Konak İlçesi'nde kamuya bağlı ağız ve diş sağlığı merkezlerinde çalışan diş hekimlerinde kas iskelet sistemi yakınmaları ile hızlı maruziyet değerlendirme (HMD) sonuçlarının ilişkisi
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Diş hekimlerinde kas iskelet sistemine bağlı rahatsızlıklar kişiye yönelik etkilerin (psikolojik sorunlar, düşük yaşam kalitesi, sakatlık) yanında, topluma yönelik etkilere (iş memnuniyetini ve verimliliğini azaltması, iş günü kaybı, tazminat ödemeleri ve ekonomik kayıplar) de neden olmaktadır. Diş hekimliğinde işle ilişkili kas iskelet sistemi hastalıklarının büyük kısmı önlenebilir risk faktörleriyle oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Konak İlçesi'nde kamuya bağlı Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezlerinde (ADSM) ve Diş Hastanesinde çalışan diş hekimlerinde kas-iskelet sistemi şikayetlerinin sıklığı ve ilişkili olabilecek faktörleri saptamak, Hızlı Maruziyet Değerlendirme (HMD) yöntemi ile iş ile ilişkili olabilecek riskli vücut bölgelerini ve bunların kas iskelet sistemi şikayetleri ile ilişkisini belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel tipte epidemiyolojik bir çalışmadır. Çalışmanın evrenini Konak'ta kamuya bağlı ADSM'lerde ve Diş Hastanesinde aktif poliklinik hizmeti veren 200 diş hekimi oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama 4 parçadan oluşan formla (İskandinav Kas İskelet Anketi, Sosyo-demografik/çalışma koşulları ve sağlıkla ilgili değişkenleri içeren anket, HMD çalışan ve gözlemci formu), Ekim-Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan 190 diş hekiminin yaş ortalaması 43,81±9,08'dür. %67,4'ü kadın, %32,6'sı erkektir. Araştırmaya katılan diş hekimlerinin kas iskelet sistemine ilişkin yakınma sıklığı son 12 ay içinde %92,1, son 7 gün içinde %73,7'dir. Son 12 ayda kas iskelet sistemine ilişkin yakınma en sık sırt ve bel (%74,7), ikinci sıklıkta boyun (%70) bölgesinde saptanmıştır. HMD omuz/kol ve iş temposu skoru orta; bel, bilek/el bileği, titreşim skoru yüksek; boyun ve stres skoru çok yüksek seviyede bulunmuştur. Son 12 ayda kas iskelet sistemi yakınması kadınlarda (p= 0,02), kas iskelet sistemi hastalığı olanlarda (p= 0,003), hastalar arası mola vermeyenlerde (p= 0,025), çalışma ortamını kas iskelet sistemi hastalıkları açısından riskli/çok riskli belirtenlerde (p= 0,006) daha yüksek saptanmıştır. Son 12 ay içinde kas iskelet sistemi ağrısı olma olasılığı düzenli spor yapmayanlarda 4,1 kat daha fazla saptanmıştır. Son 12 ayda boyun ağrısı olma olasılığı kadınlarda 2,6 kat, servikal hernisi olanlarda 19 kat, çocuk bakımı belirtenlerde 6,2 kat, HMD boyun puan ortalaması yüksek olanlarda 1,3 kat fazla daha fazla saptanmıştır. Son 12 ayda omuz ağrısı olma olasılığı kadınlarda 2,1 kat yüksek bulunmuştur. Ayakta çalışma omuz ağrısı açısından 0,4 kat koruyucu saptanmıştır. Son 12 ayda dirsek ağrısı olma oalsılığı 35-44 yaşta 7,5 kat, 45 yaş ve üzerinde 9,2 kat, çocuk bakımı belirtenlerde 4,8 kat daha fazla saptanmıştır. Son 12 ayda el/el bileği ağrısı olma olasılığı sol elini kullananlarda 3,8 kat, iş dışı yük getirecek faaliyet bildirenlerde 2,6 kat, <1 saat öğle molası verenlerde 3,2 kat, HMD el bileği puan ortalaması yüksek olanlarda 1 kat daha fazla saptanmıştır. Son 12 ayda sırt ağrısı olma olasılığı kadınlarda 3 kat daha fazla bulunmuştur. Bel ağrısı olma olasılığı ise kadınlarda 2,3 kat, lumbal hernisi olanlarda 9,9 kat, HMD bel puan ortalaması yüksek olanlarda 1,1 kat daha fazla saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Diş hekimlerinde dönüşümlü çalışma ve hasta arası düzenli mola saatleri belirlenmelidir. Çalışma ortamında ergonomi eğitimi verilmeli ve ergonomik düzenlemeler sağlanmalıdır. Diş hekimleri düzenli fiziksel aktivite yapmaya teşvik edilmelidir. Erken tanı ve tedavi için işe giriş muayeneleri eksiksiz yapılmalı, düzenli aralıklarla periyodik muayeneler yapılmalıdır. Yapılacak düzenlemelerden sonrasında HMD ile riskler ve maruz kalmadaki değişim değerlendirilmelidir.
