Kınshasa'nın kırsal alanlarındaki evsel bazlı elektrik enerjisi ihtiyacını karşılaşmak amaçlı fotovoltaik sistemlerin konutlara entegrasyonu üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Endüstriyelleştirme günümüzde çok boyutlu bir kriz ve ciddi çevresel, kültürel, ekonomik, sosyal ve politik zorluklarla karşı karşıyadır (Smil, 2017). Ucuz fosil yakıtlar sanayi devrimi yaşatmış, sanayi toplumunun büyümesini sürdürmüşlerdir. Artık fosil enerjinin yoğun kullanımı, tükenmesine yol açmakta ve küresel ısınmanın ana nedeni olan sera gazlarının salımı yoluyla çevre üzerinde olumsuz sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Ayrıca fosil yakıt rezervlerinin gelecek nesiller için korunması ile birlikte çevrenin korunması adına yenilenebilir enerji kullanımı gibi alternatif çözümler geliştirilmektedir (GSR, 2021). Yenilenebilir enerji, diğer enerji kaynaklarına kıyasla insanoğlunun enerji talebini karşılayabilen güvenlidir, tabi depolama sistemleri ile kullanılırsa (Abolhosseini, Nisan 2014). Bu nedenle son zamanlarda yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımı ve dolayısıyla yenilenebilir enerji ile ilgili çalışmalar ve araştırmalar hızla artmıştır (REN21, 2014). 2020'de, tüm sektörlerde küresel yenilenebilir enerji kullanımı 2019'a göre yaklaşık % 1,5 arttığı görülmektedir. Yenilenebilir elektrik enerjisi üretimi, esas olarak 2020 yıllında tamamlanan yeni rüzgar ve fotovoltaik projeleri nedeniyle ve yenilenebilir enerjilerin genellikle daha önce dağıtılması nedeniyle yaklaşık % 3 artmıştır. Azalan elektrik talebinin yanı sıra, güç şebekeleri rüzgar ve FV'nin artan paylarını yönetmiştir. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları, 2020'de küresel elektrik üretiminin % 28'ini oluşturmakta ve bunun 2040'a kadar % 45'e yükselmesi beklenmektedir. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarındaki bu artış, esas olarak kömür ve gaz maliyetinden meydana gelmektedir, ancak bu iki kaynak hala küresel elektrik arzının yaklaşık % 60'ını temsil etmektedir. 2020'de FV ve rüzgar enerjisi gibi değişken yenilenebilir kaynaklar, 2019'daki % 8'lik artışla üretimin % 10'una ulaşmıştır. Yenilenebilir kapasite, bir önceki yıla göre 176 GW artarak 2019'un sonunda 2537 Giga Watt'a (GW) ulaşmıştır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının, enerji sektörünü karbondan arındırmak için önümüzdeki otuz yılda daha da güçlü bir şekilde büyümesi gerekecektir (Amiral gemisi raporu - Nisan 2020, IEA). Öte yandan, küresel enerji talebi 2020'de % 5 artacağı (IRENA, 2020), enerjiye bağlı CO2 emisyonları % 7 ve enerji yatırımları % 18 düşeceği öngörülmüştür. Petrol talebindeki % 8'lik ve kömür kullanımındaki % 7'lik tahmini düşüşler, yenilenebilir enerjinin katkısındaki hafif artışla keskin bir tezat oluşturmaktadır. Doğal gaz talebindeki azalma % 3 mertebesindeyken, küresel elektrik talebinin yıl içinde görece % 2 oranında azalacağı öngörülmektedir. Fotovoltaik sistemler, bazı dezavantajları olmasına rağmen, güneş ışığının doğrudan elektriğe dönüşmesi, mekanik veya hareketli parçaların olmaması, gürültü probleminin bulunmaması, yüksek sıcaklıklara ulaşılmaması, kirlilik oluşturmaması gibi birçok avantaja sahip olmanın yanı sıra dayanıklı ve uzun ömürlüdür. Fotovoltaik enerji, mikroWatt'tan MegaWatt'a geniş bir güç aralığına sahiptir. Fotovoltaik sistemlerde, güneş enerjisi doğrudan serbest ve tükenmez bir enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılır. 2019'da FV pazarı, % 12 artışla, kümilatif toplam 115 GW artmıştır. FV için küresel pazar 2019'da yaklaşık % 44 büyümüştür. Şebekeye bağlı ve şebekeden bağımsız kapasiteyi içeren 627 GW küresel toplam, yalnızca 10 yıl önceki toplam 23 GW'a kıyasla oldukça yüksektir. FV'ye olan talep, konut ve ticari uygulamalar için artan sayıda lokasyonda ve kamu hizmeti ölçeğindeki projeler için elektrik üretiminde en rekabetçi seçenek haline gelmesinden dolayı yayılmakta ve genişlemektedir. 2019'da 18 ülke, 2018'de 11 ülkeden en az 1 GW yeni kapasite eklenmesiyel tüm kıtalar küresel büyümeye önemli ölçüde katkıda bulunmuştur. Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyetinde (DKC) yenilenebilir enerji potansiyeli incelendiğinde, DKC bir harikalar diyarıdır, eğer tüm potansiyeli iyi değerlendirilse ve sakinlerine sunulursa ve sakinler onu iyi kullanmayı ve ondan yararlanmayı başarabilirse, dünyevi bir cennet olacaktır. DKC, mineraller, su, orman ve diğerleri gibi doğal kaynakları aracılığıyla çeşitli zenginliklerle dolu bir ülke olarak dünyanın başlangıç noktası olarak bilinmektedir. Yenilenebilir Enerji Atlasının, yalnızca hidroelektrik enerjinin 100.000 Mega Watt'tan fazla potansiyel verdiği görülmektedir. Böyle bir potansiyele sahip olmak ender görülen bir durumdur, muhtemelen bu servetin sadece % 2,6'sının kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu