Ananas atıklarından izole edilen bromelain enziminin tekstil uygulaması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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İnsanlar tekstil ürünlerini ilk çağlardan günümüze kadar ki süreçte farklı amaçlar için hayatın her alanında kullanmışlardır. Günümüzde tekstil ürünleri kullanım amaçlarına göre çeşitli fiziksel ve kimyasal ön işlemlerden geçerek insanlığın hizmetine sunulmaktadır. Dünya çapında nüfus artışı ile birlikte tekstil ürünlerine ihtiyaç her geçen gün artmaktadır. Buna bağlı olarak üretimde kullanılan toksik kimyasalların, suyun ve enerjinin kullanımı artmaktadır. Artan dünya nüfusu ile birlikte gıda tüketimi artmakta ve atıkların da artmasına neden olmaktadır. Atıkların bertarafında kullanılan yöntemler (yakma, depolama, mikrobiyal degredasyon vb.) çevreye zarar vermektedir. Döngüsel ekonomi kavramına dayanarak hem tekstil endüstrisinde toksik kimyasalların kullanımı ve salınımını azaltmak hem de gıda atıklarının içeriğindeki yararlı bileşenlerden faydalanmak için multidisipliner çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Bu çalışmada tekstil endüstrisinde boncuklanmanın önlenmesi için ön işlemler sırasında kullanılan toksik kimyasalların yerine atık ananas kabuklarından izole edilen bromelain enziminin kullanılması hedeflendi. Yerel marketlerden ücretsiz olarak temin edilen ananas kabuklarından bromelain enzimi amonyum sülfat ve etanol çöktürmesi kullanılarak izole edildi. Kumaş uygulamasında enzimin stabilitesini korumak, tekrar kullanılabilirliğini arttırmak, ortamdan geri kazanımını kolaylaştırmak ve maliyeti düşürmek amacı ile enzimin kitosanda enkapsülasyonu yapıldı. Farklı oranlarda kitosan ve bromelain karışımları tripolifosfat (TPP) içerisine damlatılarak boncuklar elde edildi. Boncukların dayanıklılığını arttırmak için dış yüzeyleri karboksimetil selüloz (CMC) ile kaplandı. Hazırlanan boncuklardan en iyi oran seçilerek yün kumaşın boncuklanmasının azaltılması için kullanıldı. Yün kumaşın hidrofobikliğini gidermek için yüzey modifikasyonu yapıldı ve sonrasında glutaraldehit ile muamele edildi. Glutaraldehit ile muamele edilen ve glutaraldehit ile muamele edilmeyen kumaşlar her iki grupta ticari bromelain, atık ananas kabuklarından izole edilen bromelain, ticari bromelain boncukları ve atık ananas kabuklarından izole edilen bromelain boncukları ile modifiye edildi. İşlem görmüş kumaşlarda boncuklanma, mukavemet ve ağırlık değişim testleri yapıldı. Tez çalışması sonucunda; atık ananas kabuklarından izole edilen bromelain enzimi ile hazırlanan boncukların tekstil endüstrisinde kullanılan toksik kimyasallara ve ticari bromelain enzimine alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği bulundu. Düşük maliyetli, katma değeri yüksek, çevre dostu bir tekstil modifikasyon yöntemi geliştirildi
People use textile products in all areas of life for different purposes in the process from the first ages to the present day. In today's conditions, textile products are offered to the service of humanity by going through various physical and chemical pre-treatments in line with their intended use. The need for textile products has increase day by with the increase in population worldwide. The use of toxic chemicals, water and energy used in production accordingly. When factory wastes containing toxic components are not disposed properly, they are got mixed with the limited natural resources, water, soil and air. Uncontrolled and careless release of waste negatively affects the entire ecosystem. Today, with the increase in population density, a lot of vegetables and fruits are produced to meet the fnutritional needs of people. From the field to the table, some amount of grown products are lost due to decay and spoilage in many steps. In addition, disposal methods such as landfilling, incineration and composting of fruit and vegetable wastes separated after consumption are applied. Disposal of waste in this way harms the quality of life of people and the ecosystem. These food residues, which are left to deteriorate in nature as waste, contain many useful components necessary for humans. Based on the concept of circular economy, multidisciplinary studies are carried out to reduce the use and release of toxic chemicals in the textile industry and to benefit from the beneficial components in the content of food waste. In this study, it is aimed to use bromelain enzyme extracted from waste pineapple peels instead of toxic chemicals