Örtü altında domates yetiştiren üreticilerin girdi kullanım kararlarının analizi: Muğla ili örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Örtü altı, entansif tarım alanları olduğundan insan sağlığı ve çevre açısından tehlike oluşturan sentetik kimyasal maddeler yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Muğla ilinde örtü altı domates üretimi yapan üreticilerin girdi satın alma ve kullanma kararlarını analiz etmek, girdi kullanım düzeylerini ortaya koymak ve örtü altı domates üretiminin teknik ve ekonomik sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Buradan hareketle, araştırma kapsamını oransal örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 93 üreticiden anket yöntemiyle elde edilen veriler oluşturmuştur. İşletmelerin analizinde öncelikle sosyo-ekonomik özellikler ortaya konulmuş, daha sonra işletmelerde örtü altı domates üretiminin teknik ve ekonomik yönleri analiz edilmiştir. Ekonomik analiz sonuçlarına göre, tek ürün yetiştiriciliğinde net kâr plastik ve cam seralarda sırasıyla 4442.58 TL/da, 3924.45 TL/da, güz döneminde net kâr plastik ve cam seralarda sırasıyla 3303.90 TL/da, 9152.14 TL/da, bahar döneminde net kâr plastik ve cam seralarda sırasıyla -422.56 TL/da, 1610.82 TL/da olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üreticilerin ruhsatlı ve kalıntı problemi olmayan pestisitlerin kullanımı ve pestisit uygulaması ile hasat tarihi arasındaki bekleme süreleri konusunda duyarlı oldukları gözlemlenmiştir. Örtü altı domates üreticileri için girdi kullanımında fiyat (0.462) en önemli kriter olarak belirlenmiştir. Veri Zarflama analizine göre ortalama etkinlik değerleri CCR modelinde plastik seralarda %55-%76 arasında, cam seralarda ise %63-%81 arasında değişmektedir.
Greenhouses are intensive agricultural lands, synthetic chemicals are used intensively. In this research aimed to analyze the farmers', who grow greenhouse tomato in Mugla district, decision of purchase and use of input and usage level of input and to develop recommendations for technical and economical sustainability of greenhouse tomato production. For this purpose, data of 93 farmers who have been included in the extent of the research by proportional sampling method were analysed. In the analysis of data, firstly socio-economic characteristics of the farms were examined. After that, technical and economic analysis of greenhouse tomato production were performed. According to the results of economic analysis, average net profit for single crop tomato production in plastic and glass greenhouse were calculated as 4442.58 TL/da, 3924.45 TL/da respectively. Average net profit in plastic and glass greenhouse were calculated as 3303.90 TL/da, 9152.14 TL/da respectively for fall tomato production, were calculated as -422.56 TL/da, 1610.82 TL/da respectively for spring tomato production. Farmers are very sensitive for the use of licensed with any residue problems, the use of non-drug problem remains licensed, the dwell time between spraying and harvest date. Price was determined as the most important criteria in terms of input usage for greenhouse tomato farmers. According to the results of Data Envelopment Analysis, average efficiency scores in CCR model were determined as between 55%-76% in plastic greenhouses and between 63%-81% in glass greenhouses.
Greenhouses are intensive agricultural lands, synthetic chemicals are used intensively. In this research aimed to analyze the farmers', who grow greenhouse tomato in Mugla district, decision of purchase and use of input and usage level of input and to develop recommendations for technical and economical sustainability of greenhouse tomato production. For this purpose, data of 93 farmers who have been included in the extent of the research by proportional sampling method were analysed. In the analysis of data, firstly socio-economic characteristics of the farms were examined. After that, technical and economic analysis of greenhouse tomato production were performed. According to the results of economic analysis, average net profit for single crop tomato production in plastic and glass greenhouse were calculated as 4442.58 TL/da, 3924.45 TL/da respectively. Average net profit in plastic and glass greenhouse were calculated as 3303.90 TL/da, 9152.14 TL/da respectively for fall tomato production, were calculated as -422.56 TL/da, 1610.82 TL/da respectively for spring tomato production. Farmers are very sensitive for the use of licensed with any residue problems, the use of non-drug problem remains licensed, the dwell time between spraying and harvest date. Price was determined as the most important criteria in terms of input usage for greenhouse tomato farmers. According to the results of Data Envelopment Analysis, average efficiency scores in CCR model were determined as between 55%-76% in plastic greenhouses and between 63%-81% in glass greenhouses.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Örtü Altı Domates Yetiştiriciliği, Girdi Kullanımı, Veri Zarflama Analizi, Karar Analizi, Greenhouse Tomato Growing, Input Usage, Data Envelopment Analysis, Decision Analysis