yetersiz kullanım, Kongo nüfusunun elektrik enerjisine erişiminin düşmesine (yalnızca nüfusun % 15 ila 22'sine erişimi ile sonuçlanmasına) yol açmaktadır. Elektrik enerjisinin taşınmasına bağlı hat kayıpları ise; yüksek gerilim, orta gerilim, düşük gerilim şeklinde % 21 olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu tez çalışması, Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti'ndeki elektriğin eksikliğini önemli ölçüde azaltmak için çatılarda küçük ölçekli güneş panelinin yayılmasını teşvik etmek için açık, eyleme geçirilebilir ve doğrulanmış bir plan önermektedir. Bu sistem, kırsal kalkınmaya etkin bir şekilde katkıda bulunmak ve DKC'deki elektrifikasyon oranını artırmak için enerji tedarik sisteminin (Inga, Zongo, Sanga) dağıtılmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Bu çalışmadaki tüm öneriler açıkça uygulamaya konulursa, ülke genelinde elektrifikasyon oranının % 60'ın üzerine çıkmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Bu çalışmayı doğru bir şekilde yönetmek amacıyla, Kinshasa'daki bir evin enerji beslemesi için, PVsyst 7.2 yazılımı kullanan bir fotovoltaik sistem tasarlanmış ve simüle edilmiştir. Tasarlanan sistem, bataryalı ve şebekeden bağımsız fotovoltaik sistemdir. Evler için seçilen bu sistem çatı tipi bir sistemdir. Fotovoltaik modüllerin dizi arası mesafesi, sistemin çatılarda konumlandırılması için önemlidir. Diziler arası gölgelemeyi önlemek için fotovoltaik modülün sıralar arası aralığının hesaplanması gereklidir. Diziler arasındaki minimum boşluk için basit bir kural. Örneğin bu basit kural Türkiyede 2 kat olarak ifade edilmektedir. Bu kurala göre mevcut çatıya maksimum 4 modül takılabileceği hesaplanmıştır. Hane halkının elektrik tüketimi dikkate alınarak, tüm elektrik tüketiminin fotovoltaik sistemlerle karşılanması için ihtiyaç duyulan modül sayısı hesaplanmıştır. Bu durum, şebekeden bağımsız bataryalı bir fotovoltaik sistem için uygundur. PVsyst 7.2, binaları çizmek ve sistemi tasarlamak için bir tasarım aracına sahiptir. Fotovoltaik sistem, modüller bina çatıları üzerinde uygun konumlara yerleştirilerek tasarlanmıştır. Sistem için bir Çin menşeli modül seçildi. Yazılımın, inverterlerin ve bataryaların sayısını / kapasitesini otomatik olarak oluşturduğu konfigürasyon seçeneklerine göre simüle edilmiş fotovoltaik sistemin yıllık 1055 kWh elektrik enerjisi üreteceği tahmin edilmektedir. Literatürlere gore, iyi tasarlanan FV sistem için performans oranının % 80 ve üzeri olması gerekmektedir (Cook, 1996). Güneş enerjisinden yararlanma oranı % 100 olup, bu sistemin performans oranı ise, % 75,7 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Birim maliyeti 0,61 $/W olarak hesaplanmıştır. SNEL Kaynaklarına göre mevcut elektrik fiyatına bakıldığında, kWh başına 0,083 USD iken, dünyadaki ortalama fiyat kWh başına 0.136 USD'dir. Ama sahada odun (kömür), jeneratör, portatif şarj cihazı kullanımını düşünürsek... tabi ki 1kWh fotovoltaik sistem fiyatı, SNEL fiyatlarından 5 kat daha pahalı olacaktır. Bu projenin gerçekleştirilmesi için vergiler ve gümrük vergileri hariç toplam maliyet 7100 USD olarak tahmin edilmektedir. Bu maliyetler, teknik ve fiziksel beklenmedik durumlar için % 8, yabancı para ve yerel para birimi cinsinden maliyetlerin yıllık fiyat artışları için % 4,45'lik bir karşılık içermektedir. Bölüm 4 'teki Tablo 4-8, 4-9 ve 4-10; bileşenlere ve kategoriye göre proje maliyetlerini ayrıntılı mali analizini sunmaktadır. Bu tezde önerilen çözüm yaklaşık 300.000 haneye veya 1.800.000 nüfusa uygulanabilirse, ülke nüfusunun yaklaşık % 0,2'sinin elektrik enerjisine erişimi sağlanabilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Güneş enerjisi, fotovoltaik, PVsyst, Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti
Industrial capitalism is currently undergoing a multifaceted crisis, with environmental, cultural, economic, social, and political issues. Cheap fossil fuels are being transformed, and they are helping to keep industrial society growing. The intensive use of fossil fuels depletes the resource and has significant environmental repercussions due to the release of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming. Alternative solutions, such as the utilization of renewable energies, have been created in order to protect fossil fuel reserves for future generations while also maintaining the environment (GSR, 2021). When combined with storage devices, renewable energy is safe and can meet human energy need better than other energy sources (Abolhosseini, April 2014). As a result, the utilization of renewable energy sources has increased significantly, as have studies and research on renewable energy (REN21, 2014). In 2020, worldwide renewable energy will be used in all industries, up by about 1.5 percent compared to 2019. Renewable electricity output has increased by about 3%, owing to new wind and solar photovoltaic projects that were finished in 2020, and renewables have been implemented earlier in general. The power grids have driven rising percentages of wind and PV alongside decreased electricity demand. Renewable energy sources are predicted to contribute for 45 percent of worldwide electricity output by 2040, up from 28 percent in 2020. This increase in renewable energy sources is primarily owing to rising coal and gas prices, but coal and gas still account for over 60% of worldwide electricity generation. