Makarnalık buğdayların (triticum durum desf. ) tanımında DNA parmak izleri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
m ÖZET MAKARNALIK BUĞDAYLARIN (Triticum durum Desf.) TANIMINDA DNA PARMAK İZLERİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR TAYYAR, Şemım Doktora Tezi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü Tez yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. İbrahim DEMİR Şubat 1999, 59 sayfa Bu çalışma ile, Türkiye'nin değişik bölgelerinde yetiştirilen standart 10 makarnalık buğday çeşidinin (Triticum durum Desf.) RAPD metodu ile moleküler düzeyde tanımlanmaları yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 10 baz uzunluğunda (Operon Technologies) tesadüfen seçilen 18 primer kullanılmış, primerler içerisinde 9 tanesinde hiç bant elde edilemezken, geriye kalan 9'unda ise çeşitlere özgü bant desenleri elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada; (1) Makarnalık buğday genotiplerinin moleküler düzeydeki farklılıklarının tespit edilmesinde RAPD metodunun kullanılıp kullanılamayacağının belirlenmesi, (2) Genotiplerin DNA parmak izlerinin saptanması ve (3) DNA parmak izlerine göre oluşturulan matriksin Jump adlı bilgisayar programı yardımıyla değerlendirilmesiyle elde edilen dendrogram sayesinde çeşitler arasındaki genetik uzaklıkların belirlenmesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kullanılan primerlerden OPR-04, OPR-05 ve OPR-06 primerleri polimorfızmi yakalamada etkili ve başarılı bulunmuştur. Elde edilen dendrograma göre çeşitler başlıca 2 gruba ayrılmışlardır, Ege 88 ve Selçuklu çeşitleri ile Çakmak ve Ç.1252 çeşitleri birbirlerine çok yakm akraba bulunurken, Ege 88 ve Dicle çeşitleri birbirlerine en uzak akraba bulunmuştur. Yapılan çalışma neticesinde RAPD metodu, makarnalık buğday genotiplerinin belirlenmesinde ve DNA parmak izlerinin saptanmasında başarılı ve güvenilir bir metod olarak bulunmuştur. Anahtar sözcükler: Makarnalık buğday, RAPD, DNA parmak izi, genetik uzaklık
IV ABSTRACT STUDIES ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF DURUM WHEATS {Triticum durum Desf.) USING DNA FINGERPRINTS TAYYAR, Şemun Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Field Crops Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim DEMİR February 1999, 59 pages In this study, ten standart durum wheat varieties (Triticum durum Desf.), grown in different region of Turkey were identified at molecular level using RAPD method. Ten base long randomly selected 18 primers (Operon Technologies) were used in the research. Nine of these primers did not give any bands, rest of them gave band designs special to each variety. The purposes of this study were (1) to find out if RAPD method could be used for determining the differences in genotypes of durum wheats at molecular levels, (2) to ascertain DNA fingerprints of genotypes, and (3) to determine genetic distance among varieties using dendrogram obtained from evaluating the matrix formed according to DNA fingerprints via the aid of Jump, a computer program. Of used primers, OPR-04, OPR-05 and OPR-06 were found to be successful and effective in detecting polymorphism. Varieties were categorized mainly into two groups based on the dendrogram results. Ege 88 and Selçuklu; Çakmak and Ç.1252 varieties were found to be very closely related, while Ege 88 and Dicle varieties were found to be the most divergent. As a result of this research it was found that RAPD method was successful and reliable İn identifying genotypes of, and in determining DNA fingerprints of durum wheats. Key Words: Durum wheat, RAPD, DNA fingerprinting, genetic distance
IV ABSTRACT STUDIES ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF DURUM WHEATS {Triticum durum Desf.) USING DNA FINGERPRINTS TAYYAR, Şemun Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Field Crops Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ibrahim DEMİR February 1999, 59 pages In this study, ten standart durum wheat varieties (Triticum durum Desf.), grown in different region of Turkey were identified at molecular level using RAPD method. Ten base long randomly selected 18 primers (Operon Technologies) were used in the research. Nine of these primers did not give any bands, rest of them gave band designs special to each variety. The purposes of this study were (1) to find out if RAPD method could be used for determining the differences in genotypes of durum wheats at molecular levels, (2) to ascertain DNA fingerprints of genotypes, and (3) to determine genetic distance among varieties using dendrogram obtained from evaluating the matrix formed according to DNA fingerprints via the aid of Jump, a computer program. Of used primers, OPR-04, OPR-05 and OPR-06 were found to be successful and effective in detecting polymorphism. Varieties were categorized mainly into two groups based on the dendrogram results. Ege 88 and Selçuklu; Çakmak and Ç.1252 varieties were found to be very closely related, while Ege 88 and Dicle varieties were found to be the most divergent. As a result of this research it was found that RAPD method was successful and reliable İn identifying genotypes of, and in determining DNA fingerprints of durum wheats. Key Words: Durum wheat, RAPD, DNA fingerprinting, genetic distance
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Buğday, Wheat, DNA parmak izi, DNA fingerprinting, Genetik uzaklık, Genetic distance, Makarnalık buğday, Durum wheat