Ege Üniversitesi nöropsikoloji laboratuvarına yönlendirilen kişilerde sigara, alkol ve madde kullanımı
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Alkol, sigara ve diğer keyif verici maddelerin kullanımı erken ölüm ve önlenebilir hastalıklar ile ilgilidir. Madde kullanımın kognitif bozukluklarda sekonder nedenlerin ortaya çıkması üzerindeki etkisi birçok araştırmanın konusu olmakla birlikte, direkt olarak konuşma bozukluğu, dikkat ve unutkanlık gibi şikâyetler ile sağlık kurumlarına başvuran kişilerin alkol, sigara ve madde kullanım durumlarına ilişkin veriler yeterli değildir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi Nöropsikoloji Laboratuvarına konuşma bozukluğu, dikkat güçlüğü, unutkanlık şikâyeti ile başvuran yetişkin bireylerde sigara, alkol ve madde kullanım yaygınlığının araştırılması ve değerlendirilen kognitif beceriler ile sigara ve alkol kullanım durumu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Yöntem: 2021 yılı içinde Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi Nöropsikoloji laboratuvarına konuşma bozukluğu, dikkat güçlüğü ve unutkanlık gibi şikâyetleri nedeniyle yönlendirilen, 18 yaş üstü, 340 kadın ve 375 erkek, toplam 715 kişi; sigara, alkol ve madde kullanım yaygınlığının incelendiği örneklem grubunu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada verilerin toplanmasında karşılaşılan önemli güçlük kişisel bellek kaybı nedeniyle kullanım geçmişi bilgilerine ulaşımın sınırlı olmasıdır. Kişisel belleği, sigara, alkol ve madde kullanım geçmişi ile ilgili bilgi alınabilecek düzeyde olan gönüllü 151 katılımcı araştırmanın ikinci örneklem grubudur. 715 katılımcı arasından 151 kişiye sigara, alkol ve madde kullanım bilgileri anketi uygulanmıştır. Sigara, alkol ve madde kullanımının kognitif becerilerle ilişkisinin araştırılacağı üçüncü örneklem grubu, araştırma kapsamında olan nöropsikolojik test değerlendirmeleri eksik olmayan katılımcılar arasından seçilmiştir. Nöropsikolojik değerlendirmenin yapılmasını engelleyecek düzeyde; ağır kognitif yıkım, konuşma, işitme güçlüğü ve zekâ geriliği olanlar dolayısıyla araştırmanın bu aşamasında araştırma dışında bırakılmıştır. Bu özellikleri taşıyan toplam 544 katılımcı; sigara ve alkol kullanım durumları ile kognitif becerileri (oryantasyon, dikkat, bellek, dil becerileri, planlama ve organizasyon, soyutlama, adlandırma) arasındaki ilişkinin belirleneceği örneklem grubunu oluşturmuştur. Bulgular: Üç örneklem grubunda da 45 yaş ve üstü katılımcı oranının daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür. İlkokul mezunu, sağ elini kullanan, evli ve en az 1- 3 çocuğu olan katılımcı oranın yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Genel olarak sigara ve alkol kullanımının erkek katılımcılarda ve yaş ortalaması azaldıkça görülme sıklığının arttığı görülmüştür. Sigara kullanımın bekârlarda yüksek olduğu diğer sosyodemografik özelliklerle ilişkili olmadığı görülmüştür. Alkol kullanımının eğitim düzeyi ile ilişkili olduğu ve eğitim düzeyi arttıkça, çocuk sayısı azaldıkça kullanım oranın artığı görülmüştür. Sağlık geçmişi ve sigara alkol kullanım durumuna bakıldığında; kronik veya nörolojik hastalık, işitme kaybı olmayan ve iştahını normal dışında ifade edenlerde kullanım oranın arttığı görülmektedir. İnme geçirmeyen ve az ya da normal uyku durumu ifade edenlerde alkol kullanım oranının daha yüksek oranda olduğu görülmüştür. Alkol, sigara kullanım durumu ile kognitif beceriler arasındaki ilişkiye bakıldığında; alkol kullanım durumuna göre dikkat, bellek, yürütücü işlevler ve adlandırma becerilerine ait test performanslarında anlamlı düzeyde fark olduğu görülmektedir. Sigara kullanımı ve yakın bellek, sözel öğrenme, geri getirme, dikkat becerileri üzerinde anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır. Yürütücü işlevler, adlandırma becerileri ve sigara kullanım durumu arasında anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmemiştir. Sonuç: Kognitif becerilerde güçlük yaşayan olguların özellikle ilerleyen yaşlarda artan sağlık sorunları ile birlikte sigara ve alkol kullanım sıklıklarının azaldığı görülmektedir. Artan yaş ile azalan sigara ve alkol kullanım sıklığı düşünüldüğünde kognitif becerilerin karşılaştırılmasında eğitim ve yaş değişkeninin kontrol edildiği analizlerin yapılması gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nöropsikoloji; kognitif beceriler; alkol kullanımı; sigara kullanımı
Purpose: The use of alcohol, cigarettes and other pleasurable substances is related to premature death and preventable diseases. The effect of substance use on cognitive disorders in the emergence of secondary causes is the subject of several studies, although direct speech disorder, attention to health institutions and patients with symptoms such as forgetfulness of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use data is not enough. The aim of this study of the Neuropsychology Laboratory of Ege University Hospital is a speech disorder, attention difficulties, forgetfulness in adult individuals who complained of smoking, alcohol and investigated the prevalence of substance use and cognitive skills that are evaluated with the state of the relationship between smoking and alcohol use is the study. Method: In the year 2021 the Ege University Hospital Neuropsychology lab, speech disorder, attention difficulties, and forgetfulness due to complaints such as directed over the age of 18, 340 women and 375 men, a total of 715 people; smoking, alcohol and substance use prevalence were examined, has formed the sample group. A significant difficulty encountered in collecting data in the study is that access to usage history information is limited due to loss of personal memory. The second sample group of the research is 151 volunteer participants whose personal memory is at a level where information about their history of smoking, alcohol and substance use can be obtained. Cigarette, alcohol and substance use information questionnaire was applied to 151 people among 715 participants. The third sample group, in which the relationship between cigarette, alcohol, and substance use and cognitive skills will be investigated, was selected from among all participants whose neuropsychological test evaluations were not missing. Those who have severe cognitive impairment, speech, hearing difficulties and mental retardation at a level that prevents neuropsychological evaluation