Güneş enerjisi ile çalışan absorbsiyonlu büro tipi bir buzdolabının geliştirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Güneş enerjisi ile çalışan absorpsiyonlu büro tipi bir buzdolabının geliştirilmesi. Güneş enerjisi çok çeşitli uygulama alanlarında kullanılabilecek alternatif bir enerji kaynağıdır. Dünya çerçevesinde konuya yaklaşıldığı zaman güneş enerjisinden yararlanmanın tek amacının konvansiyel enerji kaynaklarını korumak olduğu görülmektedir. Sonsuz ve çevreyi kirletmeyen bir enerji kaynağı olarak güneş enerjisi, kesikli olmasından dolayı sistemlerin kurulması aşamasında maliyetlidir. Ülkemiz güneş enerjisinden yararlanma zamanı olarak çok zengindir. Yaz aylarında güneş enerjisinin yoğunluğu soğutma ihtiyacının da yoğunluğunu gerektirmektedir. Bu durumdan yararlanarak güneş enerjisini soğutma alanında kullanmak avantajlı olabilecektir. Çok çeşitli soğutma uygulamaları mevcuttur. Absorpsiyonlu soğutma, ısı enerjisini dönüşümsüz kullanılması bakımından güneş enerji sinden yararlanmak için uygun bir soğutma sistemidir. Absorpsiyonlu soğutma uygulaması kullanım alanına göre iklimlendirme ve soğutma amaçlı olmak üzere iki ana grupta toplanır. Bu çalışmada absorpsiyonlu soğutucuların güneş enerjisi ile soğutma amaçlı çalıştırılması araştırılmaktadır. Sürekli çalışan absorpsiyonlu soğutucular sanayi tipi ve elektrolux tipi (ev veya büro) soğutucular olarak kuHanılmaktadır. Sanayi tipin absorpsiyonlu soğutma makinelerine rağmen daha az enerji gereksinimleri, büro tipi bir soğutucu ile çalışmayı çekici kılmaktadır. Belirli oranda amonyak-su (refrijerant-absorbent) ikili karışımını içeren büro tipi absorpsiyonlu soğutucularda hidrojen gazı sistemin basıncını dengelemektedir. Evaporatördeki hidrojen gazının içerisine kısmi basınçların farklılığından dolayı sıvı amonyağın düuzyonla yayılması istenilen soğutma etkisini oluşturmaktadır. Piyasada satılan elektrik, LPG gazı veya akü ile çalıştınlabilen büro tipi absorpsiyonlu buzdolabı bu deneyde kullanılmak için temin edildi. Laboratuar şartlarında değişik güç, değişik konsantrasyonlarda ve değişik basınçlarda sistemin çalışması test edildi. Özellikle enerji kaynağı olarak düzlemsel güneş kolektörlerinden elde edilecek ısı enerjisinin kullanılması hedeflendiğinden sistemin bu ısıda çalıştırılabilmesi için uygun konsantrasyon ve uygun basınçların saptanmasına çalışılmıştır. Düzlemsel güneş kollektörlerinde, ısıtıcı akışkan olarak Mobil-605 ısı transfer yağı kullanılarak oluşturulan sistemde kollektörden elde edilen ısı enerjisi, absorpsiyonlu soğutucunun generatörüne verildi. Güneş enerjili düzlemsel kollektörden elde edilen ısı enerjisi dışında başka bir enerji kaynağı daha kullanılmadı. Su ve amonyak akışkanlarının karışım oranlan ve sistemin çalışma basmcı ayanlanarak düşük generator sıcaklıklarında denendi. Bir başka sistemde de absorpsiyonlu soğutucunun generator kısmı, düzlemsel güneş enerjili kollektör olarak tamamen kaynaklı imalattanyaptırılarak denendi. % 50 amonyak ve % 50 su oranında hazırlanan çözelti ve 14 bar basınçla çalıştırılan sistemde, çözeltinin sirkülasyonunun başladığı gözlendi. Ancak dış hava koşullarının sistemin çalışmasında çok etkili olması nedeniyle performans düşüklüğü tesbit edildi. Yapılan ölçümler peryotlar halinde kaydedilmiş ve yorumlan yapılmıştır. Sistemin başta generator bölümü olmak üzere geliştirilmesi ve güneş enerjisinden daha verimli yararlanılarak çalıştırılması gerekmektedir
IV ABSTRACT Improvement of an elektrolux refrigerator worked with solar energy. Solar energy is an alternative energy, which could be used in different manners. It is appear that the aim of the benefit from the solar energy is to maintain the conventional energy sources when this subject was considered in the scale of world. As a source of energy which not pollute the environment infinite, it is high expensive at the stage of the establishment of systems due to its intermittent. Our country is rich for making use of sunny days. Intensive solar energy in the summer months has been also increased need by cooling. It will be an advantage to use the solar energy in the field of cooling by making use of this case. There was much type of the cooling systems. The cooling with absorption is a suitable system to benefit from the solar energy in reference to use the heat energy without any transformation. The application of cooling with absorption is separated to two essential groups as the cooling and air-conditioning systems. In this study, it was aimed to investigate being worked of the refrigerators with absorption for purpose of cooling by solar energy. Cooling with absorption which worked continuously were used as type of elektrolux and industry refrigerators. The elektrolux refrigerator is preferred to work because of its requirementto lower energy that those of industry refrigerators. The hydrogen gaseous in the elektrolux refrigerators which contained the mixture ammonia-water and certain rate has balanced the pressure of system. The fact that liquid ammonia diffused into the hydrogen gaseous in the evaporator due to the difference in the partial pressure has occurred desirable cooling effect. An elektrolux