Subaraknoid kanamanın günlük meteorolojik değişkenlerle ve mevsimsel döngülerle ilişkisinin araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
10. Özet Klinik pratikte klinisyenler subaraknoid kanama (SAK) vakalarının kısa zaman dilimlerinde kümeler halinde başvurduklarını gözlemektedirler. Yine bazılarına gore SAK mevsimsel bir fluktasyon göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı mevsimsel meteorolojik değişkenlerle SAK arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığının araştırılmasıdır. Materyal ve metod: 1998 ocak ve 2004 şubat aylan arasında Ege Üniveristesi Nöroşirurji kliniğinde yatırılarak tedavi edilen 599 SAK vakasına ait veriler retrospektif olarak toplanmıştır. Çiğli havaalanına ait günlük hava sıcaklığı, rölatif hava basıncı, çiğ noktası, nem oram, ölçümleri toplandı. Ayrıca günlük "Discomfort index"(DI) değerleri bu veriler yardımıyla hesaplandı. "Logistic regression for rare events data" test yöntemi, "Roger test", "t test for independence samples", "One-way Anova" ve "Generalized Additive Models" istatistik yöntemleri kullanıldı. Sonuçlar: Kısa dönem (günlük) analizler sonucunda sıcaklık, çiğ noktası ve Di değerleri SAK oluşumunda etkili faktörler olarak saptandı. Ayrıca uzun dönem (haftalık) analizlerde hava basmcı SAK oluşumuna etkili bir değişken olarak bulundu. Yüksek basmç değerlerinin kaydedildiği haftalarda daha yüksek SAK vakasına rastlandığı tespit edildi. Diğer meteorolojik verilerle haftalık ve aylık SAK oluşması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamadı. Tartışma: SAK oluşumu meteorolojik verilerle değişik zaman aralıkları için değişik derecelerde ilişkilidir. Sıcaklık, çiğ noktası ve rölatif nem oranlan uzun dönem çalışmalarda yani SAK kümeleşmesinde etkili değildir. Fakat kısa dönem analizlerde SAK oluşumunu etkilemektedirler. Buna karşılık uzun dönemde etkili olmayan Di, kısa dönem çalışmalarda etkili görülmektedir. Atmosferik basmç değerleri uzun dönemde SAK hastalarının kümeleşmesine etkili tek faktördür. 45
9. Summary In the clinical practice, clinicians observe that patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) admitted to the hospital with small groups in short time interval. Also incidence of SAH shows seasonal fluctuation. The objective of this study is to examine relation between seasonal-climatic variations and SAH. Methods: The data of 599 patients with SAH who admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of Ege University between 1st of January 1998 and 31st of February 2004 were collected retrospectively. Patients who admitted from out of Ege geographical region were excluded. Cigli airport weather station climatical data which included daily temperature, air pressure, humidity and dew point was used. We also calculated daily "discomfort index" and researched the relationship with SAH occurrence. "Logistic regression for rare events data" test method, "Roger test", "t test for independence samples", "One-way Anova"and "Generalized Additive Models" statistical methods were used for analyzing. Results: We found that dew point and discomfort index were statistically important in short term analysis and daily changes of these variables affected the SAH occurrence. Atmospheric pressure also affected the SAH occurrence but in long term weekly analysis. In some weeks which had high atmospheric pressure mean levels, SAH cases statistically accumulated. There was no relation between SAH occurrences and weekly and monthly mean values of other atmospheric variables. Discussion: SAH occurrence depends on all of the atmospheric variables in different levels and time interval. Temperature, dew point and humidity are not important alone in long term analysis, but they affect the daily discomfort index which is important statistically in short term analysis. Atmospheric pressure is only important variable in long term cumulative analysis. 44
9. Summary In the clinical practice, clinicians observe that patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) admitted to the hospital with small groups in short time interval. Also incidence of SAH shows seasonal fluctuation. The objective of this study is to examine relation between seasonal-climatic variations and SAH. Methods: The data of 599 patients with SAH who admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital of Ege University between 1st of January 1998 and 31st of February 2004 were collected retrospectively. Patients who admitted from out of Ege geographical region were excluded. Cigli airport weather station climatical data which included daily temperature, air pressure, humidity and dew point was used. We also calculated daily "discomfort index" and researched the relationship with SAH occurrence. "Logistic regression for rare events data" test method, "Roger test", "t test for independence samples", "One-way Anova"and "Generalized Additive Models" statistical methods were used for analyzing. Results: We found that dew point and discomfort index were statistically important in short term analysis and daily changes of these variables affected the SAH occurrence. Atmospheric pressure also affected the SAH occurrence but in long term weekly analysis. In some weeks which had high atmospheric pressure mean levels, SAH cases statistically accumulated. There was no relation between SAH occurrences and weekly and monthly mean values of other atmospheric variables. Discussion: SAH occurrence depends on all of the atmospheric variables in different levels and time interval. Temperature, dew point and humidity are not important alone in long term analysis, but they affect the daily discomfort index which is important statistically in short term analysis. Atmospheric pressure is only important variable in long term cumulative analysis. 44
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroşirürji, Neurosurgery