Karadut meyvesinin duyusal kalitesini oluşturan lezzet maddelerinin tayini ve dondurularak depolamanın lezzete etkisinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada Ege Bölgesi'nde yetişen karadut (Morus nigra) meyvesinin lezzet maddelerinin saptanması ve ulusal ve uluslararası boyutta karadutun pazarlanmasında duyusal kalitesini etkileyen bileşenlerin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla karadut meyvesinin lezzet bileşenleri GC/MS ve lezzet profili teknikleri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Karadutun hasat mevsiminin kısa olması nedeniyle söz konusu meyvenin bu dönem dışında da tüketilmesini sağlamak amacıyla dondurularak depolanması sırasında lezzet kalitesine etkileri saptanan bileşenlerin değişimi de incelenmiştir. Emiralem, Salihli ve Tire karadutlarının kullanıldığı çalışmada, GC/MS analizleri sonucunda lezzet bileşenlerinin 3 yörede de benzer olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu bileşenler içerisinde esas lezzete katkısı olanların etil linolenat, palmitik asit, oleik asit, stearik asit, linoleik asit ve linolenik asit olduğu ve söz konusu maddelerin alanlarının toplamının 3 yöre karadulunda toplam alanın % 81.5-92.3'ünü oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir. Lezzet profil analizlerine göre, karadut lezzetinin meyve, tatlı, ekşi, şıra, odun karakterlerini, karadut aramasının ise meyve, asit, yaprak ve yaşodun karakterlerini içerdiği belirlenmiştir. Karaduttaki meyve karakterinin kayısı, böğürtlen ve yasemin karakterlerinin bileşiminden oluştuğu anlaşılmıştır. Sıralama testi sonucunda Emiralem karadutu en fazla tercih edilen (p<0.05) örnek olarak belirlenmiştir. Dondurularak depolama sonucunda GC/MS analizi ile esas lezzete katkısı olan maddelerden böğürtlen lezzeti veren etil stearat, karadut lezzeti veren etil linolenat, hafif çiçek, ot ve yaprak lezzeti veren oleik asit, linoleik asit ve linolenik asidin azaldığı, çürük meyve lezzeti veren palmitik asit ve laurik asit ile okside yağ lezzeti veren stearik asidin ise arttığı saptanmıştır. Lezzet ve aroma profil analizleri sonucunda ise lezzet ve aroma şiddetlerinin azaldığı, meyve lezzetinin 3 ay sonra kaybolduğu, okside lezzet, fermente zeytin ve çürük meyve gibi karakterlerin ortaya çıktığı gözlenmiştir. Yeni hasat edilmiş karadutlarda toplam şeker miktarının % 1 1.3 ile % 16.2 arasında değiştiği, 3 yöre karadutunun fruktoz ve glikoz içerdikleri, Salihli karadutu dışında diğer 2 yöre karadutunun ise çok düşük miktarda ( % 0.5-0.9) sakkaroz içerdiği saptanmıştır. Karadutlarda asitliğin % 1.51 ile % 1.71 arasında, pH'nın 3.80 ile 3.60 arasında değiştiği, şeker/asit oranlarının ise 6.8 ile 9.9 arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Dondurularak depolanmış karadutlarda ise toplam şeker ve asit miktarları ile şeker/asit oranlarının sırasıyla % 4.8, % 0.9 ve 3'e kadar düştüğü, ve pH'nm ise 3.84 kadar yükseldiği saptanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda karadutun - 35°C'da 3 aya kadar lezzet kalitesinde önemli (p<0.05) bir değişiklik olmadan depolanabileceği gözlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler; Karadut, Karadut lezzeti, Karadutun lezzet bileşenleri, Lezzet profil analizi
The present study was conducted to investigate the flavor compounds of black mulberry (Moras nigra) fruit cultivated in the Aegean region, and to determine the components which effect its sensory quality throughout the national and international markets. For this purpose, the flavor compounds of black mulberry were investigated by using GC/MS and flavor profile techniques. The effect of frozen storage at -35°C on flavor compounds was also investigated to increase the limited comsumption of black mulberry due to its short harvesting period. The GC/MS results have shown that there were similar flavor compounds in the black mulberry samples from Emiralem, Salihli and Tire regions which were used as materials of this study. Ethyl linolenate, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid were detected as the major components of black mulberry flavor, while total quantity of these compounds varied between 81.5-92.3 %. In flavor profile studies, fruity, sweet, sour, grape juice and woody character notes were developed for the flavor and fruity, acidic, leafy and woody character notes were developed for the aroma of black mulberry. The fruity character note of black mulberry was found to involve apricot, berry and jasmin characters. The black mulberry sample from Emiralem region was