Major depressive disorder in chronic heart failure patients: Does silent cerebral infarction cause major depressive disorder in this patient population?
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Amaç: Depresyon kalp yeterizliği olan hastalarda sıklıkla or- taya çıkar. Benzer patofizyolojik mekanizmalar her iki hastalık için de geçerlidir. Dilate kardiyomiyopatili (DK) hastalarda kli- nik semptom vermeyen sessiz serebral enfarktüs (SSE) sık görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada majör depresyon ile SSE arasın- daki ilişkiyi ve DK’li hastaların klinik ve biyokimyasal paramet- releri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık. Yöntemler: Kronik kalp yetersizliği (KKY) olan iskemik ve is- kemik olmayan DK’li hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi (39 erkek, 10 kadın, ortalama yaş 60±10 yıl). Ortalama ejeksiyon fraksi- yonu %34±10 idi. Hastaların lokalize nörolojik semptom veya inme öyküsü yoktu. Hastalarda DK etiyolojisi 40 hastada iske- mik, dokuz hastada da iskemi dışıydı. Yaş olarak eşleştirilmiş 25 sağlıklı gönüllü SSE ve majör depresyon prevelansını kar- şılaştırmak için kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Bulgular: Sessiz serebral enfarktüs ve majör depresyon pre- velansı DK’li hastalarda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti (sırasıyla, %63 ve %8; p<0.001 ile %52 ve %20; p<0.001). SSE saptanan DK’li hastalarda majör depres- yon prevelansı SSE olmayanlara göre daha yüksekti (%61 ve %27, p=0.02). Sonuç: Kronik kalp yetersizliği olan hastalarda SSE ve majör depresyon prevelansı artmıştır. SSE mevcut olan KKY’li has- talarda olmayanlara göre majör depresyon prevelansı daha yüksektir.
Objective: Depression frequently occurs in patients with heart failure as similar pathophysiological mechanisms pres- ent in both these diseases. Patients with dilated cardiomyopa- thy (DCM) have a high incidence of clinically asymptomatic si- lent cerebral infarction (SCI). This study aimed to evaluate the relation between SCI and major depressive disorder (MDD), and between MDD and clinical and biochemical parameters in DCM patients. Methods: Patients with ischemic and non-ischemic DCM who had chronic heart failure (CHF) (39 male, 10 female, age 60±10 years) were included in the study. Mean patient ejection fraction (EF) was 34±10%. Patients had no localized neurological symptoms or stroke history. The etiology of DCM was ischemic in 40 and non-ischemic in 9 patients. Twenty- five age-matched healthy volunteers served as a control group for comparison of SCI and MDD prevalence. Results: Patients had mild to severe CHF symptoms. Preva- lence of SCI and MDD was significantly higher in patients with DCM than in the control group; 63% vs 8%; p<0.001, and 52% vs 20%; p<0.001 respectively. Patients with SCI had a higher prevalence of MDD than patients without SCI in DCM (61% vs 27%, p=0.02). Conclusion: CHF patients have an increased prevalence of SCI and MDD. Patients with SCI have a higher prevalence of MDD compared to patients without SCI in CHF.
Objective: Depression frequently occurs in patients with heart failure as similar pathophysiological mechanisms pres- ent in both these diseases. Patients with dilated cardiomyopa- thy (DCM) have a high incidence of clinically asymptomatic si- lent cerebral infarction (SCI). This study aimed to evaluate the relation between SCI and major depressive disorder (MDD), and between MDD and clinical and biochemical parameters in DCM patients. Methods: Patients with ischemic and non-ischemic DCM who had chronic heart failure (CHF) (39 male, 10 female, age 60±10 years) were included in the study. Mean patient ejection fraction (EF) was 34±10%. Patients had no localized neurological symptoms or stroke history. The etiology of DCM was ischemic in 40 and non-ischemic in 9 patients. Twenty- five age-matched healthy volunteers served as a control group for comparison of SCI and MDD prevalence. Results: Patients had mild to severe CHF symptoms. Preva- lence of SCI and MDD was significantly higher in patients with DCM than in the control group; 63% vs 8%; p<0.001, and 52% vs 20%; p<0.001 respectively. Patients with SCI had a higher prevalence of MDD than patients without SCI in DCM (61% vs 27%, p=0.02). Conclusion: CHF patients have an increased prevalence of SCI and MDD. Patients with SCI have a higher prevalence of MDD compared to patients without SCI in CHF.
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Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi
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