Acil serviste sedasyon ve analjezi
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Acil serviste çalışan hekimler ağrılı tanı ve tedavi girişimleriyle sıkça karşılaşmaktadır. Ağrının rahatlatılması modern acil tıp pratiğinin önemli bir unsurudur. Buna rağmen, sedasyon ve analjezi uygulamalarında kullanılan ajanları n ciddi istenmeyen etkilerinden çekinilmesi, derin sedasyondan korkulması ve aynı zamanda fizik muayene bulguları nı değiştireceği yönündeki kaygılar nedeni ile sedasyon ve analjezi uygun ve yeterli düzeyde yapılmamaktadır. Girişimsel sedasyon ve analjezi uygulayacak personelin ilaçlar hakkında bilgi sahibi olması, ilacın hastaya olan etkilerini bilmesi ve olası komplikasyonların yönetiminde bilgi sahibi olması minumum gerekliliklerdir. Girişimsel sedasyon ve analjezi esnasında, solunum ve hemodinamik acilleri tanıyabilen ve müdahale edebilen bir hekimin varlığı şarttır. Bu makalede amaç, sedasyon ve analjezi uygulamalarında dikkat edilecek noktalar, kullanılan ilaçlar, ilaçların yan etkileri, hastanın klinik durumuna uygun ilaç seçimi, riskli hastaların belirlenmesi ve güvenli taburculuk kriterlerini yeni bilgiler ışığında tartışmaktır
Physicians at the emergency departments frequently encounter diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the treatment of pain. Although relief of pain composes an essential element in modern emergency practices, sedation and analgesia are not used adequately and sufficiently due to serious side effects of various agents associated with sedation and analgesia, concerns for overusing sedation and changing physical examination findings. Minimum requirements for the health professionals in administering invasive sedation and analgesia are that they should be knowledgeable regarding the sedative medications, side effects of these medications and be able to handle possible complications. During invasive sedation and analgesia, the presence of a physician recognizing and intervening respiratory and hemodynamic emergencies is a must. The aim of this article is to discuss the key points in sedative and analgesic practices, the sedative medications and their side effects, appropriate medication choice for the patient's clinical situation, determining critical patients and proper discharge criteria in the light of recent medical knowledge.
Physicians at the emergency departments frequently encounter diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the treatment of pain. Although relief of pain composes an essential element in modern emergency practices, sedation and analgesia are not used adequately and sufficiently due to serious side effects of various agents associated with sedation and analgesia, concerns for overusing sedation and changing physical examination findings. Minimum requirements for the health professionals in administering invasive sedation and analgesia are that they should be knowledgeable regarding the sedative medications, side effects of these medications and be able to handle possible complications. During invasive sedation and analgesia, the presence of a physician recognizing and intervening respiratory and hemodynamic emergencies is a must. The aim of this article is to discuss the key points in sedative and analgesic practices, the sedative medications and their side effects, appropriate medication choice for the patient's clinical situation, determining critical patients and proper discharge criteria in the light of recent medical knowledge.
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Türkiye Acil Tıp Dergisi
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