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power will account for 10% of total production in 2020, up from 8% in 2019. At the end of 2019, renewable capacity was 2537 Giga Watts (GW), up 176 GW from the previous year. To decarbonize the energy sector over the next three decades, renewable energies will need to become even more powerful (Flagship report - April 2020, IEA). On the other hand, it is expected that worldwide energy demand would increase by 5% in 2020 (IRENA, 2020), while energy-related CO2 emissions will reduce by 7% and energy investments will fall by 18%. Estimated reductions in oil demand of 8% and coal consumption of 7% contrast dramatically with the small rise in renewable energy contribution. While natural gas demand is expected to fall by roughly 3% this year, worldwide power demand is expected to fall by 2%. Although photovoltaic systems have drawbacks, they also have benefits such as direct conversion of sunlight into electricity, lack of mechanical or moving components, lack of noise, inability to attain high temperatures, lack of pollutants, and durability and long-term use. Photovoltaic energy is available in a wide range of power levels, from microWatts to MegaWatts. Solar energy is used directly as a free and unlimited energy source in photovoltaic systems. The PV market rose by 12% in 2019, reaching a total capacity of 115 GW. In 2019, the global market for solar PV increased by over 44%. The 627 GW global total, which includes both on-grid and off-grid capacity, is much larger than the 23 GW figure just ten years ago. PV is becoming the most cost-effective alternative in power generation for residential and commercial uses in an increasing number of areas, as well as for utility-scale projects. With 18 countries added in 2019 and at least 1 GW of new capacity from 11 countries in 2018, all continents contributed significantly to global expansion. When it comes to renewable energy, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a wonderland, an earthly paradise, if all of its potential is adequately utilized and presented to its people, and if they are able to use and benefit from it. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is renowned as the world's beginning point, as a country rich in natural resources such as minerals, water, forest, and others. Hydroelectric power alone has a capacity of more than 100,000 Mega Watts, according to the Renewable Energy Atlas. It's unusual to have such potential, yet only about 2.6 percent of it appears to be put to use. Because of this underutilization, the Congolese people has less access to electricity (resulting in only 15 to 22 percent of the population). Line losses due to electrical energy transit are estimated to be 21% as high voltage, medium voltage, and low voltage. This thesis provides a clear, executable, and proven approach to promote small-scale solar panel installations on rooftops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to drastically reduce electricity shortages. This system will aid in the deployment of the electricity supply system (Inga, Zongo, Sanga) in order to successfully contribute to rural development and raise the electrification rate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If all of the recommendations in this report are followed to the letter, the electrification rate will rise to above 60% nationwide. To adequately handle this process, a photovoltaic system was constructed and simulated for the energy supply of a Kinshasa home using PVsyst 7.2 software. The proposed technology is a solar system with batteries that are grid-independent. This is a roof-type system that has been adopted for houses. The distance between the strings of solar modules is critical for the system's placement on rooftops. To eliminate inter-array shadowing, the photovoltaic module's inter-row spacing must be calculated. A simple rule for ensuring that arrays are spaced as closely as possible. In Turkey, for example, this basic rule is written as 2 times. It has been computed that a maximum of four modules can be added on the current roof using this criteria. The number of modules required to meet all electricity consumption with solar systems has been determined based on the