Introduction and Aim: The musculoskeletal disorders of dentists cause effects on the community (decreasing job satisfaction and productivity, working days loss, compensation payments and economic losses) as well as personal effects (psychological problems, low quality of life, disability). The majority of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in dentistry are caused by preventable risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of musculoskeletal complaints of dentists working in the state Oral and Dental Health Centers (ADSM) and Dental Hospital in Konak District and the factors that may be associated with; the relationship between risky body parts and the musculoskeletal complaints associated with work by the Quick Exposure Check (QEC) method is also determined. Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional epidemiologic study. The study population consists 200 dentists at Dental Hospital and Oral and Dental Health Centers in Konak. Data collection was performed by 4-part form (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, questionnaire including socio-demographic/working conditions and health-related variables, QEC worker and observer form) between October and December 2018. Results: The mean age of 190 dentists participated in the study was 43.81 ± 9.08. 67.4% of the participants were female and 32.6% male. The frequency of musculoskeletal system complaints among the dentists participated in the study were 92.1% in the last 12 months and 73.7% in the last 7 days. In the last 12 months the prevalence of musculoskeletal system complaints were most frequently seen lower back and upper back (74,7%), and secondly the neck (70%) region. QEC was found to be shoulder / arm and work pacing score moderate; low back, wrist / hand, vibration score high; neck and stress score very high. The frequency of musculoskeletal system complaints in the last 12 months was statistically higher among females (p=0.02), in individuals who were previously diagnosed with musculoskeletal system disease (p=0.003), those who did not take breaks between patients (p= 0,025) and those who defined the work environment as risky / very risky for musculoskeletal diseases (p= 0,006). In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of musculoskeletal pain 4,1 fold in individuals who didn’t exercise. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of neck pain 2,6 fold in women, 19 fold in those with cervical hernia, 6.2 fold more in those who indicated child care and 1,3 fold in those with higher QEC neck scores. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of shoulder pain was 2,1 fold in women. It’s found that working in standing position was more protective against pain in the last 12 month at shoulder region by 0,4 fold. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of elbow pain 7,5 fold at 35-44 years old, 9,2 fold at ≥45 years old and 4,8 fold in those who indicated child care. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of wrists/hands pain 3,8 fold in left-handers, 2,6 fold in individuals who brought extra load in daily activities to his musculoskeletal system, 3,2 fold in those who have <1 hour lunch break and 3,2 fold in those with higher QEC wrists scores. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk on low back pain 2,3 fold in women, 9,9 fold in those with lumbal hernia and 1,1 fold in those with higher QEC low back score. Conclusion: Rotary working of dentists and taking regular breaks should be determined between the examinations. Ergonomic training should be given in the work place and ergonomic arrangement must be provided. Dentists should be encouraged to engage in regular physical activities. Work examinations should be made completely for early diagnosis and treatment and periodic inspections should be performed at regular intervals. After the arrangements made, risks and changes in exposure should be evaluated by QEC.
Introduction and Aim: The musculoskeletal disorders of dentists cause effects on the community (decreasing job satisfaction and productivity, working days loss, compensation payments and economic losses) as well as personal effects (psychological problems, low quality of life, disability). The majority of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in dentistry are caused by preventable risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of musculoskeletal complaints of dentists working in the state Oral and Dental Health Centers (ADSM) and Dental Hospital in Konak District and the factors that may be associated with; the relationship between risky body parts and the musculoskeletal complaints associated with work by the Quick Exposure Check (QEC) method is also determined. Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional epidemiologic study. The study population consists 200 dentists at Dental Hospital and Oral and Dental Health Centers in Konak. Data collection was performed by 4-part form (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, questionnaire including socio-demographic/working conditions and health-related variables, QEC worker and observer form) between October and December 2018. Results: The mean age of 190 dentists participated in the study was 43.81 ± 9.08. 67.4% of the participants were female and 32.6% male. The frequency of musculoskeletal system complaints among the dentists participated in the study were 92.1% in the last 12 months and 73.7% in the last 7 days. In the last 12 months the prevalence of musculoskeletal system complaints were most frequently seen lower back and upper back (74,7%), and secondly the neck (70%) region. QEC was found to be shoulder / arm and work pacing score moderate; low back, wrist / hand, vibration score high; neck and stress score very high. The frequency of musculoskeletal system complaints in the last 12 months was statistically higher among females (p=0.02), in individuals who were previously diagnosed with musculoskeletal system disease (p=0.003), those who did not take breaks between patients (p= 0,025) and those who defined the work environment as risky / very risky for musculoskeletal diseases (p= 0,006). In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of musculoskeletal pain 4,1 fold in individuals who didn’t exercise. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of neck pain 2,6 fold in women, 19 fold in those with cervical hernia, 6.2 fold more in those who indicated child care and 1,3 fold in those with higher QEC neck scores. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of shoulder pain was 2,1 fold in women. It’s found that working in standing position was more protective against pain in the last 12 month at shoulder region by 0,4 fold. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of elbow pain 7,5 fold at 35-44 years old, 9,2 fold at ≥45 years old and 4,8 fold in those who indicated child care. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk of wrists/hands pain 3,8 fold in left-handers, 2,6 fold in individuals who brought extra load in daily activities to his musculoskeletal system, 3,2 fold in those who have <1 hour lunch break and 3,2 fold in those with higher QEC wrists scores. In the last 12 months, there was higher risk on low back pain 2,3 fold in women, 9,9 fold in those with lumbal hernia and 1,1 fold in those with higher QEC low back score. Conclusion: Rotary working of dentists and taking regular breaks should be determined between the examinations. Ergonomic training should be given in the work place and ergonomic arrangement must be provided. Dentists should be encouraged to engage in regular physical activities. Work examinations should be made completely for early diagnosis and treatment and periodic inspections should be performed at regular intervals. After the arrangements made, risks and changes in exposure should be evaluated by QEC.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kas İskelet Sistemi Rahatsızlıkları, Diş Hekimliği, Hızlı Maruziyet Değerlendirme, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Dentistry, Quick Exposure Check