have been excluded from the study at this stage of the study. These characteristics a total of 544 participants; smoking, alcohol and substance use conditions with cognitive skills (orientation, attention, memory, language skills, planning and organization, abstraction, naming) to determine the relationship between the sample group has formed. Findings: It was observed that the proportion of participants aged 45 and older was higher in all three sample groups. It was observed that the proportion of participants who graduated from primary school, were right-handed, married and had at least 1 - 3 children was high. In general, it was observed that the incidence of smoking and alcohol use increased in male participants and as the mean age decreased. It has been observed that smoking is high in single people and is not associated with other sociodemographic characteristics. It has been observed that alcohol use is associated with educational attainment and that the higher the educational attainment level, the higher the use rate as the number of children decreases. When we look at the health history and smoking alcohol use status; chronic or neurological disease, hearing loss and those who express their appetite outside the normal use rate is seen to increase. It has been observed that the rate of alcohol use is higher in those who have not had a stroke and have expressed a more or less normal sleep state. Considering the relationship between alcohol and smoking status and cognitive skills; It is seen that there is a significant difference in test performances of attention, memory, executive functions and naming skills according to alcohol use status. Result: It is observed that the frequency of smoking and alcohol use decreases in cases with difficulties in cognitive skills, especially with increasing health problems in advancing ages. Considering the decreasing frequency of smoking and alcohol use with increasing age, it is necessary to perform analyzes in which the variables of education and age are controlled in order to compare cognitive skills. Keywords: Neuropsychology; cognitive skills; alcohol use; smoking
Purpose: The use of alcohol, cigarettes and other pleasurable substances is related to premature death and preventable diseases. The effect of substance use on cognitive disorders in the emergence of secondary causes is the subject of several studies, although direct speech disorder, attention to health institutions and patients with symptoms such as forgetfulness of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use data is not enough. The aim of this study of the Neuropsychology Laboratory of Ege University Hospital is a speech disorder, attention difficulties, forgetfulness in adult individuals who complained of smoking, alcohol and investigated the prevalence of substance use and cognitive skills that are evaluated with the state of the relationship between smoking and alcohol use is the study. Method: In the year 2021 the Ege University Hospital Neuropsychology lab, speech disorder, attention difficulties, and forgetfulness due to complaints such as directed over the age of 18, 340 women and 375 men, a total of 715 people; smoking, alcohol and substance use prevalence were examined, has formed the sample group. A significant difficulty encountered in collecting data in the study is that access to usage history information is limited due to loss of personal memory. The second sample group of the research is 151 volunteer participants whose personal memory is at a level where information about their history of smoking, alcohol and substance use can be obtained. Cigarette, alcohol and substance use information questionnaire was applied to 151 people among 715 participants. The third sample group, in which the relationship between cigarette, alcohol, and substance use and cognitive skills will be investigated, was selected from among all participants whose neuropsychological test evaluations were not missing. Those who have severe cognitive impairment, speech, hearing difficulties and mental retardation at a level that prevents neuropsychological evaluation have been excluded from the study at this stage of the study. These characteristics a total of 544 participants; smoking, alcohol and substance use conditions with cognitive skills (orientation, attention, memory, language skills, planning and organization, abstraction, naming) to determine the relationship between the sample group has formed. Findings: It was observed that the proportion of participants aged 45 and older was higher in all three sample groups. It was observed that the proportion of participants who graduated from primary school, were right-handed, married and had at least 1 - 3 children was high. In general, it was observed that the incidence of smoking and alcohol use increased in male participants and as the mean age decreased. It has been observed that smoking is high in single people and is not associated with other sociodemographic characteristics. It has been observed that alcohol use is associated with educational attainment and that the higher the educational attainment level, the higher the use rate as the number of children decreases. When we look at the health history and smoking alcohol use status; chronic or neurological disease, hearing loss and those who express their appetite outside the normal use rate is seen to increase. It has been observed that the rate of alcohol use is higher in those who have not had a stroke and have expressed a more or less normal sleep state. Considering the relationship between alcohol and smoking status and cognitive skills; It is seen that there is a significant difference in test performances of attention, memory, executive functions and naming skills according to alcohol use status. Result: It is observed that the frequency of smoking and alcohol use decreases in cases with difficulties in cognitive skills, especially with increasing health problems in advancing ages. Considering the decreasing frequency of smoking and alcohol use with increasing age, it is necessary to perform analyzes in which the variables of education and age are controlled in order to compare cognitive skills. Keywords: Neuropsychology; cognitive skills; alcohol use; smoking
23.02.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Psikoloji, Psychology, Nöropsikoloji, Neuropsychology