Farklı konsantrasyonlarda Arg-Graft-P(HEMA) nanopartikülleri ilave edilen üniversal self-etch adezivin biyouyumluluğunun, fiziksel ve antibakteriyel özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Beş farklı konsantrasyonda Arg-graft-p(HEMA) ilave edilen üniversal self-etch adezivin fiziksel, sitotoksik ve antibakteriyel özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomalzemesinin sentezlenmesinin ve karakterizasyonun ardından üniversal self-etch adezive (OptiBond Universal, Kerr Dental) %0, %5, %10, %15 ve %20 oranlarında ilave edildi. 5 adet çekilmiş çürüksüz alt yirmi yaş dişi kullanılarak rezin-dentin ara yüzlerinin SEM/EDS analizleri gerçekleştirildi. Kenar uzunlukları 6±0.2 mm, kalınlığı 4±0.2 mm olan kare dentin örneklere uygulanan adezivlerin L-929 hücre serisi üzerindeki sitotoksik etkileri hücre kültürü metodunun ekstraksiyon yöntemi ile değerlendirildi. Ekstraktların sitotoksik etkisi (MTT) testi ile uv-vis spektrofotometrede (570 nm) absorbansları okunarak değerlendirildi. Adezivlerin antibakteriyel etkinlikleri disk difüzyon yöntemi ile, S.Mutans ve S. Sanguis'e karşı 48 saatin sonunda oluşturdukları inhibisyon zonunu ölçerek değerlendirildi. Adezivlerin dönüşüm derecelerini belirlemek için ATR-FTIR spektroskopi yöntemi kullanıldı. Dönüşüm dereceleri, adezivlerin polimerizasyon öncesinde ve sonrasında elde edilen absorbans spektrumundaki alifatik (pik ~1638 cm-1) ve aromatik (pik ~1607cm-1) karbon-karbon çift bağ oranlarına göre hesaplandı. Verilerin istatistiksel analizleri için SPSS 25.0 paket programı kullanıldı, p<0.05 anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Rezin-dentin ara yüzlerinin SEM analizinde Arg-graft-p(HEMA) konsantrasyonunun artmasıyla birlikte hibrit tabakadaki partikül kümeleri izlendi. Antibakteriyel analizde her iki mikroorganizmada da Arg-graft-p(HEMA) konsantrasyonunun artmasıyla birlikte inhibisyon zonunda da artış tespit edildi. ATR-FTIR analizinde Arg-graft-p(HEMA) konsantrasyonu arttıkça dönüşüm derecesinin azaldığı izlendi. Sonuç: Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomalzemesi %5-%10 konsantrasyon aralığında adezive eklendiğinde, fiziksel ve sitotoksik özelliklerinde tolere edilebilecek etkilerle birlikte yüksek antibakteriyel etkinlik göstermektedir. %5-%10 arasındaki farklı Arg-graft-p(HEMA) konsantrasyonlarının etkinliği ileri çalışmalarla desteklenmelidir. Anahtar sözcükler: self-etch adeziv, üniversal adeziv, HEMA, arjinin, nanomalzeme, nanoteknoloji, dönüşüm derecesi, sitotoksisite, antibakteriyel rezin, biyoaktif rezin
Aim: To evaluate the cytotoxicity, physical and antibacterial properties of universal self-etch dentine bonding agent including Arg-graft-p(HEMA) at five different concentrations. Method and Materials: After the synthesis and characterization of the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomaterial, it was added into universal self-etch adhesive (OptiBond Universal, Kerr Dental) at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% rates. SEM/EDS analyzes of resin-dentin interfaces were performed using 5 extracted caries-free lower wisdom teeth. The cytotoxic effects of the adhesives applied to square dentin samples with a margin length of 6±0.2 mm and a thickness of 4±0.2 mm, against L-929 cell line, were evaluated by the cell culture/extraction method. The cytotoxic effect of the extracts was evaluated by (MTT) test, reading their absorbance in UV-vis spectrophotometer (570 nm). The antibacterial activities of the adhesives against S.Mutans and S. Sanguis were evaluated by disc diffusion method; measuring the inhibition zone they formed at the end of 48 hours. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was used to determine the degree of conversion of the adhesives. The degree of conversion was calculated according to the aliphatic (peak ~1638 cm-1) and aromatic (peak ~1607cm-1) carbon-carbon double bond ratios in the absorbance spectrum of the adhesives obtained before and after light polymerization. A software program SPSS 25.0 was used for statistical analysis of the data, p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: In the SEM analysis of the resin-dentin interfaces, particle clusters in the hybrid layer were observed with the increase of Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration. Antibacterial effect evaluation of adhesives against S.Mutans and S.Sanguinis resulted with an increase in the inhibition zones in both microorganisms as the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration increased. In the ATR-FTIR analysis, it was observed that the degree of conversion decreased as the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration increased. Conclusion: A universal self-etch adhesive containin Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomaterial with the concentrations 5%-10%, shows high antibacterial activity with tolerable adverse effects on its physical and cytotoxic properties. The effectiveness of different Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentrations between 5% and 10% should be supported by further studies. Keywords: Self-etch adhesive, universal dental adhesives, HEMA, Arginine, nanomaterial, nanotechnology, degree of conversion, cytotoxicity, antibacterial resin, bioactive resin
Aim: To evaluate the cytotoxicity, physical and antibacterial properties of universal self-etch dentine bonding agent including Arg-graft-p(HEMA) at five different concentrations. Method and Materials: After the synthesis and characterization of the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomaterial, it was added into universal self-etch adhesive (OptiBond Universal, Kerr Dental) at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% rates. SEM/EDS analyzes of resin-dentin interfaces were performed using 5 extracted caries-free lower wisdom teeth. The cytotoxic effects of the adhesives applied to square dentin samples with a margin length of 6±0.2 mm and a thickness of 4±0.2 mm, against L-929 cell line, were evaluated by the cell culture/extraction method. The cytotoxic effect of the extracts was evaluated by (MTT) test, reading their absorbance in UV-vis spectrophotometer (570 nm). The antibacterial activities of the adhesives against S.Mutans and S. Sanguis were evaluated by disc diffusion method; measuring the inhibition zone they formed at the end of 48 hours. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was used to determine the degree of conversion of the adhesives. The degree of conversion was calculated according to the aliphatic (peak ~1638 cm-1) and aromatic (peak ~1607cm-1) carbon-carbon double bond ratios in the absorbance spectrum of the adhesives obtained before and after light polymerization. A software program SPSS 25.0 was used for statistical analysis of the data, p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: In the SEM analysis of the resin-dentin interfaces, particle clusters in the hybrid layer were observed with the increase of Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration. Antibacterial effect evaluation of adhesives against S.Mutans and S.Sanguinis resulted with an increase in the inhibition zones in both microorganisms as the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration increased. In the ATR-FTIR analysis, it was observed that the degree of conversion decreased as the Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentration increased. Conclusion: A universal self-etch adhesive containin Arg-graft-p(HEMA) nanomaterial with the concentrations 5%-10%, shows high antibacterial activity with tolerable adverse effects on its physical and cytotoxic properties. The effectiveness of different Arg-graft-p(HEMA) concentrations between 5% and 10% should be supported by further studies. Keywords: Self-etch adhesive, universal dental adhesives, HEMA, Arginine, nanomaterial, nanotechnology, degree of conversion, cytotoxicity, antibacterial resin, bioactive resin
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry