Osmanlı'nın son döneminde toplumsal değişim ve yeni siyasi arayışlar (1839-1914)
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
95 ÖZET Bir pre-kapitalist formasyon olan Osmanlı İmparatorluğu 'nun ekonomisi büyük oranda fetih politikasına dayanıyordu. Fetih politikası kendi limitlerine ulaştığında Osmanlı'nın gerileme devri başlamış oldu. 18. yüzyılın son periyodunda ve 19. yüzyılın başlarında Osmanlı devlet adamları orduyu modernize ederek gerileme sorununu çözmeyi düşündüler. Böylece Batılılaşma bir siyasi proje olarak Osmanlı yöneticilerinin ve entelektüellerinin gündemine girmiş oldu. Batılılaşma aynı zamanda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Batı kapitalizmi ile eklemlenme sürecinde bir ivme artışını ifade eder, yani eklemlenmenin hızı kadar eklemlenme sürecinin Osmanlı'ya getirdiklerinin niteliği de değişmiştir. Bu yüzden, Osmanlı'nın son dönemindeki siyasi arayışlar ve toplusal değişim, Osmanlı'nın kapitalizme eklemlenmesi bağlamında analiz edilmelidir. Özellikle İngiltere ve Fransa'da ekonomik ve toplumsal değişimin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan kapitalistleşme süreci, Osmanlı'da devlet iktidarının merkezi tarafından başlatılmıştır. Bu özelliğiyle Osmanlı' daki kapitalistleşme süreci, geç kapitalistleşen ülkelerin, Almanya gibi, kapitalistleşme süreçleriyle benzerlikler taşır. Osmanlı kapitalistleşme sürecinin bu farklılığı Türk entelektüelleri tarafından tartışılmıştır. Kadro, bir aydın hareketi olarak, bu durumu sınıfsız bir toplum kurma yolunda bir avantaj olarak görürken; 1960'ların Yön hareketi bu durumu, kapitalizm ve burjuva demokrasisinin gelişkinliği açısından eksikli görmüş ve bu eksikliği Milli Demokratik Devrim ile tamamlamayı önermiştir. Analizlerinde sivil toplumun gelişkinliğini merkeze koyan ve liberal olarak adlandırılabilecek başka bir perspektif ise Türkiye'de 1980'li yıllarda oluşmuştur. Bu liberal perspektif, Türkiye'deki sivil toplum eksikliğini devlet otoritesinin96 toplumun her alandaki hakimiyeti ile açıklamıştır. Bu anlamda Osmanlı' daki modernleşme sürecini ve Türk politikasını elitist ve tepeden inmeci karakteri nedeniyle eleştirmiştir. Bu eleştirilere postmodernist argümanlar da, ilericilik fikrinin reddi gibi, başka bir dayanak noktası oluşturmuştur
97 SUMMARY Being a pre-capitalist formation, the economy of the Ottoman Empire was depended on the policy of conquest in large extends. Since the policy of conquest reached its limits, the decline period of the Ottoman Empire began. In the last preriod of 18. century and the beginings of 19. century, the Ottoman state-men thought that the modernization of army would be a solution for the decline. So, the Westernization came into the agenda of the Ottoman administrators and intellecttuals. At the same time, the Westernization implies an accelaration in the process of articulation of the Ottoman Empire to the Western capitalism. So, the Westernization has changed the quality of contributions that the articulation- process brought to the Ottoman Empire as much as the speed of articulation. Thus, the social change and new political seekings should be analyzed in the context of the articulation of the Ottoman Empire to the capitalism. The process of 'capitalization' which emerged as the result of economic and social change especially in England and France, was launched by the very center of state power in the Ottoman Empire. With this characteristic, the 'capitalization' process in the Ottoman Empire looks like the process of late capitalist countries such as Germany. The diversity of Ottoman capitalization process has been discussed by Turkish intellectuals. Whereas Kadro, as an intellectual movement, regarded this condition as an advantage in the way of constructing classless society, the movement of Yon of the 1960's regarded this condition as lackness in respect to the maturity of capitalism and bourgeoisie democracy and suggested National Democratic Revolution to remove the lackness. Another perspective, which can be called liberal, that situate the maturity of civil society at the center of its analysis has emerged in Turkey in the 1980's. The liberal perspective has explained the lackness of civil society through the dominance of state authority in all spheres of98 the society. In this sense, it has criticized the modernization process in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish politics because of their elitist and overimpository character. The postmodernist arguments, such as the refusal of the notion of "progressivity", have become another basis for the criticisms. tcnrmafj *« w*
97 SUMMARY Being a pre-capitalist formation, the economy of the Ottoman Empire was depended on the policy of conquest in large extends. Since the policy of conquest reached its limits, the decline period of the Ottoman Empire began. In the last preriod of 18. century and the beginings of 19. century, the Ottoman state-men thought that the modernization of army would be a solution for the decline. So, the Westernization came into the agenda of the Ottoman administrators and intellecttuals. At the same time, the Westernization implies an accelaration in the process of articulation of the Ottoman Empire to the Western capitalism. So, the Westernization has changed the quality of contributions that the articulation- process brought to the Ottoman Empire as much as the speed of articulation. Thus, the social change and new political seekings should be analyzed in the context of the articulation of the Ottoman Empire to the capitalism. The process of 'capitalization' which emerged as the result of economic and social change especially in England and France, was launched by the very center of state power in the Ottoman Empire. With this characteristic, the 'capitalization' process in the Ottoman Empire looks like the process of late capitalist countries such as Germany. The diversity of Ottoman capitalization process has been discussed by Turkish intellectuals. Whereas Kadro, as an intellectual movement, regarded this condition as an advantage in the way of constructing classless society, the movement of Yon of the 1960's regarded this condition as lackness in respect to the maturity of capitalism and bourgeoisie democracy and suggested National Democratic Revolution to remove the lackness. Another perspective, which can be called liberal, that situate the maturity of civil society at the center of its analysis has emerged in Turkey in the 1980's. The liberal perspective has explained the lackness of civil society through the dominance of state authority in all spheres of98 the society. In this sense, it has criticized the modernization process in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish politics because of their elitist and overimpository character. The postmodernist arguments, such as the refusal of the notion of "progressivity", have become another basis for the criticisms. tcnrmafj *« w*
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyoloji, Sociology, Osmanlı Dönemi, Ottoman Period, Siyaset, Politics, Sosyal değişme, Social change