household's electricity consumption. A photovoltaic system with an off-grid battery might be appropriate in this case. A design tool for drawing buildings and planning the PV system is included in PV system 7.2. The photovoltaic system is built by strategically putting modules on the roofs of buildings. For the system, a Chinese-made module was chosen. According to the setup settings where the program automatically produces the number/capacity of inverters and batteries, the simulated photovoltaic system will produce 1055 kWh of electrical energy yearly. According to the literature, a well-designed PV system should have a performance ratio of at least 80%. (Cook, 1996). The solar energy utilization rate is 100 percent, while the system's performance rate is determined to be 75.7 percent. The unit cost is computed at $0.61 per pound of weight. According to SNEL Resources, the current power price is 0.083 USD per kWh, whereas the global average price is 0.136 USD per kWh. However, if we factor in the cost of wood (coal), generators, and portable chargers in the field, a 1kWh PV system will cost 5 times more than SNEL pricing. The overall cost of completing this project, without taxes and customs fees, is expected to be $7,200 USD. These expenses include an allowance of 8% for technical and physical eventualities, as well as 4.45% for annual foreign and local currency cost price increases. Tables 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 in Chapter 4 give a full financial breakdown of project costs by component and category. If the solution described in this thesis is implemented in 300,000 houses (or 0.2 percent of the country's population), about 1 800 000 percent of the population will have access to electricity. Keywords: Solar energy, Photovoltaic, PVsyst, Democratic Republic of Congo ?
Industrial capitalism is currently undergoing a multifaceted crisis, with environmental, cultural, economic, social, and political issues. Cheap fossil fuels are being transformed, and they are helping to keep industrial society growing. The intensive use of fossil fuels depletes the resource and has significant environmental repercussions due to the release of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming. Alternative solutions, such as the utilization of renewable energies, have been created in order to protect fossil fuel reserves for future generations while also maintaining the environment (GSR, 2021). When combined with storage devices, renewable energy is safe and can meet human energy need better than other energy sources (Abolhosseini, April 2014). As a result, the utilization of renewable energy sources has increased significantly, as have studies and research on renewable energy (REN21, 2014). In 2020, worldwide renewable energy will be used in all industries, up by about 1.5 percent compared to 2019. Renewable electricity output has increased by about 3%, owing to new wind and solar photovoltaic projects that were finished in 2020, and renewables have been implemented earlier in general. The power grids have driven rising percentages of wind and PV alongside decreased electricity demand. Renewable energy sources are predicted to contribute for 45 percent of worldwide electricity output by 2040, up from 28 percent in 2020. This increase in renewable energy sources is primarily owing to rising coal and gas prices, but coal and gas still account for over 60% of worldwide electricity generation. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power will account for 10% of total production in 2020, up from 8% in 2019. At the end of 2019, renewable capacity was 2537 Giga Watts (GW), up 176 GW from the previous year. To decarbonize the energy sector over the next three decades, renewable energies will need to become even more powerful (Flagship report - April 2020, IEA). On the other hand, it is expected that worldwide energy demand would increase by 5% in 2020 (IRENA, 2020), while energy-related CO2 emissions will reduce by 7% and energy investments will fall by 18%. Estimated reductions in oil demand of 8% and coal consumption of 7% contrast dramatically with the small rise in renewable energy contribution. While natural gas demand is expected to fall by roughly 3% this year, worldwide power demand is expected to fall by 2%. Although photovoltaic systems have drawbacks, they also have benefits such as direct conversion of sunlight into electricity, lack of mechanical or moving components, lack of noise, inability to attain high temperatures, lack of pollutants, and durability and long-term use. Photovoltaic energy is available in a wide range of power levels, from microWatts to MegaWatts. Solar energy is used directly as a free and unlimited energy source in photovoltaic systems. The PV market rose by 12% in 2019, reaching a total