İzmir ve civarındaki seraların konstrüksiyon özelliklerinin saptanması ve geliştirilmesi üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET İZMİR VE CİVARINDAKİ SERALARIN KONSTRÜKSİYON ÖZELLİKLERİNİN SAPTANMASI VE GELİŞTİRİLMESİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA COŞKUN, Mihriban Doktora Tezi,Tanmsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Mümin FİLİZ Ağustos 2000, 212 sayfa Bu araştırmada, ülkemizin en önemli seracılık merkezlerinden birisi olan izmir ve civarındaki seraların konstrüksiyon ve ekipman özellikleri yapılan ölçüm ve gözlemlerle, işletmelerin genel sorunları ise üreticilerle yapılan anketlerle belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve çözüm olanaklarının yaratılması amaçlanmıştır. İzmir Taran İl Müdürlüğü Proje-İstatistik Şube Müdürlüğü'nün 1997 yılı sera varlığı ile ilgili çalışmaları incelenerek ilçelere ait sayısal bilgiler toplanmış ve Türk Standartları Enstitüsü'nün Sera Standartları gözönüne alınarak, 1000 m2'nin üzerindeki büyük sera olarak nitelendirilen yetiştirme seraları tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemine göre belirlenip, çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre, sera varlığı olarak İzmir İli'nin %75'ini temsil etmeleri nedeniyle Balçova, Narlıdere, Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar ilçeleri araştırma alanı olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu ilçelerdeki seralar örtü malzemelerine göre cam ve plastik olarak gruplandınlmış ve %10 hata payına göre tabakalı tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle, 104 adet cam, 47 adet plastik olmak üzere toplam 151 adet sera çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Arazi çalışmalarıyla elde edilen verilerin, büro çalışmalarıyla değerlendirilmesiyle ortaya çıkan sonuçlara göre, izmir ili ve civarındaki seralarda yapı elemanlarının seçimi ve projelendirilmesinde çok büyükVI hatalar bulunmaktadır. Bunun nedeni de üreticinin, serayı daha ucuza maletmek amacıyla mühendislik bilgilerini gözönüne almadan, demirci ustalarına, projesiz seralar kurdurmasıdır. Oysa bu durum gereksiz malzeme kaybına ve seralar gerekli statik hesaplar yapılmadan kurulduğu için uzun vadede daha büyük masraflara ve zararlara neden olmaktadır. Bu yüzden proje seçimi ve inşaası kesinlikle ziraat mühendislerinin kontrolüne verilmelidir. Ayrıca Tarım îl ve İlçe Müdürlüklerinden ruhsat alınmasına bağlanmalıdır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Sera, sera konstrüksiyonu, sera standartları
VII ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON ASCERTAINMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF GREENHOUSE CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS IN IZMIR AND SURRONDING COŞKUN Mihriban Phd. in Agriculture Structure And Irrigation Dep. Superviser: Prof. Dr.Mümin FİLİZ August 2000, 212 pages In this research, it is intended to determine the features of equipment and structures of greenhouses standing around Izmir, which is one of the most significant greenhouse-base of the country, by measuring and observing. That comman problems of enterprieses are intended to be defined and possible ways in order to solve the problems are tried to be found. The numeric information pertaining to the counties are collected by using the study, which is done by Agriculture City Administrature of Izmir in 1997. The breeding greenhouses, which is called as big greenhouses, over 1000 m2 in diamension, are selected by using the Coincidence Sampling Method and they have been involved by the study. As the counties of Balcova, Narlıdere, Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar, represent 75% of existing greenhouses of Izmir, according to data, they have been selected as the study regions. The greenhouses in these regions are spilled out into groups, with respect to the equipments which are used in construction of greenhouses.vm 104 glasshouses, 47 plastichouses, 151 in totall, are put into the research by using Layer Coincidence Sample Method by 10% faiulere tolarence. It is found that there are big mistakes in choosing the construction materials and planning greenhouses in Izmir. The reason is that the producers have not taken the engineering concept into account and have got the smiths built them without any plan. Actually, this intention has caused unnecessary material consumption and furthermore, as the greenhouses were built without doing any statistical calculation, the farmers suffer from expences and loses in long term. Therefore, determination of projects and the constructions have to be given under the control of agriculture engineers and it has to be made sure that the licences are given by Agriculture City Adniinistrature. Keywords: Greenhouse, greenhouse construction, the standarts of greenhouse.
VII ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON ASCERTAINMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF GREENHOUSE CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS IN IZMIR AND SURRONDING COŞKUN Mihriban Phd. in Agriculture Structure And Irrigation Dep. Superviser: Prof. Dr.Mümin FİLİZ August 2000, 212 pages In this research, it is intended to determine the features of equipment and structures of greenhouses standing around Izmir, which is one of the most significant greenhouse-base of the country, by measuring and observing. That comman problems of enterprieses are intended to be defined and possible ways in order to solve the problems are tried to be found. The numeric information pertaining to the counties are collected by using the study, which is done by Agriculture City Administrature of Izmir in 1997. The breeding greenhouses, which is called as big greenhouses, over 1000 m2 in diamension, are selected by using the Coincidence Sampling Method and they have been involved by the study. As the counties of Balcova, Narlıdere, Menderes, Urla, Seferihisar, represent 75% of existing greenhouses of Izmir, according to data, they have been selected as the study regions. The greenhouses in these regions are spilled out into groups, with respect to the equipments which are used in construction of greenhouses.vm 104 glasshouses, 47 plastichouses, 151 in totall, are put into the research by using Layer Coincidence Sample Method by 10% faiulere tolarence. It is found that there are big mistakes in choosing the construction materials and planning greenhouses in Izmir. The reason is that the producers have not taken the engineering concept into account and have got the smiths built them without any plan. Actually, this intention has caused unnecessary material consumption and furthermore, as the greenhouses were built without doing any statistical calculation, the farmers suffer from expences and loses in long term. Therefore, determination of projects and the constructions have to be given under the control of agriculture engineers and it has to be made sure that the licences are given by Agriculture City Adniinistrature. Keywords: Greenhouse, greenhouse construction, the standarts of greenhouse.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Konstrüksiyon, Construction, Seralar, Greenhouses, Tarımsal yapılar, Agricultural buildings, İzmir, Izmir