Voltammetric determination of cystine and cysteines development of the method and applications

Küçük Resim Yok



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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



ABSTRAKT Sistin ve sisteinin polarografik (Brdicka yöntemiyle) ve voltammetrik (Cu(II) ortamı ve boraks tamponunda (pH 9.20) GCE ile) davranışı incelenmiştir. Polarografik yöntemde en uygun koşullar saptandıktan sonra (5x1 0"4 M) Co(Il) ve amonyak tamponu (pH 9.30); serum ve tükrük ortamına, örnekler denature edilerek (NaOH-NaCl ile) uygulanmıştır. Serum için denatürasyon süresi 45, tükrük için 30 dakika bulunmuştur. Sistin ve sisteinin tayin aralığı 5xl0~7-l()-5 m arasında doğrusal bulunmuştur. Diyabetli ve sağlıklı örnekler incelenerek serumlarda; 100 mi için 6,05±0,04 mg diyabetli, 7,26±0,04 mg sağlıklı ve tükrüklerde ise 0,25±0,04 mg diyabetli, 0,55±0,05 mg sağlıklıda, sistein miktarları standart katma yöntemiyle bulunmuştur. GCE ile voltammetrik çalışmada ise en uygun ortam..,«*. ooraks tamponu (pH 9.20) ve Cu(II) *~10-6 M; ile sağlanmıştır. Sistin ve sistein katılmasında, Cu-komplekslerinin indirgenmesine ilişkin ~-0.60 ve -1.20 V'da (SCE'a karşı) gözlenen piklerden ilkinin sistein derişimi ile değişimi 5,30x10" ^-2x10"^ M arasında doğrusal bulunmuştur. Cl
ABSTRACT In this study, the polarographic behaviour of cystine and cysteine in Brdicka medium and the voltammetric behaviour of these amino acids in the presence of Cu(II) ion at carbon electrodes (GCE, CPE) were investigated. For polarographic studies best results were obtained by working with 5xl0~4 M Co(II) solution in pH 9.30 ammonia buffer. This method was exploited for the determination of cysteine in blood serum and saliva samples of healthy and diabetic patients. The samples were denaturated in NaOH-NaCl medium prior to the determination step. The optimum denaturation times were found to be 30 and 45 min for saliva and serum samples respectively. The samples were then transferred into Brdicka medium and the polarograms were recorded. The calibration curve was found to be linear in 5x10"?- 10"^ M concentration range. The cysteine contents of 100 ml serum samples were determined to be 6.05±Q.0â mg for diabetic and 7.26±0.04 mg for healthy patients by using standard addition method. The results for the saliva samples were 0.25+0.0.4 mg for diabetics and 0.55±0.05 mg per 100 ml sample of healthy patients. On the other hand the voltammetric behaviour of Cu(II) ion at carbon electrodes in the presence of cysteine was also investigated. On addition of cystine and cysteine into ~lxl0~6 M Cu(II) solution in pH 9.20 borate buffer two reduction peaks at -0.60 V and 1.20 V vs.SCE were observed. The calibration curve obtained by using the first peak was linear in the concentration range of 5.30xlO-10-2xlO"8 M cysteine. IV


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Kimya, Chemistry, Boraks, Borax, Polarografi, Polarography, Sistein, Cysteine, Sistin, Cystine, Voltametri, Voltammetry


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