Samed Vurgun, hayatı-sanatı ve eserleri
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Ege üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Samed Vurgun, XX. yüzyıl Azerbaycan edebiyatının ilk yarısına damgasını vurmuş bir halk şairidir. Kuşkusuz Sovyet Dönemi Azerbaycan şiirinin en güçlü temsilcilerinden biri olan şair; yaşamı boyunca en az 350 şiir, 17 poema ve üçü yarım kalmış olmakla birlikte 7 piyes kaleme almıştır. Sovyet Dönemi'nin baskı dolu yıllarında, eserlerinde Azerbaycan Türkçesinin en arı ve zengin örneklerini vermeyi başaran şair, eserlerinin tümünü anadilinde yazmıştır. Ayrıca Rusçadan Azerbaycan Türkçesine de çeviriler yapmıştır. Samed Vurgun'un sanat anlayışı, kesin çizgilerle ayırmak mümkün olmamakla birlikte, genel olarak iki dönemde değerlendirilebilir. Birincisi, gençlik dönemi sanat anlayışı; diğeri ise olgunluk dönemi sanat anlayışıdır. Şairin gençlik dönemlerinde Azerbaycan, Türkiye ve Rusya edebiyatlarının şiirlerinde etkili olduğu görülmektedir. Bu dönemlerinde Fuzulî, Molla Penah Vaqıf, Mirza Elekber Sabir, Hüseyin Cavid; Namık Kemal, Tevfik Fikret, Nazım Hikmet; Aleksandr Puşkin ve Viladimir Mayakovski gibi isimler, şairin üzerinde etkili olan şairlerdir. Bu yıllarda Azerbaycan edebiyatının geleneksel kaynaklarından beslenen Samed Vurgun, ilk aşkı Dürre'nin de etkisiyle daha çok ferdî temalarda şiirler yazmıştır. Şairin olgunluk dönemi ise, Dürre'den koptuktan sonra ve sosyal meselelere yönelmesiyle başlamıştır. Samed Vurgun'un bu yöneliminde devrin siyasi ve sosyal koşulları oldukça etkili olmuştur. 1930'lu yıllarda sosyalist-realizm çizgisini benimseyen şair, bu akıma bağlı eserler vermiş ve hayatının sonuna dek komünizm öğretilerine bağlı kalmıştır. Samed Vurgun sosyalist bir şair olarak "sanat toplum içindir" ilkesini benimsemiş; şiirde estetiğe önem vermekle birlikte, muhtevanın vazgeçilmez bir unsur olduğuna inanmıştır. Eserlerinde dönemin siyasi taleplerine uymasına karşın Stalin'in "represya" yıllarında oldukça sıkıntılı günler geçirmiştir. "Büyük Vatan Muharebesi" olarak adlandırılan II. Dünya Savaşı yıllarında, Azerbaycan'ın en gür sesli "vatan" şairlerinden biri, belki de birincisi olarak değerlendirilen Samed Vurgun, eserleriyle gerek cephedeki, gerekse cephe gerisindeki mücadelelere destek vermiş; özellikle 1941-1945 yılları arasında Hitler faşizmine karşı nefret uyandıran şiirler yazmıştır. Samed Vurgun eserlerinde "vatan" kavramını, iki biçimde ele almıştır: İlki, tüm hayatı boyunca kendisinin ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak kabul ettiği ve büyük bir romantizmle sevdiği Azerbaycan; diğeri ise dünyada medeniyetin inkişafını sağlayacağına inandığı Sovyetler Birliği'dir.
