Aktif normal faylar boyunca yatay ve dikey kesitlerde radon gazı konsantrasyonu değişimi: Manisa fayı, Batı Anadolu
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kayalar ve topraklar, radyoaktif soy gaz olan radonun ana kaynağını oluşturur. Ek olarak, faylar ve kırıklar radon gazının taşınmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu nedenle radon, dünya'nın tektonik aktivitesi hakkında bilgi sağlayan en kullanışlı ve üzerinde en çok çalışılan doğal radyoaktif gazdır. Bu çalışmada manisa fayı boyunca yatay ve dikey istasyonlarda radon gazı konsantrasyonları izlenmiştir. Radon konsantrasyonları, LR-115 tip II radon dedektörleri kullanılarak iki yıl boyunca her ay ölçülmüştür. Meteorolojik parametrelerin (sıcaklık, basınç, toplam yağış ve nem) toprak gazı radon konsantrasyonları üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Toprak örneklerindeki doğal radyoaktivite (uranyum, toryum, potasyum) konsantrasyonları gama spektroskopisi kullanılarak belirlendi. Ölçüm alanı çevresinde oluşan sismik aktiviteler ve radon verileri arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. Bu çalışma, bölgenin literatürdeki ilk toprak gazı radon konsantrasyonlarını vermektedir. Faya en yakın radon seviyeleri, faydan uzak olanlara göre yaklaşık 5-10 kat daha yüksektir. Ayrıca toprakların doğal radyonüklid ortalama aktivite konsantrasyonlarının dünya ortalamasının altında olduğu tespit edildi. Ortalama radon konsantrasyonu ve sıcaklık arasında yüksek bir pozitif korelasyon bulundu. Radon konsantrasyonu ile toplam yağış, basınç ve nem gibi meteorolojik parametreler arasında önemli negatif korelasyonlar bulundu. Sismik olayların neden olduğu radon anomalilerini art ortamdan ayırt etmek için standart sapma yöntemi kullanıldı. Sonuç olarak, bazı ölçüm istasyonlarında radon ve sismik aktivite arasında bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma, toprak gazı radon ölçümlerinin deprem habercisi olan sinyallerin araştırılmasında kullanılan en güvenilir araştırma araçlarından biri olduğunu göstermiştir.
Rocks and soils form the main source of the radioactive noble gas radon. Additionally, faults and fractures play a prominent role in the transport of radon gas. For this reason, radon is the most useful and most studied natural radioactive gas that provides us information about the Earth's tectonic activity. Radon gas concentrations at horizontal and vertical stations along the Manisa fault were monitored in this study. Radon concentrations were measured every month for two years using LR-115 Type II radon detectors. The effects of meteorological parameters (temperature, pressure, total rainfall, and humidity) on soil gas radon concentrations were investigated. Natural radioactivity (uranium, thorium, and potassium) concentrations in soil samples were determined using gamma spectroscopy. In addition, the relationship between seismic activities occurring around the measurement area and radon data was investigated. This work presents soil gas radon concentrations of the region for the first time in the literature. Radon levels closest to the fault were approximately 5-10 times higher than those far from the fault. It was also found that natural radionuclide average activity concentrations of soils were below the world averages. A high positive correlation was found between mean radon concentration and temperature. Significant negative correlations were found between radon concentration and other meteorological parameters such as total rainfall, pressure, and humidity. The standard deviation method was used to distinguish radon anomalies caused by seismic events from the background. As a result, a relationship was found between radon and seismic activities at some measurement stations. So, this study has shown the soil gas radon measurements is one of the most reliable investigation tools in the research of earthquake precursory signals.
Rocks and soils form the main source of the radioactive noble gas radon. Additionally, faults and fractures play a prominent role in the transport of radon gas. For this reason, radon is the most useful and most studied natural radioactive gas that provides us information about the Earth's tectonic activity. Radon gas concentrations at horizontal and vertical stations along the Manisa fault were monitored in this study. Radon concentrations were measured every month for two years using LR-115 Type II radon detectors. The effects of meteorological parameters (temperature, pressure, total rainfall, and humidity) on soil gas radon concentrations were investigated. Natural radioactivity (uranium, thorium, and potassium) concentrations in soil samples were determined using gamma spectroscopy. In addition, the relationship between seismic activities occurring around the measurement area and radon data was investigated. This work presents soil gas radon concentrations of the region for the first time in the literature. Radon levels closest to the fault were approximately 5-10 times higher than those far from the fault. It was also found that natural radionuclide average activity concentrations of soils were below the world averages. A high positive correlation was found between mean radon concentration and temperature. Significant negative correlations were found between radon concentration and other meteorological parameters such as total rainfall, pressure, and humidity. The standard deviation method was used to distinguish radon anomalies caused by seismic events from the background. As a result, a relationship was found between radon and seismic activities at some measurement stations. So, this study has shown the soil gas radon measurements is one of the most reliable investigation tools in the research of earthquake precursory signals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Radon Gazı, Manisa Fayı, LR-115 Tip II Dedektör, Doğal Radyoaktivite, Meteorolojik Parametre, Sismik Aktivite, Radon Gas, Manisa Fault, LR-115 Type II Detector, Natural Radioactivity, Meteorological Parameters, Seismic Activity