Küçük Menderes havzasının hidrolojik modellemesi için gerekli bazı parametrelerin uzaktan algılama ile saptanması üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET KÜÇÜK MENDERES HAVZASININ HİDROLOJİK MODELLEMESİ İÇİN GEREKLİ BAZI PARAMETRELERİN UZAKTAN ALGILAMA İLE SAPTANMASI ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTD2MA KORKMAZ, Hüseyin Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Musa AVCI Ekim 2000, 34 sayfa Hidrolojik sistem içerisinde yağışm akışa geçişini matematiksel yollarla açıklayan hidrolojik modeller, sınırlı olan su kaynaklanrmzm iyi bir şekilde planlanması için üretilmişlerdir. Bu araştırmada zamandan* kazanmak ve doğruya daha da yaklaşmak için Küçük Menderes havzası hidrolojik modellemesi için gerekli bazı parametrelerin saptanmasında uzaktan algılama yöntemleri kullamlmıştir. Araştırma materyalini, uzaktan algılama verileri olarak Küçük Menderes havzasını da kapsayan ABD Oşinografi ve Atmosfer Dairesi (NOAA) uydusundan alınan görüntüler, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Jeolojik Ölçüm Dairesi (USGS)'den alman sayısallaştınlmış topoğrafik haritalar oluşturmaktadır. Havza ve alt havzaların sınırları ve nehir ağı, sayısalaştınlmış topoğrafik haritalardan elde edilen yükseklik değerlerinden TOPAZ programı ile saptanmıştır. Bitki örtüsü ve yaprak yüzey mdeksinin bulunmasında bir yıl boyunca NOAA uydusundan internet aracılığı ileVI temin edilen aylık görüntüler kullanılmıştır. Bu görüntüler coğrafî bilgi sistemi Idrisi programı ile analiz edilerek bitki örtüsü ile yaprak yüzey indeksi çıkarılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Küçük Menderes havzası, hidrolojik model, uzaktan algılama
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON DETERMINATION OF SOME PARAMETERS USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUS TO USE HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASIN KORKMAZ, Hüseyin MSc in, Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Musa AVCI October 2000, 34 page Hydrologic models, using mathematical equations, explaining the rainfall-runoff process in hydrological system are produced in order to make the best water resource management. In this research in order to save time and to close to the more realistik remote sensing methodologies were used to obtain some of the paramaterers used in Küçük Menderes basin hydrological modelling. The material used in this research including remote sensing data are the images from NOAA satellite and, the digitised topographic maps fromUSGS. Basin, sub basin boundaries and stream network were obtained from elevation values derived from digitised topografik maps using TOPAZ software. To obtain the land cover and leaf area index values monthly NOAA images through the year were used. These images were obtained via internet. These images were analysed by the GIS software IDRISI and land cover and leaf area index values were obtained. Key words: Küçük Menderes basin, hydrological model, remote sensing.vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON DETERMINATION OF SOME PARAMETERS USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUS TO USE HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASIN KORKMAZ, Hüseyin MSc in, Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Musa AVCI October 2000, 34 page Hydrologic models, using mathematical equations, explaining the rainfall-runoff process in hydrological system are produced in order to make the best water resource management. In this research in order to save time and to close to the more realistik remote sensing methodologies were used to obtain some of the paramaterers used in Küçük Menderes basin hydrological modelling. The material used in this research including remote sensing data are the images from NOAA satellite and, the digitised topographic maps fromUSGS. Basin, sub basin boundaries and stream network were obtained from elevation values derived from digitised topografik maps using TOPAZ software. To obtain the land cover and leaf area index values monthly NOAA images through the year were used. These images were obtained via internet. These images were analysed by the GIS software IDRISI and land cover and leaf area index values were obtained. Key words: Küçük Menderes basin, hydrological model, remote sensing.
vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON DETERMINATION OF SOME PARAMETERS USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUS TO USE HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASIN KORKMAZ, Hüseyin MSc in, Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Musa AVCI October 2000, 34 page Hydrologic models, using mathematical equations, explaining the rainfall-runoff process in hydrological system are produced in order to make the best water resource management. In this research in order to save time and to close to the more realistik remote sensing methodologies were used to obtain some of the paramaterers used in Küçük Menderes basin hydrological modelling. The material used in this research including remote sensing data are the images from NOAA satellite and, the digitised topographic maps fromUSGS. Basin, sub basin boundaries and stream network were obtained from elevation values derived from digitised topografik maps using TOPAZ software. To obtain the land cover and leaf area index values monthly NOAA images through the year were used. These images were obtained via internet. These images were analysed by the GIS software IDRISI and land cover and leaf area index values were obtained. Key words: Küçük Menderes basin, hydrological model, remote sensing.vn ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION ON DETERMINATION OF SOME PARAMETERS USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUS TO USE HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING OF KÜÇÜK MENDERES BASIN KORKMAZ, Hüseyin MSc in, Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Department Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Musa AVCI October 2000, 34 page Hydrologic models, using mathematical equations, explaining the rainfall-runoff process in hydrological system are produced in order to make the best water resource management. In this research in order to save time and to close to the more realistik remote sensing methodologies were used to obtain some of the paramaterers used in Küçük Menderes basin hydrological modelling. The material used in this research including remote sensing data are the images from NOAA satellite and, the digitised topographic maps fromUSGS. Basin, sub basin boundaries and stream network were obtained from elevation values derived from digitised topografik maps using TOPAZ software. To obtain the land cover and leaf area index values monthly NOAA images through the year were used. These images were obtained via internet. These images were analysed by the GIS software IDRISI and land cover and leaf area index values were obtained. Key words: Küçük Menderes basin, hydrological model, remote sensing.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Hidrolojik modelleme, Hydrological modelling, Küçük Menderes havzası, Küçük Menderes basin, Tarımsal yapılar ve sulama, Agricultural structures and irrigation, Uzaktan algılama, Remote sensing