Samed Vurgun is a folk poet, who left his mark on the firts half of XX. century Azerbaijan literature. The poet, who is no doubt, one of the most powerful representatives of Azerbaijan USSR literatüre, wrote at least poems, 17 long-poemas and 7 dramas in his lifetime. In the political repression years of USSR, Vurgun, who could manage to give the most pure and rich samples of Azerbaijan Turkish wrote his all work in his mother tangue. He also made some translation from Russian into Azerbaijan Turkish. The evolution of Samad Vurgun's poetic sense, though it can not be demarcated with sharp dividing lines, can be treated by examining two periods: First, his youthful career; and secondly, his mature period. In his youth, it is evident that Azeri, Turkish and Russian literatures had an impact over his perspective. In this period Fuzûlî, Molla Penah Vaqif, Mirza E. Sabir, Huseyin Javid; Namık Kemal, Tevfik Fikret, Nazım Hikmet; Alexandr Pushkin and Viladimir Mayakovsky etc. were poets who influenced him. In these years, Samad Vurgun benefiting from the traditional source of Azerbaijan, wrote a lot of poets in individual themes, with the effect of his first love Durre. The mature period of the poet began after breakin' up with Durre and with showing tendancy to social issues. For this tendancy of him, social and political conditions of the era were quite effective. Samad Vurgun, who adopted to socialist-realism in the 1930'th years, wrote his poetry based on this literary movement and stayed loyal to doctrines of communism. As a socialist poet Samed Vurgun, accepted the principle "art is for people" and he although cared for estheticism in poetry he believed "content" was the essential and indispensible component in poetry. Even though he obeyed the rules of political wills in his works, yet he had hard times because of the "repression" under Stalin's regim. In the Second World War, which is also known as the "Great Patriotic War", Samad Vurgun, considered one of the greatest Azerbaijan patriot poets, perhaps the greatest one, supported the Red Army and its struggle either in the front or behind the front with his poetry, and especially wrote poems which awakened hatred against Hitler's fascism between 1941 and 1945. Samed Vurgun considered the concept of "homeland" from two respects: First one is Azerbaijan, where he considered as an insperable part of himself and he loved dreamfully; and second one ise USSR, where he believed to provide a great deal of development for the civilisation of the World.
Samed Vurgun is a folk poet, who left his mark on the firts half of XX. century Azerbaijan literature. The poet, who is no doubt, one of the most powerful representatives of Azerbaijan USSR literatüre, wrote at least poems, 17 long-poemas and 7 dramas in his lifetime. In the political repression years of USSR, Vurgun, who could manage to give the most pure and rich samples of Azerbaijan Turkish wrote his all work in his mother tangue. He also made some translation from Russian into Azerbaijan Turkish. The evolution of Samad Vurgun's poetic sense, though it can not be demarcated with sharp dividing lines, can be treated by examining two periods: First, his youthful career; and secondly, his mature period. In his youth, it is evident that Azeri, Turkish and Russian literatures had an impact over his perspective. In this period Fuzûlî, Molla Penah Vaqif, Mirza E. Sabir, Huseyin Javid; Namık Kemal, Tevfik Fikret, Nazım Hikmet; Alexandr Pushkin and Viladimir Mayakovsky etc. were poets who influenced him. In these years, Samad Vurgun benefiting from the traditional source of Azerbaijan, wrote a lot of poets in individual themes, with the effect of his first love Durre. The mature period of the poet began after breakin' up with Durre and with showing tendancy to social issues. For this tendancy of him, social and political conditions of the era were quite effective. Samad Vurgun, who adopted to socialist-realism in the 1930'th years, wrote his poetry based on this literary movement and stayed loyal to doctrines of communism. As a socialist poet Samed Vurgun, accepted the principle "art is for people" and he although cared for estheticism in poetry he believed "content" was the essential and indispensible component in poetry. Even though he obeyed the rules of political wills in his works, yet he had hard times because of the "repression" under Stalin's regim. In the Second World War, which is also known as the "Great Patriotic War", Samad Vurgun, considered one of the greatest Azerbaijan patriot poets, perhaps the greatest one, supported the Red Army and its struggle either in the front or behind the front with his poetry, and especially wrote poems which awakened hatred against Hitler's fascism between 1941 and 1945. Samed Vurgun considered the concept of "homeland" from two respects: First one is Azerbaijan, where he considered as an insperable part of himself and he loved dreamfully; and second one ise USSR, where he believed to provide a great deal of development for the civilisation of the World.