Okul öncesi dönemi işitme engelli çocukların ruhsal uyum düzeylerinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET İşitme engelli çocuğun, özel eğitim programlarına hazırlanması ve entegrasyon destekli eğitim programlarında ruhsal uyum güçlükleri yaşamaması ile birlikte toplumun beklentilerine uygun bir birey olarak yetiştirilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışma, okul öncesi döneminde işitme engelli çocukların ruhsal uyum düzeylerini değerlendirmek amacıyla tanımlayıcı ve analitik bir çalışma olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma, 01.11. 2001-28.2.2002 tarihleri arasında, İzmir Metropolünde bulunan, MEB ve Sosyal Hizmetler Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumuna bağlı, Özel Eğitim Kurslarına devam eden işitme engelli çocuklara gerekli olan izinler alındıktan sonra uygulanmıştır, özel Eğitim Kurslarına devam eden işitme engelli çocuklar (n=63) araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmaktadır. Bu evrenden sınırlamalara uyan ve araştırmayı katılmaya kabul eden işitme engelli çocuklar (n= 58) araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Evren aynı zamanda ömeklemi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri, işitme engelli çocukların ve ailelerinin tanıtıcı bilgi formu ve ruhsal uyum ölçeği kullanılarak Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi KBB Ana Bilim Dalı Çocuk Eğitimi Bölümü, Destek Özel Eğitim Merkezi, Akem Özel Eğitim Merkezi, Harika Özel Eğitim Ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi, Hasan Kaya İşitme Kaybı Erken Tanı Eğitim Ve Tedavi Merkezi, Özel Buca Yaşam Özel Eğitim Ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi eğitim kurumlarından elde edilmiştir. Anket formları işitme engelli çocuklara ve ailelerine eğitimcileri tarafından uygulanmıştır. Ruhsal uyum ölçeği uzman görüşüne sunularak içerik geçerliliği sağlanmıştır. Ruhsal uyum ölçeği davranış, nevrotik ve diğer problemler olmak üzere olmak üzere üç alt ölçekten oluşmaktadır. Davranış alt ölçeği 12 maddeden, nevrotik alt ölçeği 12 maddeden, diğer problemler alt ölçeği 6 madden oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin Cronbach Alpha güvenirlik katsayısı r= 0.86'dır Araştırmada veriler, sayı ve yüzde dağılımı, varyans analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde; işitme engelli çocukların %15.5'unda nevrotik sorunun, %29.3'ünde davranış sorunun olduğu saptanmıştır. İşitme engelli çocukların nevrotik sorun yaşama ortalaması 6.59+ 4.47, davranış sorun yaşama ortalaması X=7.90±4.83, toplam puan ortalaması 14.48± 7.91 'dır. İşitme engelli çocukların nevrotik olup olmaması ve davranış bozukluğu gösterip göstermemesine bağlı olarak oluşan dört grupla eğitim alma durumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmamıştır (F=1.710 p>0.05). 127İşitme engelli çocukların nevrotik ve davranış alt ölçek toplam puan ortalamaları ayrı ayrı ve birlikte incelendiğinde, işitme engelli çocukların yaş gruplarına.cinsiyetlerine, eğitim alma durumlarına ve sürelerine, tanılanma yaşına, işitme cihazı takılma yaşına, işitme cihazı kullanma durumuna, önceki ve şimdiki konuşma düzeyine göre değişmediği saptanmıştır. İşitme engelli çocukların ailelerinin nevrotik ve davranış alt ölçek toplam puan ortalamaları ayrı ayrı ve birlikte incelendiğinde, annelerin ve babaların yaş gruplarına ve eğitim durumlarına, ailenin çocuk sayısına ve kaçıncı çocuk olma durumuna, ailede işitme özürü olma durumuna, gelir düzeylerine göre değişmediği saptanmıştır. İşitme engelli çocukların ailesinin yaşadığı yer ile nevrotik toplam puan ortalaması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F(nevrotik)=2.450 p<0.05). İşitme engelli çocukların engelinin aile tarafından fark edilme yaşı ile nevrotik ve davranış toplam puanları birlikte ele alındığında puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır(F =5.175 p< 0.05). İşitme engelli çocukların engelinin aile tarafından fark edilme yaşı ile davranış toplam puan ortalaması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F(davramş)=6.818 p< 0.05). İşitme engelli çocuklarla iletişim sağlanma durumları ile nevrotik ve davranış toplam puanları birlikte ele alındığında puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F= 2.447 p<0.05). İşitme engelli çocuklarla iletişim sağlanma durumları ile nevrotik toplam puan ortalaması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F(nevrotik)=5. 1 39 p<0.05). İşitme engelli çocukların eğitim aldıkları kurumlarda okul başarı durumları ile nevrotik ve davranış toplam puan ortalamaları birlikte ele alındığında puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F=3.293 p<0.05). İşitme engelli çocukların eğitim aldıkları kurumlarda okul başarı durumları ile nevrotik toplam puan ortalaması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F(neVrotik)=4.386 p<0.05). İşitme engelli çocukların eğitim aldıkları kurumlarda okul başarı durumları ile davranış toplam puan ortalaması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır (F(davranış)=5.218p<0.05). Araştırmada bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, çeşitli öneriler bulunulmuştur. 128
