Tazettine adlı alkaloid üzerinde fotokimyasal araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Daha önce yapılmış olan fitokimyasal çalışmalar sırasında doğal kaynaklardan elde edilmiş olan tazettine adlı Amaryllidaceae alkaloidi, metanollü çözeltisinde güneş ışığına maruz bırakılmıştır. Cereyan eden fotokimyasal tepkime sonucunda, ortamda hiç tazettine kalmadığı görülmüştür. Oluşan alkaloidal nitelikli ürünler, sütun ve preparatif ince tabaka kromatografisi yöntemleriyle saflaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen ürünlerden 3 tanesinin yapıları, tek ve çift-boyutlu NMR teknikleri kullanılarak aydınlatılmıştır. Sonuçların değerlendirilmesi, fotoreaksiyonda temel olarak oksidatif mekanizmaların etken olduğunu göstermiştir. Ürünlerimizden bir tanesi olup, daha önce doğal bir kaynaktan izolasyonu rapor edilmiş olan N-methylcrinasiadine'in (OA1), hareket bileşiği olan tazettine'den tamamen farklı bir çekirdek yapısına sahip olması, sözkonusu alkaloidin gerçekte doğal bir bileşik olmayıp, ekstraksiyon işlemleri sonucunda oluşan bir ürün olabileceği hususunu, araştırılması gereken bir konu olarak gündeme getirmiştir
Tazettine, an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid obtained from natural sources during previous phytochemical studies, has been subjected to sunlight in methanolic solution. At the termination of the photochemical reaction, no tazettine remained in the reaction medium. The alkaloidal products of the reaction have been purified by column and preparative thin layer chromatographic methods. The structuires of three of the products have been elucidated by one and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic techniques. The evaluation of the results revealed that, in general, oxidative mechanisms were operative during the photochemical process. One of the products, N-methylcrinasiadine (OA1), the isolation of which has been previously reported from a natural source, incorporates a distinctly different structure from the starting compound, tazettine. This finding hints that N- methylcrinasiadine may not well be a natural alkaloid, but an artefact of isolation, a fact which definitely requires further investigations on the matter.
Tazettine, an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid obtained from natural sources during previous phytochemical studies, has been subjected to sunlight in methanolic solution. At the termination of the photochemical reaction, no tazettine remained in the reaction medium. The alkaloidal products of the reaction have been purified by column and preparative thin layer chromatographic methods. The structuires of three of the products have been elucidated by one and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic techniques. The evaluation of the results revealed that, in general, oxidative mechanisms were operative during the photochemical process. One of the products, N-methylcrinasiadine (OA1), the isolation of which has been previously reported from a natural source, incorporates a distinctly different structure from the starting compound, tazettine. This finding hints that N- methylcrinasiadine may not well be a natural alkaloid, but an artefact of isolation, a fact which definitely requires further investigations on the matter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology