Eksentrik yörüngeli örten çift yıldızlar
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Çift yıldızlar çoğunlukla eksentrik yörüngeler gösterirler. Özellikle ayrık çiftler durumunda yörünge hemen her zaman eksentriktir. Eksentrik yörüngeli çift yıldızlar eksen dönmesi yoluyla bileşenlerin iç yapılarına ilişkin önemli bilgiler ortaya koyarlar. Bundan dolayı eksentrik yörüngeli çift yıldızlar astrofizikte önemli bir yer tutarlar ve kuramsal yıldız modellerinin test edilmesi için gözlemsel veri sağlarlar. Bu tezde, eksen dönmesi gösteren yıldızların bir katalogu sunulmuştur. Literatür taraması yapılarak oluşturulan bu katalogda 135 yıldız listelenmiştir. Bunların 103 tanesi eksen dönmesi gösterdiği kesin olarak belirlenen ve kalan 32 tanesi de eksen dönmesi konusunda kesinlik kazanmamış olan sistemlerdir. Kesin listede yer alan çiftlerin yörünge parametreleri ve çift sistemi oluşturan bileşenlerin fiziksel parametreleri incelenerek eksentrik yörüngeli çiftlere ilişkin genel gözlemsel bulgular araştırılmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Eksentrik yörünge-Eksen dönmesi-Katalog
Binary stars generally show eccentric (shaped like an ellipse) orbits. Especially in the case of detached binaries, the orbit is almost eccentric. The binary stars with eccentric orbits give important information about internal structures of the components by means of apsidal motion. Because of this, binary stars with eccentric orbits have an important place in astrophysics and give observational data to test the theoretical stellar models. In this thesis, a catalogue of the stars showing apsidal motion is submitted. In this catalogue, which is constructed by searching the literature, 135 stars are listed. 103 of them are determined as absolutely showing apsidal motion and the rest 32 are systems which are not certain cases of apsidal motion. General observational findings about binary stars with eccentric orbits were investigated by examining both orbital parameters of the system and the physical parameters of the components in certain list. Key words: Eccentric orbit- Apsidal motion-Catalogue
Binary stars generally show eccentric (shaped like an ellipse) orbits. Especially in the case of detached binaries, the orbit is almost eccentric. The binary stars with eccentric orbits give important information about internal structures of the components by means of apsidal motion. Because of this, binary stars with eccentric orbits have an important place in astrophysics and give observational data to test the theoretical stellar models. In this thesis, a catalogue of the stars showing apsidal motion is submitted. In this catalogue, which is constructed by searching the literature, 135 stars are listed. 103 of them are determined as absolutely showing apsidal motion and the rest 32 are systems which are not certain cases of apsidal motion. General observational findings about binary stars with eccentric orbits were investigated by examining both orbital parameters of the system and the physical parameters of the components in certain list. Key words: Eccentric orbit- Apsidal motion-Catalogue
Anahtar Kelimeler
Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri, Astronomy and Space Sciences, Eksantrik yörünge, Eccentric orbit, Çift yıldızlar, Binary stars