SUMMARY It is important to raise a child with hearing handicap as an individual consistent with expectations of the community, as well as in order for not to experience difficulty in emotional adaptation for special training programs and during training programs enhanced with integration and in preparing. This study was carried out as a descriptive and analytical research in order to assess emotional adaptation levels of children with hearing handicap during preschool period. This research was applied to the children with hearing handicap who were attending Special Training Courses, associated with MEB and Soscial Servises Child Care within the Izmir Metropolis, between the dates of November 2001- February 2002 after necessary permission was obtained. Children with hearing handicap who were attending Special Training Courses constituted the scope of the research (n=63). Children with hearing handicap who were determined in accordance with limitations in this scope, constituted he sampling of research (n= 58). At the same time the scope forms the sampling. Data of the research were obtained in the following training institutions by using an information form defining the children with hearing handicap and their families and a scale of emotional adaption; Ege University, Deparment of Child (Infant) Training, Support Special Training Center, Akem Special Training Center, Harika Special Training and Rehabilitation Center, Hasan Kaya Early Diagnosis of Hearing Loss Training and Treatment Center, Special Buca Yaşam Special Training and Rehabilitation Center. Survey forms were applied to the children with hearing handicap and their families by their instructors. Validity of the content was obtained after the scale of emotional adaptation consulted with experts. The scale of emotional adaptation consisted of three subscales such as behavior, neurotic and other problems. Behavior subscale, neurotic subscale and other problems subscale are consisted of 12 items, 12 items and 6 items, respectively. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of scale is r=0.86. In the research data were evaluated by using number and percentage distribution and varience analysis. When the findings obtained from research were evaluted the following results were achieved 15.5 % of the children with hearing handicap had neurotic problem, 29.3 % had behavioral problem; their mean of experiencing neurotic 129problem 6.59± 4.47 and mean of experiencing behavior problem 7.90±4.83; mean of total scores 14.48+ 7.91. A significant relationship was not detected between four groups formed depending on whether children with hearing handicap are neurotic and whether they show behavioral disorder and to get training (F=1.710 p>0.05). When the mean total scores of neurotic and behavior subscales of children with hearing handicap are evaluated separately and altogether it was determined that they did not change with age of children with hearing handicap, age of using hearing device, way of utilization of hearing device, or present and previous level of speaking ability. When the mean total scores of neurotic and behavior subscales of families that have children with hearing handicap are evaluated separately and altogether, it was determined that they did not change according to the age groups of mothers and fathers or their education statuses, number of children in the family or order of that children in the family, whether an individual with hearing handicap existed in the family, or level of income. A significant correlation was found between the site of residence of families of children with hearing handicap and mean neurotic total score (F(neurotic)=2.450 p<0.05). When the age at which the handicap of children with hearing handicap is noticed by their families and total neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether a significant relationship was detected between the mean scores (F=5.175 p< 0.05). A significant relationship was also detected between age at which the handicap of children with hearing handicap is noticed by their families and mean of total behavior scores (F(behavior>=6.818 p< 0.05). When establishing communication with children with hearing handicap and the total of neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether, a significant relationship was detected between mean scores (F= 2.447 p<0.05). A significant relationship was found between establishing communication with children with hearing handicap and mean of total neurotic scores(F(neurotic)=5. 1 39 p<0.05). When success statuses of children with hearing handicap in institutions they receive training and mean of total neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether a significant correlation was detected between mean scores (F=3.293 p<0.05). A sign.ficant relationship was also detected between success statuses of 130children with hearing handicap institutions they receive training and mean of total neurotic scores(F(neurotic)=4.386 p<0.05). A significant relationship was detected between success statuses of children with hearing handicap in institutions they receive training and mean of total behavior scores (F(behavior)=5.218 p<0.05). In the reseach various suggestions were made in regards to results. 131