capacity of 115 GW. In 2019, the global market for solar PV increased by over 44%. The 627 GW global total, which includes both on-grid and off-grid capacity, is much larger than the 23 GW figure just ten years ago. PV is becoming the most cost-effective alternative in power generation for residential and commercial uses in an increasing number of areas, as well as for utility-scale projects. With 18 countries added in 2019 and at least 1 GW of new capacity from 11 countries in 2018, all continents contributed significantly to global expansion. When it comes to renewable energy, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a wonderland, an earthly paradise, if all of its potential is adequately utilized and presented to its people, and if they are able to use and benefit from it. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is renowned as the world's beginning point, as a country rich in natural resources such as minerals, water, forest, and others. Hydroelectric power alone has a capacity of more than 100,000 Mega Watts, according to the Renewable Energy Atlas. It's unusual to have such potential, yet only about 2.6 percent of it appears to be put to use. Because of this underutilization, the Congolese people has less access to electricity (resulting in only 15 to 22 percent of the population). Line losses due to electrical energy transit are estimated to be 21% as high voltage, medium voltage, and low voltage. This thesis provides a clear, executable, and proven approach to promote small-scale solar panel installations on rooftops in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to drastically reduce electricity shortages. This system will aid in the deployment of the electricity supply system (Inga, Zongo, Sanga) in order to successfully contribute to rural development and raise the electrification rate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If all of the recommendations in this report are followed to the letter, the electrification rate will rise to above 60% nationwide. To adequately handle this process, a photovoltaic system was constructed and simulated for the energy supply of a Kinshasa home using PVsyst 7.2 software. The proposed technology is a solar system with batteries that are grid-independent. This is a roof-type system that has been adopted for houses. The distance between the strings of solar modules is critical for the system's placement on rooftops. To eliminate inter-array shadowing, the photovoltaic module's inter-row spacing must be calculated. A simple rule for ensuring that arrays are spaced as closely as possible. In Turkey, for example, this basic rule is written as 2 times. It has been computed that a maximum of four modules can be added on the current roof using this criteria. The number of modules required to meet all electricity consumption with solar systems has been determined based on the household's electricity consumption. A photovoltaic system with an off-grid battery might be appropriate in this case. A design tool for drawing buildings and planning the PV system is included in PV system 7.2. The photovoltaic system is built by strategically putting modules on the roofs of buildings. For the system, a Chinese-made module was chosen. According to the setup settings where the program automatically produces the number/capacity of inverters and batteries, the simulated photovoltaic system will produce 1055 kWh of electrical energy yearly. According to the literature, a well-designed PV system should have a performance ratio of at least 80%. (Cook, 1996). The solar energy utilization rate is 100 percent, while the system's performance rate is determined to be 75.7 percent. The unit cost is computed at $0.61 per pound of weight. According to SNEL Resources, the current power price is 0.083 USD per kWh, whereas the global average price is 0.136 USD per kWh. However, if we factor in the cost of wood (coal), generators, and portable chargers in the field, a 1kWh PV system will cost 5 times more than SNEL pricing. The overall cost of completing this project, without taxes and customs fees, is expected to be $7,200 USD. These expenses include an allowance of 8% for technical and physical eventualities, as well as 4.45% for annual foreign and local currency cost price increases. Tables 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 in Chapter 4 give a full financial breakdown of project costs by component and category. If the solution described in this thesis is implemented in 300,000 houses (or 0.2 percent of the country's population), about 1 800 000 percent of the population will have access to electricity. Keywords: Solar energy, Photovoltaic, PVsyst, Democratic Republic of Congo ?
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Enerji, Energy, Fotovoltaik, Photovoltaic