Sert çekirdekli meyve türlerinde İlkbaharda yaprak ve tomurcukların teşekkül zamanı ile bazı şeftali çeşitlerinde morfolojik ayrım zamanı tesbiti
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu araştırma Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bit-, kileri Bölümünde 1988 yılında yapılmıştır. Çalışmada Papaz ve Ayna lı ct;n erikleri 5 Formosa ve Santarosa Japon erikleri; Early Burlat ve Van kirazları; Katırlı ve Kütahya vişneleri; Tokaloğlu ve Malat ya kayısıları; Bedhaven ve Rio Oso Gem şeftalilerinde ilkbaharda vegetatif gelişmenin başlamasından tepe tomurcuğunun oluşmasına ka dar olan periyotta sürgünlerin gelişmeleri izlenmiştir. Ayrıca Springtime, Early Bed» Cardinal, Bedcap, Dixired, S barking, Bedha ven, Triogem, Coronet, Glohaven, Loring, Hale Haven, Elberta ve Fowler şeftali çeşitlerinde, meyve yetiştiriciliğinde önemli bir safha olan morfolojik ajTim zamanı saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlai'a göre, türlerin ilkbaharda vegetatif faaliyete başlama sırası can eriği, Japon eriği, kayısı, vişne, ki raz ve şeftali şeklinde olmuştur. Can eriğinde Aynalı, Japon eri ğinde Formosa, kayısıda Tokaloğlu, kirazda Van, vişnede Kütahya ve şeftalide Bio Oso Gem çeşitlerinin ağaçları V8getr*tr* ! faaliyete, di ğer çeşitlere göre daha önce başlamışlardır. Yan tomurcuklar çeşit lere göre sürgünün 2.-8, yaprağından itibaren teşekküle başlamış ve dalların uç tarafındaki 2-4 yaprakta tomurcuklar ııeydana gelmemiştir. Erkenci dallar, sürgünün orta kxsraandaki tomurenkiprm 3Ürmesi ile teşekkül etmişlerdir. Üzerinde çalışılan Ik şeftali çeşidinde morfolojik ayrım 4-15 temmuz tarihleri arasında olmuştur. Bazı şeftali çeşitlerinde ayrım zamanı ile meyve olgunlaşma zamanı arasında pozitif bir iliş ki bulunmuştur. Buna karşılık çeşitlerde morfolojik ayrım samanı ile çiçeklanme zamanı arasında herhangibir ilişki saptanamamıştır
SUMMARY This research was carried out at the Department of Horticulture, Aegean University Faculty of Agriculture in 1988, The shoot growth that started with the onset of vegetative growth in spring and continued until the formation of the terminal bud was measured in Papaz and Aynalı european plum; Formosa and San- tarosa oriental plum; Early Burlat and Van cherry} Katırlı and Kütahya sour cherry} Tokaloğlu and Malatya apricot and Redhaven and Rio Oso Gem peach varieties. Flower bud differentiation, an. important phase in fruit growing was also investigated in Spring time, Early Red, Cardinal, Redcap, Dixired, Starking, Redhaven, Triogem, Coronet, Glohaven, Loring, Hale Haven, Elberta and Fow ler peach varieties. The results obtained from the trial showed that the onset of vegetative growth among the examined stone fruits appeared in the order of european plum, oriental pliun, apricot, sour cherry, sweet cherry and peach. Aynalı variety of the european plums, For mosa of oriental plums, Tokaloğlu of apricots, Van of cherries, Kütahya of sour cherries and llio Oso Gem of the peach varieties started their vegetative growth earlier than the other varieties. Depending upon the variety, lateral buds started to form after, the 2n -8 leaf on the shoot, and no bud formation was observed up to the 2 - 4 leaf from the distal end. Earlier shoots were formed by the growth of the buds present at the mid position of the shoots. The bud differentiation of the 14 peach varieties were found to occur between 4 and 15 of July. In some peach varieties a positive correlation was found between the dates of differentiation and the ripening. On the other hand, no relation ship between the dif fentiation and blooming dates could be ob^ served.
SUMMARY This research was carried out at the Department of Horticulture, Aegean University Faculty of Agriculture in 1988, The shoot growth that started with the onset of vegetative growth in spring and continued until the formation of the terminal bud was measured in Papaz and Aynalı european plum; Formosa and San- tarosa oriental plum; Early Burlat and Van cherry} Katırlı and Kütahya sour cherry} Tokaloğlu and Malatya apricot and Redhaven and Rio Oso Gem peach varieties. Flower bud differentiation, an. important phase in fruit growing was also investigated in Spring time, Early Red, Cardinal, Redcap, Dixired, Starking, Redhaven, Triogem, Coronet, Glohaven, Loring, Hale Haven, Elberta and Fow ler peach varieties. The results obtained from the trial showed that the onset of vegetative growth among the examined stone fruits appeared in the order of european plum, oriental pliun, apricot, sour cherry, sweet cherry and peach. Aynalı variety of the european plums, For mosa of oriental plums, Tokaloğlu of apricots, Van of cherries, Kütahya of sour cherries and llio Oso Gem of the peach varieties started their vegetative growth earlier than the other varieties. Depending upon the variety, lateral buds started to form after, the 2n -8 leaf on the shoot, and no bud formation was observed up to the 2 - 4 leaf from the distal end. Earlier shoots were formed by the growth of the buds present at the mid position of the shoots. The bud differentiation of the 14 peach varieties were found to occur between 4 and 15 of July. In some peach varieties a positive correlation was found between the dates of differentiation and the ripening. On the other hand, no relation ship between the dif fentiation and blooming dates could be ob^ served.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Meyveler, Fruits, Sert çekirdekli meyveler, Stone fruits, Şeftali, Peach