SUMMARY It is important to raise a child with hearing handicap as an individual consistent with expectations of the community, as well as in order for not to experience difficulty in emotional adaptation for special training programs and during training programs enhanced with integration and in preparing. This study was carried out as a descriptive and analytical research in order to assess emotional adaptation levels of children with hearing handicap during preschool period. This research was applied to the children with hearing handicap who were attending Special Training Courses, associated with MEB and Soscial Servises Child Care within the Izmir Metropolis, between the dates of November 2001- February 2002 after necessary permission was obtained. Children with hearing handicap who were attending Special Training Courses constituted the scope of the research (n=63). Children with hearing handicap who were determined in accordance with limitations in this scope, constituted he sampling of research (n= 58). At the same time the scope forms the sampling. Data of the research were obtained in the following training institutions by using an information form defining the children with hearing handicap and their families and a scale of emotional adaption; Ege University, Deparment of Child (Infant) Training, Support Special Training Center, Akem Special Training Center, Harika Special Training and Rehabilitation Center, Hasan Kaya Early Diagnosis of Hearing Loss Training and Treatment Center, Special Buca Yaşam Special Training and Rehabilitation Center. Survey forms were applied to the children with hearing handicap and their families by their instructors. Validity of the content was obtained after the scale of emotional adaptation consulted with experts. The scale of emotional adaptation consisted of three subscales such as behavior, neurotic and other problems. Behavior subscale, neurotic subscale and other problems subscale are consisted of 12 items, 12 items and 6 items, respectively. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of scale is r=0.86. In the research data were evaluated by using number and percentage distribution and varience analysis. When the findings obtained from research were evaluted the following results were achieved 15.5 % of the children with hearing handicap had neurotic problem, 29.3 % had behavioral problem; their mean of experiencing neurotic 129problem 6.59± 4.47 and mean of experiencing behavior problem 7.90±4.83; mean of total scores 14.48+ 7.91. A significant relationship was not detected between four groups formed depending on whether children with hearing handicap are neurotic and whether they show behavioral disorder and to get training (F=1.710 p>0.05). When the mean total scores of neurotic and behavior subscales of children with hearing handicap are evaluated separately and altogether it was determined that they did not change with age of children with hearing handicap, age of using hearing device, way of utilization of hearing device, or present and previous level of speaking ability. When the mean total scores of neurotic and behavior subscales of families that have children with hearing handicap are evaluated separately and altogether, it was determined that they did not change according to the age groups of mothers and fathers or their education statuses, number of children in the family or order of that children in the family, whether an individual with hearing handicap existed in the family, or level of income. A significant correlation was found between the site of residence of families of children with hearing handicap and mean neurotic total score (F(neurotic)=2.450 p<0.05). When the age at which the handicap of children with hearing handicap is noticed by their families and total neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether a significant relationship was detected between the mean scores (F=5.175 p< 0.05). A significant relationship was also detected between age at which the handicap of children with hearing handicap is noticed by their families and mean of total behavior scores (F(behavior>=6.818 p< 0.05). When establishing communication with children with hearing handicap and the total of neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether, a significant relationship was detected between mean scores (F= 2.447 p<0.05). A significant relationship was found between establishing communication with children with hearing handicap and mean of total neurotic scores(F(neurotic)=5. 1 39 p<0.05). When success statuses of children with hearing handicap in institutions they receive training and mean of total neurotic and behavior scores are considered altogether a significant correlation was detected between mean scores (F=3.293 p<0.05). A sign.ficant relationship was also detected between success statuses of 130children with hearing handicap institutions they receive training and mean of total neurotic scores(F(neurotic)=4.386 p<0.05). A significant relationship was detected between success statuses of children with hearing handicap in institutions they receive training and mean of total behavior scores (F(behavior)=5.218 p<0.05). In the reseach various suggestions were made in regards to results. 131
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing