametresi olarak % L 25 değeri değerlendirmede esas alınmıştır. Barbunya (MuUus barbatm L.) için bu değerler çembersiz (standart) örtü torba yönteminde 60 ve 30 dakikalık trol çekim sürelerinde sırasıyla 9.28 cm. ve 10.4 cm. bulunurken, çemberli Örtü torba yönteminde 12.1 cm. ile 12.9 cm. bulunmuştur. Sırtlı balıklan temsilen seçilen ısparoz (Diplottus annularis L.) için çembersiz örtü torba yönteminde 60 ve 30 dakikalık trol çekim sürelerinde % L 25 değerleri 8.8 cm. ile 8.3 cm. bulunurken, Çemberli örtü torba yönteminde 9.3 cm. ile 9.4 cm bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma sonucunda seçiciliği etkileyen, önemli faktörlerden biri olan örtü torbanın maskeleme etkisi, geliştirilen çemberli örtü torba yöntemi ile nispeten ortadan kaldırılmış ve seçicilik parametrelerini daha doğru hesaplamak için sağlıklı veriler elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak çemberli örtü torba yönteminin çembersiz örtü torba yöntemine göre seçicilik açısından olumlu katkılarda bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. 43
SUMMARY Ih this investigation, It was tried to explain that masking effect of the cover on cod-end meshes in covered cod-end method which are commonly used in trawl selectivity experiments. Eighteen trawl operations were hauled with standart covered cod-end method and other eleven trawl operations were hauled with improved ringed covered cod- end method of totally twentynine trawl operations. Different covered cod-end methods effect the selectivity. In addition trawl hauling time effect the selectivity resuts too. Trawl operations, which continued sixty and thirty minutes, were hauled for determination of the effect. % L 25 selectivity paremeter is taken to results for young fish ( Below the minumum landing size). As these values were obtained 9.28 cm. and 10.4 cm. at 60 and 30 minutes trawl hauling time in the standart covered cod-end method for striped mullet (Mullus barbatm L.) respectivetly, these were obtained 12 cm and 12.9 cm. in the ringed covered cod-end method respectivetly. As the % L 25 values were obtained 8.8 cm and 8.3 cm. at sixty and thirty minutes trawl hauling time in the standart covered cod-end method for annular sea bream (Diptodus annularis L) respectivetly which choosen to represent wedge fish, these values were obtained 9.3 cm. and 9.4 cm in the ringed covered cod-end method respectivetly. Masking effect of the covered cod-end method which effect the cod-end selectivity has been removed relatively by improved ringed covered cod-end method and reliable data were colected in order to calculate trawl cod- end selectivity. As a resulst of using ringed covered cod-end method, selectivity paremeters had been corrected. So It was observed that this method support to trawl cod-end selectivity. 44
SUMMARY Ih this investigation, It was tried to explain that masking effect of the cover on cod-end meshes in covered cod-end method which are commonly used in trawl selectivity experiments. Eighteen trawl operations were hauled with standart covered cod-end method and other eleven trawl operations were hauled with improved ringed covered cod- end method of totally twentynine trawl operations. Different covered cod-end methods effect the selectivity. In addition trawl hauling time effect the selectivity resuts too. Trawl operations, which continued sixty and thirty minutes, were hauled for determination of the effect. % L 25 selectivity paremeter is taken to results for young fish ( Below the minumum landing size). As these values were obtained 9.28 cm. and 10.4 cm. at 60 and 30 minutes trawl hauling time in the standart covered cod-end method for striped mullet (Mullus barbatm L.) respectivetly, these were obtained 12 cm and 12.9 cm. in the ringed covered cod-end method respectivetly. As the % L 25 values were obtained 8.8 cm and 8.3 cm. at sixty and thirty minutes trawl hauling time in the standart covered cod-end method for annular sea bream (Diptodus annularis L) respectivetly which choosen to represent wedge fish, these values were obtained 9.3 cm. and 9.4 cm in the ringed covered cod-end method respectivetly. Masking effect of the covered cod-end method which effect the cod-end selectivity has been removed relatively by improved ringed covered cod-end method and reliable data were colected in order to calculate trawl cod- end selectivity. As a resulst of using ringed covered cod-end method, selectivity paremeters had been corrected. So It was observed that this method support to trawl cod-end selectivity. 44
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Avcılık, Hunting, Avlanma teknikleri, Hunt techniques, Balıklar, Fishes, Barbunya balığı, Red mullet