used during pretreatment to prevent felting and minimize pilling in the textile industry. Bromelain enzyme was isolated using different techniques from pineapple peels obtained free of charge from local markets. Enzyme encapsulation preferred for enhancement of enzyme stability, reusability, cost and case of use. The beads were obtained by dropping the mixture of chitosan and bromelain into tripolyphosphate (TPP). Obtained beads covered with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) to enhance the stiffness of beads encapsulated. The best ratio was selected from the prepared beads and used in the modification of the wool fabric. Surface modification was made to reduce the hydrophobicity of the wool fabric and then treated with glutaraldehyde. Fabrics which are treated with glutaraldehyde and which are not treated with glutaraldehyde were modified with commerical bromelain, commercial bromelain beads, bromelain isolated from waste pineapple peels and bromelain beads isolated from waste pineapple peels. Pilling, strength and weight change tests were performed on the treated fabrics. In conclusion of this study, it was seen that the bromelain beads isolated from waste pineapple peels can be used as an alternative to toxic chemicals and commercial bromelain used in the textile industry. A low-cost, eco-friendly, high value-added method has been developed.
People use textile products in all areas of life for different purposes in the process from the first ages to the present day. In today's conditions, textile products are offered to the service of humanity by going through various physical and chemical pre-treatments in line with their intended use. The need for textile products has increase day by with the increase in population worldwide. The use of toxic chemicals, water and energy used in production accordingly. When factory wastes containing toxic components are not disposed properly, they are got mixed with the limited natural resources, water, soil and air. Uncontrolled and careless release of waste negatively affects the entire ecosystem. Today, with the increase in population density, a lot of vegetables and fruits are produced to meet the fnutritional needs of people. From the field to the table, some amount of grown products are lost due to decay and spoilage in many steps. In addition, disposal methods such as landfilling, incineration and composting of fruit and vegetable wastes separated after consumption are applied. Disposal of waste in this way harms the quality of life of people and the ecosystem. These food residues, which are left to deteriorate in nature as waste, contain many useful components necessary for humans. Based on the concept of circular economy, multidisciplinary studies are carried out to reduce the use and release of toxic chemicals in the textile industry and to benefit from the beneficial components in the content of food waste. In this study, it is aimed to use bromelain enzyme extracted from waste pineapple peels instead of toxic chemicals used during pretreatment to prevent felting and minimize pilling in the textile industry. Bromelain enzyme was isolated using different techniques from pineapple peels obtained free of charge from local markets. Enzyme encapsulation preferred for enhancement of enzyme stability, reusability, cost and case of use. The beads were obtained by dropping the mixture of chitosan and bromelain into tripolyphosphate (TPP). Obtained beads covered with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) to enhance the stiffness of beads encapsulated. The best ratio was selected from the prepared beads and used in the modification of the wool fabric. Surface modification was made to reduce the hydrophobicity of the wool fabric and then treated with glutaraldehyde. Fabrics which are treated with glutaraldehyde and which are not treated with glutaraldehyde were modified with commerical bromelain, commercial bromelain beads, bromelain isolated from waste pineapple peels and bromelain beads isolated from waste pineapple peels. Pilling, strength and weight change tests were performed on the treated fabrics. In conclusion of this study, it was seen that the bromelain beads isolated from waste pineapple peels can be used as an alternative to toxic chemicals and commercial bromelain used in the textile industry. A low-cost, eco-friendly, high value-added method has been developed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering