Ultrases alansız ve alanlı bazı sulu elektrolit çözeltilerde, elektriksel iletkenlik ve viskozite katsayısının incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET ULTRASES ALANS1Z VE ALANLI BAZI SULU ELEKTROLİT ÇÖZELTİLERDE, ELEKTRİKSEL İLETKENLİK VE VİSKOZİTE KATSAYISININ İNCELENMESİ KARABULUT, Yüksel Doktora Tezi, Fizik Anabilin! Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Osman BAYER Şubat 2002, 187 sayfa Bu çalışmada; LiCl, NaCl, KC1, CsCl; Lil, Nal, Ki, Csl; MgCl2, CaCİ2, S1CI2 ve MnCİ2 tuzlarının çeşitli konsantrasyonlardaki sulu çözeltilerinde (25 ±0,1) °C de viskozite katsayısı ile ultrases alansız ve alanlı elektriksel iletkenlikler ölçüldü. Ayrıca her iki büyüklük teorik olarak hesaplandı. Sonra, ultrases alansız denel A&ir=F(cm), tj=F(c1/2) teorik Aeş=F(c1/2), ultrases alanlı A'eş.=F(c1/2) grafikleri çizildi. Bunlardan iletkenlik eğrilerinin, yalnız seyreltik bölgede teorik eğriyle uyuştuğu; viskozite grafiklerinin ise bazı çözeltilerde "karekök yasasını" yerine getirdikleri, bazılarında bu yasaya uymadıkları görüldü. Bunun yanında ultrases alanlı çözeltilerde iletkenliğin arttığı gözlendi. Elde edilen bazı denel veriler, moleküler simülasyon sonuçlarına göre açıklandı. Anahtar sözcükleri Elektrolit çözelti, ultrases, iletkenlik, viskozite
im ABSTRACT THE STUDY OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY AND VISCOSITY COEFFICIENT IN SOME AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS WITH AND WITHOUT ULTRASOUND FIELD KARABULUT, Yüksel Ph. D. ki Physics Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Osman BAYER February 2002, 187 pages In this study, the electrical conductivities with and without ultrasound field and viscosity coefficients without ultarasound field in aqueous sollutions of LiCİ, NaCl, KC1, CsCl, LiL NaL KL CsL MgCl2, CaCfe, SrCfe, and MnCh salts in the different concentrations have been measured (25 ±0,1) °C. Theoretical values of both quantities have, then, been calculated. Following the calculation, Aaq.=F(c1/2), n=F(cl/2), for the resulting experimental values and A^.-FCc172) for theoretical values without ultrasound field and A'8q.~F(c1/2), with ultrasound field have been separately.plotted. It was observed that the conductivity curves agreed with theoretical curves only at diluted region and the viscosity curves in some solutions were accordence with "the square root law". For some cases, the resulting values were not agread with the theoretical values. On the other hand, an increase in the conductivity of solutions with ultrasound field was observed. The resulting values for conductivity and viscosity with and without ultrasound field were explained according to tile results of molecular simulation. Keywords; electrolyte solution, ultrasound, concudtivhy, viscosity
im ABSTRACT THE STUDY OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY AND VISCOSITY COEFFICIENT IN SOME AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS WITH AND WITHOUT ULTRASOUND FIELD KARABULUT, Yüksel Ph. D. ki Physics Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Osman BAYER February 2002, 187 pages In this study, the electrical conductivities with and without ultrasound field and viscosity coefficients without ultarasound field in aqueous sollutions of LiCİ, NaCl, KC1, CsCl, LiL NaL KL CsL MgCl2, CaCfe, SrCfe, and MnCh salts in the different concentrations have been measured (25 ±0,1) °C. Theoretical values of both quantities have, then, been calculated. Following the calculation, Aaq.=F(c1/2), n=F(cl/2), for the resulting experimental values and A^.-FCc172) for theoretical values without ultrasound field and A'8q.~F(c1/2), with ultrasound field have been separately.plotted. It was observed that the conductivity curves agreed with theoretical curves only at diluted region and the viscosity curves in some solutions were accordence with "the square root law". For some cases, the resulting values were not agread with the theoretical values. On the other hand, an increase in the conductivity of solutions with ultrasound field was observed. The resulting values for conductivity and viscosity with and without ultrasound field were explained according to tile results of molecular simulation. Keywords; electrolyte solution, ultrasound, concudtivhy, viscosity
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Elektrolit çözeltiler, Electroyte solutions, Ultrason, Ultrasound, Viskozite, Viscosity, İletkenlik, Conductivity