refrigerator, which is worked by electric, LPG gaseous and accumulator, was supplied to use in the experiment. The elektrolux refrigerator was studied at the diverse ratios of capacity and fluid in the laboratory. Since the heat energy, which obtained from the flat plate solar collector as a source of energy is considered to use, it was objected to be adapted the systems to these cases. The heat transfer oil, Mobil-605, as heating fluid was used in the flat plate solar collector. Heat energy produced from the collector in this system was transferred to the generator of refrigerator with absorption. Another source of energy was not used in additional to the heat energy obtained from flat plate solar collectors. The ratios of mixture of water and ammonia fluids used as absorbent and refrigerant in the cooling with absorption and working pressure of system were experimented at the lower temperatures of generator by being worked the system. The part of generator of refrigerator with absorption was also tested in another system as flat plate solar collector by being made of a welded manufacture. $ was observed that circulation of solution began in the system wnteli ty$i %$fked with 14 bar pressure and the solution prepared in the,VI ratio of 50 % water and 50 % ammonia. However, since outer air conditions highly affected the working of systems, the decline in performance was determined. The measures made in the system were recorded in the certain periods and their interpretations were explained. The system, specially the part of generator, should be more improved and worked by making use of solar energy more productively.
IV ABSTRACT Improvement of an elektrolux refrigerator worked with solar energy. Solar energy is an alternative energy, which could be used in different manners. It is appear that the aim of the benefit from the solar energy is to maintain the conventional energy sources when this subject was considered in the scale of world. As a source of energy which not pollute the environment infinite, it is high expensive at the stage of the establishment of systems due to its intermittent. Our country is rich for making use of sunny days. Intensive solar energy in the summer months has been also increased need by cooling. It will be an advantage to use the solar energy in the field of cooling by making use of this case. There was much type of the cooling systems. The cooling with absorption is a suitable system to benefit from the solar energy in reference to use the heat energy without any transformation. The application of cooling with absorption is separated to two essential groups as the cooling and air-conditioning systems. In this study, it was aimed to investigate being worked of the refrigerators with absorption for purpose of cooling by solar energy. Cooling with absorption which worked continuously were used as type of elektrolux and industry refrigerators. The elektrolux refrigerator is preferred to work because of its requirementto lower energy that those of industry refrigerators. The hydrogen gaseous in the elektrolux refrigerators which contained the mixture ammonia-water and certain rate has balanced the pressure of system. The fact that liquid ammonia diffused into the hydrogen gaseous in the evaporator due to the difference in the partial pressure has occurred desirable cooling effect. An elektrolux refrigerator, which is worked by electric, LPG gaseous and accumulator, was supplied to use in the experiment. The elektrolux refrigerator was studied at the diverse ratios of capacity and fluid in the laboratory. Since the heat energy, which obtained from the flat plate solar collector as a source of energy is considered to use, it was objected to be adapted the systems to these cases. The heat transfer oil, Mobil-605, as heating fluid was used in the flat plate solar collector. Heat energy produced from the collector in this system was transferred to the generator of refrigerator with absorption. Another source of energy was not used in additional to the heat energy obtained from flat plate solar collectors. The ratios of mixture of water and ammonia fluids used as absorbent and refrigerant in the cooling with absorption and working pressure of system were experimented at the lower temperatures of generator by being worked the system. The part of generator of refrigerator with absorption was also tested in another system as flat plate solar collector by being made of a welded manufacture. $ was observed that circulation of solution began in the system wnteli ty$i %$fked with 14 bar pressure and the solution prepared in the,VI ratio of 50 % water and 50 % ammonia. However, since outer air conditions highly affected the working of systems, the decline in performance was determined. The measures made in the system were recorded in the certain periods and their interpretations were explained. The system, specially the part of generator, should be more improved and worked by making use of solar energy more productively.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Enerji, Energy, Buzdolabı, Refrigerator, Güneş enerjisi, Solar energy, Soğurma, Absorption