chosenvıı among the three regions as the most preferable sample (p<0.05) in the ranking test. The GC/MS analysis of deep-frozen black mulberries have shown that ethyl stearate representing berry flavor, ethyl linolenate representing black mulberry flavor, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid representing flowery, grassy and leafy flavors were decreased while palmitic and lauric acids representing oxidized oil flavor increased after a storage period of 3 months. It was also observed that the flavor and aroma intensities of deep- frozen samples decreased and the fruity flavor disappeared while oxidized flavor, fermented olive and rotten fruit characters appeared in flavor profiles after 3 months of frozen-storage. The total sugar content of fresh black mulberries varied between 11.3-16.2 %. All of the samples contained fructose and glucose and 2 samples except Salihli sample contained saccharose between 0.5-0.9 % levels. The acidity of black mulberries varied between 1.51-1.71 %, pH varied between 3.60 - 3.80 and sugar/acid ratio was detected between 6.8- 9.9. After 3 months of frozen storage it was observed that the total sugar content, acidity and sugar/acid ratio decreased to levels of 4.8 %, 0.9 % and 3 respectively, while the pH value increased to 3.84. The results of this study indicates that black mulberry can be stored up to 3 months at - 35 »C without significant (p<0.05) changes in flavor quality. Key words; Black mulberry, Blackmulberry flavor, Compounds of black mulberry flavor, Flavor profile analysis.
The present study was conducted to investigate the flavor compounds of black mulberry (Moras nigra) fruit cultivated in the Aegean region, and to determine the components which effect its sensory quality throughout the national and international markets. For this purpose, the flavor compounds of black mulberry were investigated by using GC/MS and flavor profile techniques. The effect of frozen storage at -35°C on flavor compounds was also investigated to increase the limited comsumption of black mulberry due to its short harvesting period. The GC/MS results have shown that there were similar flavor compounds in the black mulberry samples from Emiralem, Salihli and Tire regions which were used as materials of this study. Ethyl linolenate, palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid were detected as the major components of black mulberry flavor, while total quantity of these compounds varied between 81.5-92.3 %. In flavor profile studies, fruity, sweet, sour, grape juice and woody character notes were developed for the flavor and fruity, acidic, leafy and woody character notes were developed for the aroma of black mulberry. The fruity character note of black mulberry was found to involve apricot, berry and jasmin characters. The black mulberry sample from Emiralem region was chosenvıı among the three regions as the most preferable sample (p<0.05) in the ranking test. The GC/MS analysis of deep-frozen black mulberries have shown that ethyl stearate representing berry flavor, ethyl linolenate representing black mulberry flavor, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid representing flowery, grassy and leafy flavors were decreased while palmitic and lauric acids representing oxidized oil flavor increased after a storage period of 3 months. It was also observed that the flavor and aroma intensities of deep- frozen samples decreased and the fruity flavor disappeared while oxidized flavor, fermented olive and rotten fruit characters appeared in flavor profiles after 3 months of frozen-storage. The total sugar content of fresh black mulberries varied between 11.3-16.2 %. All of the samples contained fructose and glucose and 2 samples except Salihli sample contained saccharose between 0.5-0.9 % levels. The acidity of black mulberries varied between 1.51-1.71 %, pH varied between 3.60 - 3.80 and sugar/acid ratio was detected between 6.8- 9.9. After 3 months of frozen storage it was observed that the total sugar content, acidity and sugar/acid ratio decreased to levels of 4.8 %, 0.9 % and 3 respectively, while the pH value increased to 3.84. The results of this study indicates that black mulberry can be stored up to 3 months at - 35 »C without significant (p<0.05) changes in flavor quality. Key words; Black mulberry, Blackmulberry flavor, Compounds of black mulberry flavor, Flavor profile analysis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Depolama, Storage, Karadut, Black mullberry, Meyveler, Fruits